Chat Box Problems
Ok, that’s weird. Normally when it’s out of place it’s gone up the upper left corner. The fix for that is to cursor over the upper right corner until you get a hand symbol (I think), and drag down until you see a white outline around the lower left corner of the screen. Let go and the whole box should move.
I play on max rez wide screen. You might be using a square monitor? Anyway, try just pulling the chat to the top of the screen and back down again as described above to see if that shifts it to your preferred location.
I’ve tried moving it, but the bottom white box is fixed where you see my chat box in the pic.
I’m not sure what the monitor has to do with it? I mean…I’ve been playing for over a year and this is a first for me.
Mine has been like that for about a year and I’ve used a 21" monitor and 40" tv still the same
I was sort of mentally flailing around with the monitor thing, as your screenshot made it look like everything was shuffled to fit in a square. That could just be cropping.
Try notching your interface size down one increment in the Option>Graphics panel (4th item down in the Display section). It could be your hotbar got too large to fit the chat box in?
Try dragging the top-right corner to resize it and reduce its width a bit so it can fit between the side and your weapon skills.
Donari, your suggestion worked! Though it’s weird, considering I’ve had it on normal this whole time. But whatever, IT’S NOT FIXED AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS!
Thank you everyone else for the suggestions!