Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


Apparently there have been large changes to cooking and one of the basic ingredients that apparently used to be sold by Karma vendors either isn’t sold any longer, or isn’t sold at some/all of the ones who used to provide it.

So… anybody know where to get vanilla beans?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I thought this was the players helping players section. Did I post in the wrong place? Because that was definitely not helpful.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DealerUmbra.6295


I have seen cinnamon and walnuts drop from trees, so some ingredients might have been moved to crafting nodes. Try going out into the field, and see what you can find.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Feminist Terrorist.1407

Feminist Terrorist.1407

According to the wiki, you can find vanilla beans in bulk in Metrica Province from Icon Aluennie, a karma vendor.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mulch.2586


Didn’t check Metrica yet, but saw they’ve been removed from the vendor Arias in Caledon Forest.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pony.3256


· The following Cooking Materials are no longer sold for Karma and are now acquired through drops, gathering nodes, or loot bags: Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chili Peppers, Thyme, Black Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Bay Leaves, Walnuts, and Oranges.

Probably the worst update so far.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: chalybes.8532


Wow…I’m prettykitten right now about what happened? Update to keep players from leveling using cooking!? What about some of us who happened to like cooking and have fun looking for vendors!? Where can I get vanilla then if I can’t buy them!?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Wow…I’m prettykitten right now about what happened? Update to keep players from leveling using cooking!? What about some of us who happened to like cooking and have fun looking for vendors!? Where can I get vanilla then if I can’t buy them!?

No, you’re wrong I’m sorry but you are. I am one of the (un)lucky ones who got a great deal of XP through cooking. It was 400 a while ago now and I deeply regret out leveling some zones so fast on my main character.

YES I can still do them, the fun part has gone though, upgrading my character with that shiny new bow I found. It will be too low.

YES I can do them on an alt, but it won’t count to 100% map completion.

Do you really think it was intended to level a character so fast through one specific profession? All the other profession are the same, so why not cooking? What is so special about that? It cost karma and it cost a bit of gold. I am yet to make 1 gold coin, so I don’t know how much it actually cost since my money kept dropping doing it, but in the end, it was an extremely cheap and efficient way to grind levels. TOO efficient.

Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING stops you from leveling cooking still. I made an alt with a friend who just got the game, he opened a sack in the very first zone, on his very first sack and got 20 something butter. You need to grind money/karma to buy the items from the vendor originally, what;s the difference from grinding the items outright? RNG? Well, it’s an MMO. That’s what you should expect in an MMO.

I am sad this didn’t go through before. I have something like 500 lemons and oranges and 300 vanilla left and to be fair, I’m not even going to sell them on the AH I doubt.

There was no effort involved, and I’m ashamed I actually used it to gain so many levels, I even got the monthly from it. Ofc, I wouldn’t want it taken away from me now after spending all the karma and money on it, but if I could start over with it without losing what I had previously spent, I would without a complaint.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I’m so insulted by the sheer stupidity of some parts of this game that I really don’t care any more.

It’s a game. Who gives a kitten if you can buy your way through leveling? Obviously if you have the coin you’ve done your time.

Long bows obstructed by rocks the size of your foot. Deleveling so that you have exactly the same level of power at 80 as at 2. Jump puzzles with a kitten up camera so you get vertigo just trying to find the next spot. Usesless pets. “Renown hearts” which are just WoW quests without exact numbers. Zerg rushes in wvw that cost you money for dieing and have kitteny random loot “bags” that sometimes drop, and you can pick up if you notice and if you have time. Player skill amounts to double tap to dodge. Boons that last seconds rather than minutes because skill in using truly powerful skills overwhelms both designers and the game. And on and on and on.

I wanted to love this game. I could love this game. But I don’t.

There is no reward for the time spent.

I get xp. So what? I’m no more powerful than I was, regardless of where I go. If that’s the design, why have xp and power at all? All “leveling” does is open new areas where the mobs are insanely powerful if you go in too soon, but you are average AT BEST no matter how much later you go. Then when you conquer and area, you are overpowered compared to any single mob, but never anything more.

There is no point to loot. there is no point to leveling. There is no point to crafting. There is no point to grouping. there is no point to guilds. There is no point to exploring. There is no point.

What’s the purpose of this game?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cliffy.5197


I’m brandnew and level 12 so far….have gotten zero of anything to level chef from zero. I understand the fix but it needs an increased drop rate then. I can get copper no problem for AS but cant level cooking

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Ouch. I thought about buying more oranges yesterday and put it off… I’m sorry I did.

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Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


YES I can still do them, the fun part has gone though, upgrading my character with that shiny new bow I found. It will be too low.

This is a little misleading. When you return to a lower level zone and your level effectively throttles back, some loot you get will be appropriate to your actual level, not your throttled back level. The level throttling device in place is good. It could be a lot worse, so perhaps it’s best to see the glass half-full?

As far as cooking goes: When we took it up we were clearly warned by the NPC cook that it was the toughest of the crafting professions. Whilst the change is a little frustrating the developers have their reasons for it.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cliffy.5197


well there is a balance that could be made by the deveopers like higher drop rate for lower end recipes and more difficult the higher you get

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


YES I can still do them, the fun part has gone though, upgrading my character with that shiny new bow I found. It will be too low.

This is a little misleading. When you return to a lower level zone and your level effectively throttles back, some loot you get will be appropriate to your actual level, not your throttled back level. The level throttling device in place is good. It could be a lot worse, so perhaps it’s best to see the glass half-full?

As far as cooking goes: When we took it up we were clearly warned by the NPC cook that it was the toughest of the crafting professions. Whilst the change is a little frustrating the developers have their reasons for it.

The throttling COULD be good, but it isn’t because it isn’t a choice. It’s mandatory which makes all of the time spent leveling feel useless.

A cornerstone of rpg’s is gaining POWER. I go into a low level zone right now, even on a level 70 character, and feel no more powerful than I did at level 4. That’s broken. Period.

I shouldn’t be able to ruin other players game by destroying everything in a zone instantly so they have nothing to fight, but I also shouldn’t feel like I’m wasting my time completely by going into a lower level zone and at present I feel exactly that way.

I want to go get a log or (now) a stick of butter. After nearly 200 hours of play on my main character, I can still die to a handful of level four mobs?

This is game design mechanics SHRIEKING at the top of it’s lungs and completely ruins the “role playing” aspect of the game. I should be a king, hero, legend in these areas and rewarded for my time spent.

I would much prefer a system that takes my personal, real-life, human time into account somehow.

How about this: I’ve cleared a level, I’ve gained renown at all the heart. Can I personally create a quest where the lowbies in that zone gather sticks of butter for me, for which I pay a reasonable vendor price?

Please? I need sticks of butter so instead of a TP order, I place a “zone” request and am willing to pay vendor price plus some copper to have my materials collected for me. People know I’m the one responsible for their reward and I get my butter.

Or something along those lines. Or let me pick my rewards for going back. If I don’t care about tiny claws… never mind. I’m sick of games in general at the moment. This is the 21st century and we’re stilll being given dumbed-down versions of fantasy worlds to mindlessly grind in based on stupid rules created 30 years ago that developers can’t seem to imagine their way past: even developers as amazing as this team.

Hitpoints made and makes sense. I’m more experienced and magically powerful, I can take more damage.

But armor is badly implemented. It’s a magical world, do magical things with armor.

Ranged weapons are badly implemented. It’s a magical world, do magical things with them.

sigh. I guess I should start my own game company…

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amradio.2513


Cooking still gives you a lot of xp really easy. I don’t see the the prob. Gamers are way too dramatic these days. Sheesh. Can you say drama queens?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


I like the change. I’m getting stuff dropped now that I used to buy off a karma vendor in some remote area after completing the heart quest. Of course I’m cooking for fun and to supply myself with food, not to level. I’m not having any trouble getting most crafting materials just by playing, especially now that the TP is up reliably. I do think the butter drops are a little out of control though.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


The only thing that annoyed me about this update is now I get all these cooking ingreds from loot bags when I much prefered claws, vials of bloods etc…….too much butter please stop the butter!

Ps I cook too on my ranger so I do like cooking, now I just find I have far too much butter etc lol.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amradio.2513


The only thing that annoyed me about this update is now I get all these cooking ingreds from loot bags when I much prefered claws, vials of bloods etc…….too much butter please stop the butter!

Ps I cook too on my ranger so I do like cooking, now I just find I have far too much butter etc lol.

I echo this, the butter drops have been insane.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EyeSeeSound.1348


I should be a king, hero, legend in these areas and rewarded for my spent

you are, already. Going back to low levels is so much easier even with scaling. What you meant to state is you want to be able to one shot everything because you can’t be arsed with fighting mobs when all you wants a stick of butter.

Of course if that we the case and getting that stick of butter was that much easier than you then you could level crafting or make items easier than others which would be to your advantage. So what you really want is the game to give you things more easily so you can win quicker.

Scaling works incredibly well.

If you really want to face roll your way to the top, spend you real life cash on gems and buy your way to the top rather than asking for changes that would negatively impact on other people’s gaming experience and enjoyment.

Or play another MMO of course. I don’t believe scaling was a hidden feature or one added last minute.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tirelin.3581


I’m so insulted by the sheer stupidity of some parts of this game that I really don’t care any more.

It’s a game. Who gives a kitten if you can buy your way through leveling? Obviously if you have the coin you’ve done your time.

Long bows obstructed by rocks the size of your foot. Deleveling so that you have exactly the same level of power at 80 as at 2. Jump puzzles with a kitten up camera so you get vertigo just trying to find the next spot. Usesless pets. “Renown hearts” which are just WoW quests without exact numbers. Zerg rushes in wvw that cost you money for dieing and have kitteny random loot “bags” that sometimes drop, and you can pick up if you notice and if you have time. Player skill amounts to double tap to dodge. Boons that last seconds rather than minutes because skill in using truly powerful skills overwhelms both designers and the game. And on and on and on.

I wanted to love this game. I could love this game. But I don’t.

There is no reward for the time spent.

I get xp. So what? I’m no more powerful than I was, regardless of where I go. If that’s the design, why have xp and power at all? All “leveling” does is open new areas where the mobs are insanely powerful if you go in too soon, but you are average AT BEST no matter how much later you go. Then when you conquer and area, you are overpowered compared to any single mob, but never anything more.

There is no point to loot. there is no point to leveling. There is no point to crafting. There is no point to grouping. there is no point to guilds. There is no point to exploring. There is no point.

What’s the purpose of this game?

so get the hell out of this game, it doesn’t need idiots like you

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nachdenklich.4053


so get the hell out of this game, it doesn’t need idiots like you

Agreed. Less WAAAHHHH, more having fun and helping. If you don’t want to be on board this train, jump the hell off. Cry me a river about your silly shudda wudda cudda disappointed high expectationss.

For me it’s back to the ‘grind’ as Depinator put it. Or as I call it, a really fun beautiful MMO that I don’t have to pay for over and over. See you there.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


True story : single-player RPGs will scale enemies UP to your level.

This is just the multi-player solution since scaling up the level of enemies near you in an MMO would be a disaster and much harder to control.

This game is, I feel, set up for RPG fans. And plenty of RPG fans have wanted a real RPG MMO.

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hansuki.6781


Fact: press O to buy cooking mats.

That is all….srsly the most expensive mats are the Omnomberrys for max lvl magic find meals. and they are still less than 2s. Vanilla sells for coppers – you probably pay more for the 10 stacks of regular crafting mats you get at the merchant (like jugs of water)

Chef changes: where to find vanilla?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kesarai.5084


I know a lot of people don’t like the cooking changes (my hubby included in that) but me personally, I have actually been able to start levelling my cooking without a coin sink like it would have been before. Granted its not for huge amounts at a time, can’t sit there and go from 0 to max like some did in the past, but it’s more than what she was before since I was going to have to wait until I got higher level for the coin sink.

I haven’t gotten anything from TP yet, but like Hansuki said, there’s always a lot of mats on there as some don’t want the hassle of levelling cooks.