Charr Personal Story

Charr Personal Story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shardik.4029


Yesterday evening I reached the “An Unusual Inheritance” part of my personal story. I play an Elementalist and so far it was a fun experience. This quest, however, gave me some problems…

I will avoid giving any spoilers, so I will get straight to the point. One part of the quest involves you and your warband (3 others) fighting underwater. So far so good, I had some of the underwater skills unlocked (all fire ones and around 3-4 from each other), have a decent Trident (160-180 damage) for my level 15 or 16, so I didn’t really wait to much before attacking the Veteran (those nasty mobs with Health Regeneration). And here I started getting frustrated… the health of the Veteran just wouldn’t go down. My auto-attacks were doing 10-15 damage in any attunement (is that normal, my friends told me it’s low and I couldn’t agree more). So it was me and 2 out of 3 of my companions hitting the Veteran (1 companion was just swimming and doing nothing), and the health would barely go down. Because it was going down so very slow, the companion getting hit eventually died, and the Veteran came for me. So I started to flee out of the water. As soon as I got out, it would go for the other companion who was still waiting underwater. I am not sure if this is a bug, stupid AI or intended, but why doesn’t the companion follow me and the Veteran and fight on the shore, where my abilities actually do damage? Eventually all companions died. I tried to res, but as soon as I did it, they went straight back in combat with the Veteran. It was a cycle I couldn’t break.

I will try again tonight, and hopefully it will be better. If any of you encountered similar problems, or have any piece of advice, it’s much appreciated.

Charr Personal Story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Godzillathon.8052


I can give you a little advice that I hope helps. First, make sure all of your underwater skills are open for every element. This is very important as you will need the versatility. Second, make sure you have a weapon that is close to the same level as you are. If you are level 20, make sure your weapon is no lower than 18, etc. Do the same with your armor. This may cost you some money if you are behind on gear, but TP prices are not too bad at any level before 60. Third, don’t rely on a single element during the fight. I don’t know your combat style, but I have noticed that a lot of elems use their favorite element to the exclusion of the others. Don’t do that. You need to be constantly switching back and forth between elements to achieve maximum effect. Fourth, try to keep your NPC companions on their feet. If one drops, res him if you can. You need the help. Other than that, keep your distance and keep moving. Don’t stay in one place for too long or you’ll get hit with something. Kiting is your best friend in fights like this.

If none of that helps, if nothing you do seems to work, if you can’t beat him no matter how hard you try, there is one last recourse. Bring a friend. ANet can say all they want that these things are supposed to be soloable, but a lot of them aren’t, or are at least so hard to solo so as not to be worth it to try. Don’t beat your head against a wall unnecessarily. Get some help. You can group up with people and bring them into the instance with you. I’ve had to do that many times and will probably have to do it again someday.

That’s all I got. Hope that helps.

Good luck to you my friend!

Charr Personal Story

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shardik.4029


Thanks for the advice! I will try it again tonight, after getting some upgrades and spending some time to unlock all underwater skills. I was cycling through all attunements, but I guess only having the first 3 skills isn’t enough (except fire which is my favourite and which I use most of the time :P). In this case kiting didn’t help, since the mob was regenerating back to full while I was doing it.

I was more frustrated about the AI really, since it acted kind of dumb. But I will take your advice and bring a friend if everything else fails.
