Can't seem to get better weapons
Check the renown heart vendors, they often have better gear.
If you’ve managed to get some copper or silver in your bank you can buy some off the Black Lion trading post. That level of gear is usually pretty inexpensive. Other than that, as Olba said, the renown heart people will often have something you can buy for karma. You have to talk to them after you’ve completed the “quest” for that heart.
If you buy off the trading post you can search specifically for weapons in your level range, but make sure you buy the right type or you won’t be able to use it.
ok thanks for the info, but how do you find the renown heart vendors and do the quest for them? i am quite a noob to MMO style games like guild wars 2, as guild wars 2 is the first one i have played and i really like it and i am very bad with finding things, like it took me ages to find the queensdale completion stuff, how do you find these renown heart vendors?
A few tips .
If you get blues or greens you cant use salvage them for luck . This will increase your magic find% making it easier to get better items .
If you rally want to you can always go into Tailoring and Artificer professions to make armor and weapons . All major cities have crafting stations in them and i believe all starter zones do as well .
Also since you’re in queensdale anyway it wouldnt hurt to join the champ zerg to see what you can get from the loot bags there . Oh and do Shadow Behemoth when it spawns too.
Buy off the trading post. Seach under weapons and put the level u want usually it will give u options for certain weapons but if doesn’t show any search under one level lower. I will send u level 17 weapons if I find any.
ok i have no idea what any of this stuff is, i know what tailoring and artificer professions are but whats the zerg and what are blues or greens and how do you find them, as i said before i am a major noob at this game so far :P
Zerg – mass of people. There is a type of monsters called Champion (like Champion Cave Troll in Queensdale) which is quite powerful, and you need this zerg to take it down together.
Blues and Greens – The equipment you get with blue or green font colors. You can either sell these items, use it, or salvage it with salvage kit to get crafting materials and an item that will increase your Magic Find.
Magic Find – It’s like a drop rate, the higher the Magic Find (MF) the higher chance you get better items (not for chests and Mystic Forge)
Mystic Forge – The place where you can combine 4 items to produce a random output of a particular item.
In order to complete Queensdale, you had to find all the waypoints, points of interest and vistas, as well as complete all the hearts. Those hearts that you completed become vendors. You can talk to anyone marked on the map with a completely gold heart and they will sell you things for karma points.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
This game can be quite confusing when you’re first playing it. It will take some time. Be patient. Read the stickied topic at the top of this forum about “if you only knew this”.
Blues and greens refer to “grade” of weapon. White is the lowes, or “basic”, then blue are “fine”, green are “masterwork”, yellow are “rare”, etc. You will learn everything over time and with experience. I highly suggest joining a guild (look in guildcpart of forums for those recruiting) that welcomes new players. You can get quite frustrated possibly without at least some assistance.
Good luck. I hope you give it time and end up loving this game as much as i do. Oh and read the wiki on stuff. You can access that even from the game by typing /wiki into the cat box!
I guess it was a couple of months before I realised the quest-givers became merchants after the quest They don’t sell a lot of useful stuff though.
What are you doing with all the loot you get (I assume you’ve figured out you can loot the bodies?). I hope you’re not selling it to the ‘merchants’? those guys are rip-off artists, they only give you a fraction of what the stuff is worth.
Sell it on the Trading Post, use the money gained to buy what you need (from the Trading Post of course).
Oh, and get out of Queensdale. Visit the city, find the Asura gate and travel the world. It’s far bigger than you might imagine.
I disagree with Contigious, they do sell a lot of usefull stuff IF you are doing the hearts at the appropiate level. I find that every other renown heart NPC has something I can use as a levelling alt.
To the OP. Have you heard bout the gw2 wiki?
It is a great place to learn bout terms and bout how the game works.
For example ‘’ explains a lot bout what a zerg is.
You can also visit the wiki from the game. type ‘/wiki’ in the chat (without the quotation marks) to go to the wiki main page, or ‘/wiki zerg’ if you want to know more bout zergs (and offcourse zerg can be any term you want more info bout).
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I disagree with Contigious, they do sell a lot of usefull stuff IF you are doing the hearts at the appropiate level. I find that every other renown heart NPC has something I can use as a levelling alt.
Well, this is my opinion of course, but for what it’s worth:-
If you do the hearts at ‘appropriate level’ you struggle to stay alive. It’s expensive, difficult and not worth the effort. Far better to just work a few levels above and breeze through the content. The miniscule difference in XP gain is not worth the heartache.
Given that, the karma vendors are near useless, especially since most offer only one or two items, and you’re lucky if it suits your class.
Same applies to the ‘Personal story’. Some sections are well-nigh impossible at level and childishly easy only three or four above. Again the rewards are not worth it.
IMO the best levelling gear is obtained through the WvW karma vendors – who will sell you complete sets of everything you need for your level except trinkets.
As a new player, this is my advice:
Gather everything you see. The gathering tools (sickle, pick, axe) are very inexpensive. Purchased from merchants. The gathered items can be sold on the Trading Post (TP). You can then buy armor from the TP as you level. I wouldn’t recommend more than every 5-10 levels (depending on your abilities). You’ll level quickly so spending money too often on gear will be a waste.
After you complete a heart & it fills in yellow, that person becomes a vendor. They may have some items you’re interested in exhange for karma. At low levels, the karma cost is pretty low but at higher levels I’d save your karma for better stuff down the road.
The personal story (that which is indicated by the green arrow/star on your map & appears on the top-right of your screen) offers good XP and generally a good item. If you do those at your level you’ll probably get a good piece of gear you’ll equip immediately.
As an aside, you did choose on of the harder professions to play for a newbie. Playing a warrior or ranger, for instance, you might not be having the same troubles. But if you enjoy it, DO NOT change professions. This game is all about fun.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
If you want to buy from karma merchants, here is a list you can use. Of course most will likely be in an equivalent level area you haven’t done, but you can use it to search the possibilities.
Karma merchants:
There is often big jumps between levels and to get a particular one of a particular level you gave to go to that area and do that heart. It may not be worth it. In the long run you might be better buying from the trading post every 10 levels, which is really as often as you need to upgrade.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
The advice Seras listed is excellent, so I want to just second everything (s)he said. I actually started typing up a long post on the subject, until I looked over the thread and realized I it was already covered in that one post.
Just ignore the advice about the “champion zerg.” It’s a thing some higher level players do in Queensdale to earn money by repeatedly cycling through the same few events over and over and over, and I wouldn’t recommend it until you’ve more or less completed the game. (Although, personally, I wouldn’t recommend it at all, since I find it extremely tedious.)
Welcome to the game! Seras is right that elementalist is a complicated profession, because you have an absolute ton of options with all your attunements, but it’s far and above my favorite, and well worth the learning curve if you enjoy a profession with a little more flair than most.