Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lithos.9560


So it has been a long time since launch, and I can’t decide which profession I should stick with. I have tried a bunch out, the Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, and a few others and I just don’t know…So far I seem to like the Guardian and Warrior the most and can’t decide between them. Basically I want a profession that can deal out some super good damage, and also as excellent survivalibility. Oh yeah, and I want a profession that in very fun…please help me pick!

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kobal.5234


Basically I want a profession that can deal out some super good damage, and also as excellent survivalibility.

Warrior: Massive damage, great support (if specced for it) & good survivability.
Guardian: Good damage (if specced for it), great support & massive survivability.

Right now, I’d pick a warrior if I had to choose between those two. Simply because the Guardian is much more limited in it’s options. If you want to de good damage, you actually have to spec for it. Whereas a warrior has massive damage built-in by default and you just have to decide what else you want to spec for. Oh, and the warrior has access to amazing ranged options. Whereas the Guardian just plain sucks at range.

This is just my opinion though.

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lithos.9560


Hmmm…I agree with your opinion. Also I have noticed that Guardians are slightly overplayed and I do want a profession that isn’t played by 1 out of 3 people on my server. How are the warriors ranged abilities?

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kobal.5234


The warrior has 2 ranged weapon; Rifle and Longbow. Both are very powerful. The Rifle is single-target and allows you to kite pretty much any melee mob that can be slowed and the Longbow is more AoE/condition based.

Personally, I pick a Rifle because I either run with a Greatsword or Axe/Axe in general PvE. Both of which have heavy AoE options by themselves.

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yenkin.5410


Depends on your style of play, I like ranged so ranger is a no brainer, good for PvE, thorugh in WvWvW and PvP tends to be middle of the road on one on one duels. It really is a matter of play style, Engineers are fun, but DPS output is on the low side, but they do have some good support traits for dungeons. best advice play to have fun.

Can't decide which profession to play, HELP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lithos.9560


I am thinking of going with Guardian…I know they have excellent defense and survivability, but how is there dps?