Choosing A Class/Profession

Choosing A Class/Profession

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Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


So I’ve messed around with all the class now, but I’ve only ever gotten one character to 11 and that was my Sylvari Necro. Now perahps I’m just not investing in any of the classes to truly get a good feel for them, but at this point in time I’ve no idea what profession I want to be.

I’m pretty set on Sylvari. If not them, then I’d roll Charr. I’m lightly interested in the rest, my main problem is choosing a Profession I’ll enjoy. I’ve read around and found out that minions kinda suck when it comes to Necro, so I’m shying away from that profession a lot now since that’s the main reason I found it cool. I kind of dislike the rest of the mechanics and don’t like playing it very much now.

So I was just wondering if anyone could help me pick a class. I seem to like playing the Engineer a lot, the guns were pretty cool. But I also like the idea of maybe being a Warrior or Guardian. I had lots of trouble with an Elementalist, but Lightning magic, or Air I suppose it’s called, seemed really awesome. The Ranger seemed pretty cool too, I liked the fast paced shooting my toon did with his bow, but I found the weapon skills to be a little boring otherwise. Thief’s seem to combine the fast-paced action of my ranger experience with a warrior, which was pretty cool. Though I don’t know why but I just seem to dislike the idea of playing a Thief. Mesmer’s seemed very interesting too, though I found the experience to be a bit underwhelming. The clones were only around for a bit and they didn’t really “feel” useful if you know what I mean.

I just don’t know. What should I play?

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

I tried Ele, loved it but was horrible at swapping elements on call. Went to Thief, loved it till 40ish, then it got too routine. Played a Necro, but got tired of pets not attacking/dying to fast. Now I have a Ranger (31) And love it. But we’ll see how long till that class gets routine.

All in all, it’s up to you. We can’t tell you what you’ll like because we don’t know you.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


You’re quite right, but you also gave my exactly what I was looking for; personal experiences. I think listening to other’s personal experiences with the classes, perhaps at higher levels, would help me choose.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I played a Guardian up to 80. It was really nice, and fun until the big nerf they made for pvp purposes. (I don’t understand why they can’t separate skills for pve, and pvp they did it in the first one!) So now the Guardian at the moment is all screwed up for me. BUT before the 7th it was fun, and easy. But it’s only one gameplay style… greatsword. That’s really it they’re not as viable as other classes are due to their traits set up. I don’t understand Guardian Traits.. the bonuses are strange.

Warrior. I am correctly playing a warrior, and it’s basically pressing the easy button. Which Is what I look for. I play games to relax, and unwind.. not worry about game life. You know? But the warrior seems great.. It has SO many different play styles. Single target damage range with a rifle, or AOE damage with a long Bow, and they do both in the best ways possible. Hammer is great for crowd control, and knocking down the mobs. Double Axes are also great to wipe out 5 mobs with the 5 skill.
The Warrior has a lot to offer, and should be explored more then just.. 10 levels.
It’s a really deep class, and design well.. I hope they don’t nerf it for pvp, or I am quitting the game.

Thief. Alright I HATE the thief. I played it up until level 57. I was dying left, and right to the point my repair bills were costing me more than I was making. I know everyone says. “Shortbow kite, noob” but.. that’s not how I like to play. Thief is not a class that’s for pve. I’m sure people figured how good build pve, and truthfully I didn’t much research into the class. I do that now. I try to research a class, and build the spec online before trying it out. But even still Thief sounds like it’s not a pve class. (Although someone can prove me wrong probably)

I haven’t played the other classes as much. I hope this helps.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asthenea.1546


I’m on the same boat :/ I can’t choose for the life of me. I have a 31 ranger and thief, and a 26 necro, and an 11 engineer… None of the other ones seem interesting to me except Mesmer but it felt so underwhelming

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


Hey, any feedback is helpful in my opinion. Thanks for replying! I’m enjoying the Warrior quite a bit, muchly due to how muh easier it is than when I played a Necro. I feel as if I want to do something else though. I’ve never been too fond of melee combat. I’ve heard the Elementalist can summon elemental weapons, which sounds pretty cool. So perhaps I’ll try that next.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


My first two professions were an elementalist and a thief.
Thief for not having cooldowns. When I want accessibility.
Elementalist for having tons of spells on-hand. For when I want versatility.
I ended up switching to engineer for the versatility though.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RustlerOfTheJimmies.1402


To be honest I think I’ve decided that I want something simple that’s easy to get into both PvE and wPvP while not being too “Typical,” like a heavily clad warrior. Mesmer seems awesome, but it sounds complicated, as do Elementalists. Necro sounds a lot like a Warlock from WoW, and I hated the whole DoT thing in WoW. I felt so useless and was always bored just throwing around my spells in the back. Ranger sounds pretty simple, so I’m a little afraid of getting into it and it being very repetitive. Guardians don’t sound too bad, but they feel too similiar to a generic Warrior to me. I could just not be exploring the class enough though. Thieves sound too squishy and reliant on dodging for me. I kind of suck so :P.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Rustler. If you don’t enjoy melee combat with the warrior try a Rifle for single combat, and long bow for AoE they both excel in the areas. You have range options, and they are great!

I usually long bow the mobs, and if they reach me I switch over to my greatsword, and hundred swords them to death.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Era.2930


Hi Rustler,

some good suggestions above. My personal experience: i have all classes and i swap around depending on my mood.

Necro and thief i have taken all the way to 80, necro is fun if you can accept a couple of bugs with minions, but if you are not a fan of DOT’s as you suggest, then probably not for you, at least not with a build like mine (which is condition based).

Thief i find great fun, and like striker says dont use shortbow. A lot of concentration is needed though to survive well in PvE, especially with a glass cannon build. Also they are not much use in WvW with builds like mine, however excel in sPVP.

Guardian and warrior are similar in playstyle, up close and personal, easy to pick up though. Perhaps not for you though if you are not a fan of going toe to toe with enemies.

Ele i wont comment on, personally not a fan.

So this leaves you with 3 classes. Ranger is fun, though i find a bit ‘samey’ myself, not sure why but just dont hold my attention for too long, its a nice distraction for an hour or so though.

So from what you say about your style of play, engineer or mesmer is probably for you. Engineer has lots of support options and survivability, or mesmer with GS and sw/pistol or staff again has quite a lot of survivability (though more squishy than engineer).

Hope my opinions help
