Character race & class, solo roaming

Character race & class, solo roaming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Unhygienix.2834


Hello everyone I am getting ready to make a new character (I have dabbled in a few to get a feeling for the game – I am getting good at dodging)! I have it narrowed down to a Necromancer, Mesmer and to a lesser extent an Elementalist.

I will be playing solo the majority of the time, though I do have friend with a guardian I will be playing with from time to time but my schedule is wonky so assume I will be alone most of the time. Out of those classes listed which one(s) would be best to solo champions and solo roam in WvWvW?

And most importantly I have been playing around with the character builder and like some of Norn looks… now how much of a handicap will that be in WvWvW?

Character race & class, solo roaming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

Race doesn’t affect gameplay, so Norn is fine (although you might find them to be a bit slow because of the way that size scales movement speed, even though in reality you’re moving as fast as any other character). I would say Mesmer or Necro have the better survivability, especially for soloing champions. Necro’s are really great because of the two health bars, and minions have a lot of health now I think. Mesmers are a bit more difficult to grasp, but when done effectively they’re a viable option as well. Elementalist imo is going to have a harder time taking hits, since compared to the other two it’s a completely solo class (except for some elemental summons)

Character race & class, solo roaming

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Upham.6137


And most importantly I have been playing around with the character builder and like some of Norn looks… now how much of a handicap will that be in WvWvW?

If you wanna troll people choose the biggest norn body you can get and play a clone spamming mesmer with lots of stealth.
For necro it doesn’t matter much because people are always gonna target you first and you have no way to lose that target. But being a tiny asura would help against pugs.

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