Buying a gaming laptop for GW2
I run an asus g73jh with the ati 5870 and run it max and it runs smooth ,$1700 you could save some money and buy a top of the line asus and sure you would be happy with it
I have an Asus G53Jw 15" laptop with a dual-core i5, GTX 460M, and 6gb of ram that I use for gaming when away from my desktop. Got it for $1000 from Best Buy’s website back in February. Plays the game great with a mix of medium and high settings at 1366×768 (max resolution). I get about 50+ in normal pve zones, 35+ when around huge world boss fights, and 30+ in WvWvW. Anything from Asus’s Republic of Gamers laptop line would be great choice for a gaming laptop.
BUT check out Sager,
You can customize a laptop to fit your budget and specs that would fit your needs.
Stay away from Alienware, they’re very overpriced and don’t last very long (speaking from personal experience and what my friends have experienced with the brand). Falcon NW is also very overpriced but have much better build quality than Alienware.
(edited by Makol.8726)
For $1.7k I would recommend (Best bang for you buck)
- Sager Laptops – Well built laptop with great options
- Asus Laptops – Been using G53jw A-1 for 2 years now so far play everything med-high settings. (G55 series or G75 series will do)
- MSI Laptops – Almost on par with Asus.
You can order them at : (Sometimes they give out free ram upgrades or pricematch)
Btw I would like you to check those resellers I’ve mentioned they mostly can give you discounts and have been outstanding selling laptops vs Best Buy Laptop who can sometimes have kittened specs. Give them a heads up they’ll mostly reply immediately.
Eternal Breaker[ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
Just thought I’d throw my two cents in here, if I was looking for a gaming laptop I’d be looking at some of Origins models. Powerful, seem reasonably priced and quite a few graphics configurations on some models.
Thank you guys for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it
I like Falcon NW because its made in USA I believe
1. my question here I guess is for massive WvW battles is it the Cpu or the Graphic card it runs smooth more
2. Guild wars 2 is more ATI friendly or Nvidia ?
3. Can you suggest me something from Best Buy website
“I like Falcon NW because its made in USA I believe”
While the computer might be assembled in the USA, it’d be from parts that most likely weren’t made there.
Yak’s Bend
Thank you guys for all the suggestions, I really appreciate it
I like Falcon NW because its made in USA I believe
1. my question here I guess is for massive WvW battles is it the Cpu or the Graphic card it runs smooth more
2. Guild wars 2 is more ATI friendly or Nvidia ?
3. Can you suggest me something from Best Buy website
Though I prefer Nvidia I think ATI is good too. I have something similar to the below. The GTX670 is a pretty good card and a SSD is really good for application load times. I keep all gaming and frequently used application on the SSD and pics/itunes/movies on the HDD. (Though SSd doesn’t directly help with graphics or anything it’s just icing.)
Thats a BEAST dude, very pricey though
any other cheaper suggestions with a GTX Nvidia card? they are hard to find on laptops
How is their guarantee works? do they have a good customer support? I got an Alienware before, the computer sucked and Customer support sucked too , it took me 2 months to get my money back
If you don’t want the latest model try the G74SX – they seemed to have fallen in price with the GTX560M that’s still a good card to get you over med-high setting on games.
or this one which has a 660M card for about the same price – might as well get this for better card but lose out on 750GB of storage. You can always buy another HDD or SSD to put into one of the bay’s.
If you are sticking to laptops (one’s I mentioned), yes they are big but for the price compared to Alienware they get the job done. Plus you would be 300-400 saved on budget – I personally would spend the extra 200-300 to get the one I mentioned in original link, trust me it won’t disappoint.
Your best bet is w/ a sager.
Check out the re-seller
Great systems, customization available w/ the latest and greatest hardware. – And VERY reasonably priced. Even their basic system (which I have) runs GW2 on max settings no lag issues.
I have a dell Vostro 3550 with the following spec and the game works well (40fps) on medium details, with some lagspikes in crowded areas.
i7 @ 2.7GHz
4GB ram
ATI Radeon HD6600M 1GB
win7 64 bit
Oscura Simmetria – Gunnar’s Hold
[Phastidio, Thief]
How would this one work ?
Just to add my two cents – my Wife has a Sager laptop she bought for gaming a couple of years ago, and GW2 runs great. She spent just about your budget on it, and it has been a great machine overall. Buying from Sager was a good experience, and while we haven’t had to use tech support, their support offerings look good on paper.
So ok I am getting my budget together this week and hopefully ordering a gaming laptop from Best Buy after a lot of research.
Considering this
I will definetly go with Nvidia card,
Obviously the cheaper the better, I am definetly looking forward to use this for
WvW where 50 players are in the same screen and Sh$#!@ gets serious, you need FPS above 25-30 .
Thanks guys
(edited by Tarhana.3561)
I was gonna create a similar thread asking what laptop would be good to play GW2 on when I’m not at my desktop. Asus is the only company I’ve heard before (other than Dell/Alienware). Desktop is currently an Alienware (won’t probably buy another one from them again).
Also link doesn’t work Tarhana. Have a different one we can view?
Please give us a keyring…
I was gonna create a similar thread asking what laptop would be good to play GW2 on when I’m not at my desktop. Asus is the only company I’ve heard before (other than Dell/Alienware). Desktop is currently an Alienware (won’t probably buy another one from them again).
Also link doesn’t work Tarhana. Have a different one we can view?
it should work now, I am kinda going with the MSI GT70 but not sure, I feel like any laptop with Nvidia GTX series would do the job I ask for
I bought an Alienware M17X R4 in July (i7-3720 / 2 GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon HD 7970). First time in my life with a truly powerful gaming setup and it has been a genuine pleasure to play on it. I have had nothing but good luck and phenomenal support over the years from Dell and this is my second Alienware machine (the other is an Aurora desktop). Just felt I needed to represent. Good luck to you, and have fun with whatever you choose.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
I bought an Alienware M17X R4 in July (i7-3720 / 2 GB GDDR5 AMD Radeon HD 7970). First time in my life with a truly powerful gaming setup and it has been a genuine pleasure to play on it. I have had nothing but good luck and phenomenal support over the years from Dell and this is my second Alienware machine (the other is an Aurora desktop). Just felt I needed to represent.
Good luck to you, and have fun with whatever you choose.
I also have an Aurora desktop, but I had a problem with it within the first couple of weeks (kept getting BSOD and graphical errors). Service was ok, though I had to be on the phone for an hour first before they finally said they would send someone out to replace hardware. They send someone out and replaced my graphic cards (both) which went ok for the most part (tech broke one of the slots clips, which caused second replacement (for free, so it was ok)). Only problem was they took my HDD, so I had to reinstall everything, and I’m still not sure all the (alienware) stuff is there. So I’m not sure I want an Alienware again.
Please give us a keyring…
Is there an official gaming laptop for GW 2 ?
Avoid Alienware like a plague infested village. You’re paying several $100 just for the logo. Also, if you don’t HAVE to have it be a laptop, you could build your own tower that would run GW2 full on with no problems for 1/4 your budget.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
I would defiantly go for a 670m
This would run all modern games really well
I can’t provide any info on what to get because I’m not very knowledgeable on the subject but I do think you’d be better off getting a desk top. I’m sure you have your reasons but a tower would be cheaper so for the same price you could get a better running computer that you can also easily take apart, clean out, and modify.
I can’t provide any info on what to get because I’m not very knowledgeable on the subject but I do think you’d be better off getting a desk top. I’m sure you have your reasons but a tower would be cheaper so for the same price you could get a better running computer that you can also easily take apart, clean out, and modify.
Yea my reason is I am an International Student at US so if I buy a desktop I cant carry it back home unless it is like a mini Tower but still I dont know if I can fit that in my backpack for 12 hour flight LOL
So I am kinda stuck in laptop
Not to beat a dead horse, but the Alienware gaming laptops are designed to be easily “taken apart, clean out, and modify”. You can find TONS of information regarding every conceivable current laptop available at It really would be smart to do some thorough research before committing to any specific brand or configuration.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
Not to beat a dead horse, but the Alienware gaming laptops are designed to be easily “taken apart, clean out, and modify”. You can find TONS of information regarding every conceivable current laptop available at It really would be smart to do some thorough research before committing to any specific brand or configuration.
To be honest all I want is getting a 30+ FPS on WWW battles, so the cheapest laptop that can get me 30 FPS on WWW would be my choice,
because thats all I do, like 2-4 hours of WWW pvp every week , I am really casual