(edited by Red Falcon.8257)
Cavalier gear
I recommend the following two pages on the wiki for finding where to get gear with specific attributes:
Item Nomenclature
Equipment acquisition by stats
To answer the question directly, you can only get Cavalier backpieces and trinkets. You can get the exotic gear from Tactician Deathstrider in the Straits of Devastation (Temple of Balthazar). You can get ascended gear through Fractals. No armor or weapons are current obtainable with this stat set.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
Thanks for your help, though some info was incorrect:
No armor or weapons are current obtainable with this stat set.
The TP has a lot of Cavalier weapons, even happened to loot some myself in Fractals.
No armor with those stats tho.
Thanks for your help, though some info was incorrect:
No armor or weapons are current obtainable with this stat set.
The TP has a lot of Cavalier weapons, even happened to loot some myself in Fractals.
No armor with those stats tho.
Ah. My bad. I sourced the wiki. Someone should update that…
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
You can also drop Cavalier Armor in Fractals, I know for I have dropped 2 pieces.
You can also drop Cavalier Armor in Fractals, I know for I have dropped 2 pieces.
How rare are such armor drops in FoTM? I don’t like FoTM, but I do need Cavalier armor.
Thank you.
Thanks for your help, though some info was incorrect:
No armor or weapons are current obtainable with this stat set.
The TP has a lot of Cavalier weapons, even happened to loot some myself in Fractals.
No armor with those stats tho.
Are they not always on the TP? I don’t see any Exotic ones at the moment.
I see some in the database (http://www.gw2db.com...um-CritDamage=1). But where do I get them? Contradictorily, don’t see them listed as existing in the wiki (http://wiki.guildwar...xotic_equipment).
While I can clearly see rare weapons with these stats on the Trading Post, does anyone know if exotic variants exist?