Can the face of this female NPC be created?

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

Hello ladies and gents,

There is a female NPC face that can be seen in a number of areas. She is a servant in the Ossan Quarter in Divinity’s Reach and inside the Almuten mansion in Gendarran Fields (near Lake Bounty). I also noticed that a few NPC’s in the new Bazaar of the Four Winds explorable area have the same face, one such NPC is named “Parker Cole” (near the wind adept).

I’ve tried several times to make her face during character creation, but have never had much luck in getting it to look just like the one I see here and there in the game. The closest I’ve managed was what could pass as a cousin or maybe even a sister of the NPC.

Has anyone had success with making this NPC’s face? Or does the face require a combo of facial features that we as the players only can choose one of. Any help would be appreciated.

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Can you take a screenshot? Preferably 3 screenshots.

One at this angle:
One straight on.
One sideways.

If you can do that, I’ll see what I can do.

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

Hopefully these from yesterday will work. I’ve noticed Parker Cole disappears from the area for a little while here and there.

The skin tone and eye color is slightly different between the two, but pretty sure the face is the same, and thanks!

If you do find that you can make the face, don’t forget screenshots at each step so it can be duplicated


(edited by Avatar of Indra.6908)

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


The face is unobtainable, I have a semi-close mockup (when compared side by side it will fail the test, but it’s as close as I could get it).


Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

Yeah, that’s a shame. But you did do a pretty good job though, so much so that I think I’ll use what you attached. You got a lot closer on the eyes than I did. Thanks for the help and your time Esplen.

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esplen.3940


No problem, I actually enjoy doing things like this, I made a mockup of Kudu, but nobody ever noticed because everyone and their mother has Zojja instead.

Kudu is here

The worst part of this one is I only had the picture I linked above to make his full face and features. I had to go off of lore/npc sayings to figure out the rest, like height and body size.

Can the face of this female NPC be created?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

Nice, I once in a while see someone who made Eir, same looks and full name.