Buying Gems

Buying Gems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isciira.2958


It says in the little window when buying gems that you can use a debit card as well as credit card and paypal to buy gems. When you select how to buy gems however, there are only options for credit cards or paypal. I’m trying to buy gems with a american express gift card, but I’m not sure if it’s possible. Any help?

Amaris Procella-80 Thief on TC
Ridley Procella-80 ele

Buying Gems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isciira.2958


Anyone? I’m trying to get the witch outfit before it leaves the gem store tomorrow.

Amaris Procella-80 Thief on TC
Ridley Procella-80 ele

Buying Gems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kibibble.7908


Just run your debit as credit. It’s the same thing.

Buying Gems

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SicJake.6871


debit and credit cards are different. The payment options are also based off your country. In Canada for example you cannot use debit as payment, only credit cards.

In the US I know you guys have banks that pair debit with credit card companies, but not every country does this.