Bug Victims Relief Fund

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snowfaire.2781


Hello! As some of you know, there is a bug affecting a substantial amount of players since last Tuesday’s patch wherein nothing in the Guild Wars 2 world resets. You have probably heard a few of your guildies complain about it. Most people affected by the bug cannot:
1) get laurels or Achievement Points for daily achieves because, every reset, the counter is stuck on 5/5 dailies.
2) get any chests from dungeons or fractals, except the 26s 20 token one…this includes ALL boss chests and the daily bonus chest (e.g. 1g 40tokens from CoF)
3) get world boss chest rewards, or if they can, its very sporadic
4) craft ascended items with a one-day cooldown (ie spool of silk thread) because the cooldown wasn’t reset
5) other things affected by daily reset I may have missed

Obviously, many of us bug victims are hoping that Anet will allow us to earn back the missing rewards or compensate us in some way for all these days of no dailies,no crafting, no dungeons etc., but people on the thread dealing with this issue overwhelmingly agree that Anet will probably not give us the compensation we deserve.

So I thought it would be neat to start a sort of GW2 charity fund for victims of this and future bugs who are not compensated by Anet. I got the idea when I ran acp3, didn’t get any of the chests, complained about it in party chat (but didn’t leave party), and, to my surprise, received 1 gold from one of my party members (who happened to not be affected by this bug) in the mail after the dungeon.

I made this thread to match bug victims with donors (kind souls who were not affected who would be interested in giving a few gold or items to people affected by this and future serious bugs). Post if you’re a victim of the bug (it may be a good idea to provide some sort of proof) and/or if you’re willing to donate. Would also appreciate posts commenting on the idea of the thread =).

Note: I am a victim of this bug, but I did NOT post this to beg for money from others for myself, I posted it to start a bug victims relief fund.
Note2: If someone else already had this idea, merge this with theirs and tell me about it in PM.

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snowfaire.2781


I will start things off by donating the 1g I was given by my ACP3 party member to another victim that posts in this thread.

As the creator of BVRF, I will also strongly encourage people who receive donations to donate to victims of future bugs (assuming you don’t ragequit out of disgust with Anet ;-).

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

It’s a nice idea, and I like the crowdsourced approach. We haven’t heard anything from ArenaNet about when this bug will be fixed or what kind of compensation, if any, we’ll be getting.

Please don’t donate to me, though. I’m not suffering badly enough from lack of funds this past week that I “need” it. I just think this is a great idea.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JoeytheHutt.1742


I got my dailies back after I started an alt. And I could craft ascended mats again. Dont know if this actually fixed it, or if its back to “normal” again tomorrow.
Dont have time to write more, as Im racing to get my laurel and as many daily chests as possible while it lasts.

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

I would love to donate a couple gold to someone affected. I just want to be sure they are actually affected

Anyway great idea!

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snowfaire.2781


Yay, I’m glad I got responses ^^. I’m going to attempt here to make a template for a bug victim post requesting compensation. First of all, be as specific as possible about:

1) how many days you’ve been affected
2) what you did in game that you didn’t get credit for
3) response received from ANet

Include screenshots if possible, such as multiple days of 5/5 complete with number of laurels unchanged. Can also include copies of emails with ANet.

My case as an example:
1) My dailies have been stuck at 5/5 without resetting since Wed 4-16 (6 days). The first time, strangely enough, I got 2 daily reward chest but NO LAUREL in either chest. After that it’s been stuck at 5/5 with no way to get laurels.
2) Also since Wed 4-16 I have not gotten chests from dungeon bosses or bonus chests from completing dungeons. I have run CoF p1 and ACp3 (as mentioned earlier) with no rewards.
3) ANet told me they were working on it, but that’s it.

Guild Wars 2 Support <support@guildwars2.com>
Sat 4/19/2014 10:02 PM
Flag for follow up. Start by Sunday, April 20, 2014. Due by Sunday, April 20, 2014.

  1. Please type your reply above this line -##
    It’s been several days since you submitted your ticket, and we are very sorry that you have not heard back from an agent! The delay may have been related to high ticket volume, or it’s possible that the issue you wrote about is complex and has taken extra time to research. In either case, we want to apologize for the delay in getting back to you.
    We’re going to flag your ticket to try to speed up the process of review and resolution. Thanks for your patience and we look forward to helping you very soon.

My first of many tickets, submitted on Wednesday @ Anet response:
Guild Wars 2 Support <support@guildwars2.com>
Wed 4/16/2014 9:31 PM

  1. Please type your reply above this line -##
    Thanks for contacting us! Your request (547555:daily quest bug) has been received, and is being reviewed by our Support team.
    We’ll contact you as soon as we have an answer for you.
    To add information to your request, simply reply to this email. If you no longer need assistance, just reply with “I no longer need help” in the body of your email.

    Apr 16 18:31
    I got two daily chests for completing 5/5 daily achievements today, but no laurel in either chest. Weird.
    Completed daily achievements between 5:30 pm server and 6:30 pm server, and I should have 76 laurels.

I also attached a screenshot thinking that it could prove my dailies were not reset if the dailies listed were different than the dailies for today’s unbugged, but unfortunately the dailies are not different. Therefore, a screenshot must be taken right after the moment of reset or two days consecutively (as it shows 5/5 complete but no change in laurels).


Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knox.3748


4 days, 0 gold from dungeons, gg.


Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SasukeAg.6705


Seems the mega patch was released i am not able to get rewards from world boss, dungeons, and my daily is always stuck.


Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knox.3748


No reset for the win. GOOD JOB ANET!


Bug Victims Relief Fund

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I was not effected by this bug, but I’m interested….did the patch last night fix this for everyone?

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances