Can't find Marjory's Helper Dee
I don’t think she’s there anymore and was removed at the end of the Nightmares Within. What exactly are you looking for from her?
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
The first year of Living Story was done as a progression in time, where you had to be there to experience it, after which the events became history. ANet would like to rework it to be replayable, but are fairly busy just now.
So there are no Tower of Nightmares events and haven’t been for a long time. All that’s left are the champions that regularly spawn around the map, like the Spider Queen. They were bosses in the tower before it got blown up.
I don’t remember what Dee sold that was relevant past the event itself (recipes maybe?), but she’s long gone.
The first year of Living Story was done as a progression in time, where you had to be there to experience it, after which the events became history. ANet would like to rework it to be replayable, but are fairly busy just now.
So there are no Tower of Nightmares events and haven’t been for a long time. All that’s left are the champions that regularly spawn around the map, like the Spider Queen. They were bosses in the tower before it got blown up.
I don’t remember what Dee sold that was relevant past the event itself (recipes maybe?), but she’s long gone.
I think she sold anything to do with toxic spores. But yeah I think she’s long gone.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Thanks for all your answers guys. Marjory sells, or used to sell a pretty valuable recipe among few other valuable things. Recipe: Superior Sigil of Torment is the one i talk about. So sad she’s gone, but hey stuff happens.
Thanks for all your answers guys. Marjory sells, or used to sell a pretty valuable recipe among few other valuable things. Recipe: Superior Sigil of Torment is the one i talk about. So sad she’s gone, but hey stuff happens.
Can you not buy it from the laurel vendor?
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Hey Bro,
I checked the Laurel vendor in Rata Sum; recipe is not listed.
Which vendor were you thinking might have it?
Guys, you can’t buy that recipe from Laurel vendor, only from tp or if you’re lucky like blessed by a god or something, i think you can get it from a chest(small chance tho’). As i said, the only vendor that used to sell that recipe, was that chick Marjory and she passed to nonexistence a long while ago.
Marjory’s still around, it’s her helper Dee that’s gone.
Hey Bro,
I checked the Laurel vendor in Rata Sum; recipe is not listed.
Which vendor were you thinking might have it?
I was wondering if it was available from the laurel vendor as some of the LWS1 stuff is available from them.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|