Chest keys....

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raserei.8361


Can you find the chest keys as drops or cash shop only?

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaff.4680


you can get in drops.
also alot of the chests have keys inside them so you can unlock more

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raserei.8361


hmmm, must be super rare because i have a lot of characters and i have never found one, just got a few from story quests.

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Snaff.4680


i got my first one from like a level 3 or 4 bandit in Queensdale. Then the next 5 chests I opened geve me another key so I could unlcok another

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


You’ll sometimes get a key for map completion too

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sisho.5431


They are extremely rare as drops. Usually you have to be prettykittenlucky. I have a level 80, level 30 and three level 14-17 characters and have yet to get a drop, but I know people that have. I have gotten them from map completions a couple times, and you are guaranteed one at level 10 personal story every time, and as said above, the chests have a decent percentage of giving you yet another key. I’ve opened as many as 11 chests at once one night when I was on a roll lol. Typically I only unlock like 3 at a time though.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vampiregoat.4763


wow I have only had 2 ever and NEVER got one at lvl 10 story. Me and my friends have tons of chests with no keys. They made it REALLY super rare I think cause they want you to purchase the keys so they can make bank. WELCOME TO EVERY OTHER MMO

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I’ve had maybe a half dozen key drops over the last three weeks plus, and I’ve been playing A LOT. I’ve had close to an equal number as a result of rewards. I think I have 11 in total. By contrast, I have well over 100 chests. I’ve just been collecting them because I don’t have the room in inventory to store what I’ll get from them.

But yeah, I’d say the ratio for key:chest drops (excluding from rewards) is somewhere around 1:20. Even with the additional rate that keys can be found in chests, the only way to open all chests is by buying keys from the gem shop. I’m not ready to do that either.

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vivisector.5680


I think I have gotten around 10 keys so far. Some from rewards from quests/map completions and pretty sure a few of them have been drops. From what I have gotten in them so far, I can’t say I would ever purchase keys from the Gem store, especially at the price they want. They usually contain (For me anyways) an XP/Karma/ect enhancer with a fairly short timer on it and a transform orb/pill? That can turn you into a bird/mob for I believe 15 minutes, but says you can not attack in this mode, so it’s mainly for costume parties or not sure what.

Knights of Beowulf (Sorrow’s Furnace)

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Celestian.2689


I have had 2 keys drop I think, maybe just one. I have some 40 boxes in the bank. Not that it really matters. Everything in the box has been what I would call junk.

Sanctum of Rall – Vigilance

Chest keys....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: tolunart.2095


The xp/movement/crafting enhancements are useful enough but not critical… the costume potions are just annoying, they don’t seem to have a purpose other than to go “look at me! I’m a lizard!” and they can’t be sold or given away. After opening eight or ten chests I have gotten a different variety from each which just takes up inventory space so I deleted them.

As for the keys to chest ratio, they stack so just save the chests for later. Eventually you’ll reach the point where you keep collecting gold with nothing to spend it on, trade excess gold for gems and buy keys to open chests, get more keys to open more chests… buy ten keys and open a hundred chests, use the buffs to level an alt or something.