(edited by FatalIllusion.3142)
Can I share my account with my brother?
I think you can give the ip permanent access via your account on the Web…
I think it is against terms and conditions to share an account however – might pay to check on that.
You are officially not allowed to share and account according to the terms of service.
The alternative solution is to buy another game code.
For liability purposes, it is not endorsed by ANet.
That being said, they can’t really tell if you do or not, assuming you and your brother live in close proximity to one-another. Just don’t expect any actual help if something “happens” and end up outing yourself, because they’ll just be all, “Lel broke the EULA tuff luck gg.”
We won’t log in at the same time, and I didn’t read the user agreement before buying the game, so this may be my fault. I just find it a bit uncommon not to let people share their account, assuming that the account owner is aware of all the responsabilities that this kind of actions require.
Yes, but if he (or you) does something “bad” then you (and he) will have to accept the punishment. If either of your computers get hacked and the black hats get a hold of the account and/or e-mail and you find your account ransacked. Or if he or someone at his end deletes your characters, swipe your loot, use up all your gold, you have no recourse.
That’s why they prefer you don’t share accounts. That and they would love your brother to buy his own copy (really serial number) of the game.
RIP City of Heroes
EULA says no, but there is absolutely no way for them to tell that you let your cat play on the weekends and that it likes the Asura the most…
We won’t log in at the same time, and I didn’t read the user agreement before buying the game, so this may be my fault. I just find it a bit uncommon not to let people share their account, assuming that the account owner is aware of all the responsabilities that this kind of actions require.
Oh is he? Because apparently you didn’t even bother to read the EULA, and lots of people don’t to that aswell.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
We won’t log in at the same time, and I didn’t read the user agreement before buying the game, so this may be my fault. I just find it a bit uncommon not to let people share their account, assuming that the account owner is aware of all the responsabilities that this kind of actions require.
This is, by far, the thing that most every account bound game has in common with the rest of them.
It is most definitely against TOS. While emailing support back and forth, I mentioned that I had let a friend play my account a few times and support told me that is against the user agreement and your account can be terminated for sharing.
With all of the account bound stuff: gold, dungeon tokens, karma, achievements.. why not just buy your brother a game code?
One thing you should be aware of is that money collected, karma, tokens, etc are all stored in an account wallet. So it is not possible for your character and his character to have their own pool of money.
One thing you should be aware of is that money collected, karma, tokens, etc are all stored in an account wallet. So it is not possible for your character and his character to have their own pool of money.
I didn’t know this. Thank you for the information, but it wouldn’t be a problem anyway. I guess that no one from anet team will answer here, so it seems that I will have to buy another game code.
Playing together with your brother will be worth it.
Legal-wise it is forbidden, but ignoring that part, you will never be able to play WITH your brother since you can’t log the same account more than once, so if you log your bother can’t.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I guess that no one from anet team will answer here, so it seems that I will have to buy another game code.
Even if they did reply it would only be to confirm that it’s against the EULA and you shouldn’t be doing it. They wouldn’t tell you how to get around a rule they created.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Officially all MMO terms of service disallow account sharing in all forms.
However it’s practically impossible to detect if it’s within the same house-hold so that’s not really an issue. But in your case, where you both live apart, you can’t really do that.
I’d recommend you both buy unique copies of the game. Account sharing is tedious and you won’t be able to play together, let alone other potential issues along the way. I can complain a lot about this game but I can’t deny it has excellent value for money. So there’s really no way the 40$ you’ll pay for it won’t pay off.
Thank you guys!
There was a post a couple months ago when the wallet was introduced, asking how to separate the gold and stuff between two characters as they were sharing the account with their child. A dev told them that splitting the wallet is not possible and sharing an account was against the rules. it did not seem like they were anywhere near getting banned – it’s just not supported.
I have bought gw2 some days ago and I’d like to play with my brother.
you will not be able to both log on at the same time on the same account. That kinda takes the fun out it. They have sales fairly often – the last one was like 30% off the digital deluxe version. I recommend your friend just getting a copy of the game.
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Obviously Anet don’t want people to share an account – they want them to buy one each. Of course it’s in the ToS that you mustn’t share.
While you live at home, you can get away with it. Anet are fully aware of that and don’t try to push it too far. But living in different cities? You are asking for a ban. Who’s to know you’re not charging rent on your copy of the game? Or your account is being regularly hijacked by a hacker?
(edited by Contiguous.1345)
We won’t log in at the same time, and I didn’t read the user agreement before buying the game, so this may be my fault. I just find it a bit uncommon not to let people share their account, assuming that the account owner is aware of all the responsabilities that this kind of actions require.
I’ve never had a game that allows of sharing of an account. because well, thats one less game sold. you also cant play together. And he could end up using the item you place in the account bank and whatnot.
However if he has your account name/password. he should be able to log into guildwars site and choose “permanently allow this IP”. I had a rolling IP and had to do that quite a few times >.<’ .
The ToS of the game state you must not share an account, and beacuse of how the game’s login system works, its very hard to use a GW2 account on more then one computer. I assume it would make you unpopular in the community as well, a lot of people dislike people who do this sort of thing, myself included.
Tell your brother to get his wallet out and pay the £25 for his own account, its hardly going to break his bank account.
By playing together, I meant : playing with the same account and different characters. I wasn’t clear. By the way, I should buy another copy in a day or two. And for who was talking about “make someone unpopular”, I don’t think it is important to be popular in a mmorpg, and my question was not intended to let you think that I want to break the rules. Last question: could I let my brother try the game for some hours without having to worry about a ban?
The user agreement is indeed not allowing you to share an account. However, support policy proves that this only results in permanent closure if there is a dispute of ownership.
A dispute of ownership is a situation where several party’s are claiming to be the sole owner off an account and nobody can prove beyond reasonable doubt that he/she is.
So you might think you can trust your brother and there won’t be an issue. Read the following scenario carefully then.
Years ago two brothers bought GW1 together and shared that account. After bout 5 years they had a bit of a fallout and communicating less with eachother. Brother one played the most of gw1 and decided to go to GW2 and linked the two accounts. brother one kept playing gw1. At a moment, the fall-out made a situation that both brothers kept being locked out of the account cause they both kept changing the password of both accounts (being linked together).
The result was that both complained to support bout their changing password. Due to both claiming ownership, and both having pretty good motives, support had no other solution then to close both accounts alltogether.
2: again two brothers, living like you in different locations. one brother (the one who didn’t create the account and didn’t have the serial) gets hacked in his emailaccount. The hacker files a support ticket to reset the password and can give the correct details (having access to the brothers computer). He robs everything empty and the brother that got hacked start asupport ticket. Support finds out that none can claim ownership, so the first brother gets involved, he gets controll back and asks for an account restoration. This request is denied cause support can’t verify when the hack was done, cause the account was always logging in from different places, one not being the rightfull owners pc.
So in short:
No it isn’t allowed
Yes, you can do it anyway
But at your own risk
And in the long term, I don’t think the risk is worth it.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I agree with mercury ranique, just don’t do it.
Besides, if you both own an account, you can play together and still share stuff between your accounts.