Choosing New Profession

Choosing New Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SunMoonstone.3698


I’m new to the game and have been skipping around on my characters, trying to decide which profession and race I like the best. So far I have a Mesmer, Guardian, and Ranger. I really like how the Mesmer and Guardian are playing, Ranger isn’t really my thing due to all the micromanagement you have to do… Any suggestions on my next class to try? Right now I’m considering Elementalist, Thief or Warrior… Just not sure.

Choosing New Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Auranim.3086


Hi! Since it’s on topic, I’d like to ask for assistance on creating a quiz/test that will help new guys find their class! If you want to help, please head to the following link:

This is the “evolution” of my already existing test that can be taken at
If you want you can take this one and see if it helps you create your new character!