Chat Items - How ?

Chat Items - How ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: washac.2897


I see items and items Way Points in the chat box like this [Vale Waypoint] or
[Wooden Shield]

You can mouse pointer over these to see what they are, how do you do that ?

I used to do it in Wow but have forgotten.

Chat Items - How ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Recycle.5493


Hold Ctrl and left click allows you to post an equipment or a waypoint/poi instantly. Hold shift and left click allows you to link it but type more things along with it.

Chat Items - How ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


for me, only shift-click works
“Shift+left-click Creates a link to selected… * item * skill * waypoint (the link functions as a waypoint) * point of interest "

I will also tell you about
It’s funny to use these on people that don’t know about them. “I found [Dusk] today, is it valuable?” / “[262,042 gold, 74 silver, 14 copper]”