Call Target (CTRL+T) doesn't seem to work.
I think you need to be in a party for it to work.
But I might be wrong
I just control+click the thing. After that its marked and allies press T to target it.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
Party was the problem.
Double click? And I havent changed a single option, that I recall. I do see the bullseye, and hear my character yell out “Attack my Target!” as well.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
Does it work for you if you’re not in a party?
I’ve never needed to do it. Umm. Gimme a moment. Gonna hop ingame and edit this when I’ve got results.
EDIT: Yeah I got nothin. Guess it’s a party only deal.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
(edited by Tureilim.5209)
Then that was the problem.
Thank you ^^
Yupyup. Happy to assist.
If they say that I’m a God, THAT’S WHAT I AM!
Odd though..
I generally potter about on my tod & use call target at times.
I`ve had it work loads when not in a party, but other times it will call out in chat/voice but won`t actually mark anyone/thing.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Ctrl+T still doesn’t work in party. Ctrl and click target does though…
I have a support ticket pending but I could report it as a bug now…