Can someone tell me where to get this skin?
Check Ebonhawke merchants.
Yupp, definitely Ebonhawke’s cultural weapon.
If life gives you lemons, make a combustible lemon that will BURN PEOPLE’S HOUSE DOWN!
cool thanks where can i find it?
You’ll find it in Ebonhawke
Game enjoyment increases as time spent on the forums decreases.
To be more precise.
I don’t know if all capitals have one, but at least the human one, Divinity’s Reach, has an asura gate that goes directly to Ebonhawke Stronghold in the Rurikton area part of town. (
Once you get there, search on the map for three weapon merchants standing next to eachother. (Marked with a sword icon on map).
If life gives you lemons, make a combustible lemon that will BURN PEOPLE’S HOUSE DOWN!
ok thank you everyone for the help