Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RELLIK.3456


I just made some gold level 65 armor and I tried to send it to my other account and I cant drop it in the mail only gives me the options to preview or destroy???


Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Is the item account bound? Or have you tried it on this char?

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Did you add any upgrades to the armor when crafting it? Adding any runes will make the armor character-bound, and thus unable to be sent or sold.

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


Put in the bank and have the other character get it from there


Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: uberman.2619


You’re only level 63, dawg.

But you can’t even remove it from your mail? Might be a bug. Level to 65 and try to pull it again. I don’t think you can even mail account or soul bound items, so I don’t think that’s the problem.

(edited by uberman.2619)

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Electro.4173


Sounds like it became soulbound somehow.

My guess would be that you added a rune or other upgrade to the item. Doing that automatically soulbinds the item to your character, although the soulbound “tag” doesn’t appear on the item description when you do so (the interface does warn you that applying an upgrade makes the item soulbound, however).

If you want to give another character upgraded armor, send the armor and the upgrade separately and apply the upgrade once the items are on the character you intend to use them with.

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Sounds like it became soulbound somehow.

My guess would be that you added a rune or other upgrade to the item. Doing that automatically soulbinds the item to your character, although the soulbound “tag” doesn’t appear on the item description when you do so (the interface does warn you that applying an upgrade makes the item soulbound, however).

If you want to give another character upgraded armor, send the armor and the upgrade separately and apply the upgrade once the items are on the character you intend to use them with.

Just adding the upgrade only makes it account bound not soulbound. You can still give it to a different character but since the OP is trying to mail it I assume it is for another account so it doesn’t make much difference here.

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nightly.2761


Different characters YES, however only by placing it in the bank. (account bound)
Different accounts NO, if an item is account or soulbound it cant be mailed or sold on trading post. I don’t get it why a lvl 63 would have 2 accounts so im going with the most likely outcome. The item is soulbound because you used it or upgraded it. since its soulbound only that character can use it and noone else!

Mailing another character of you doesnt work either because you basically mail the same character. (mails are also account bound!) So place items in bank. (found in every major city with some kind of money bag as symbol.

Cant send Armor i made to my other account??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talenna.4052


Also make sure that your mailbox isn’t full. You can only have a maximum of ten mails, whether opened or not.