Choosing a new PvE server

Choosing a new PvE server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Quarantine.3702


So right now I play on Borlis Pass, while it’s alright for getting dailies done, it would be great to get onto a more active server. I am level 80 and want to get more into the endgame content. While dungeons are a lot of fun, right now it seems like you either have to be in an organized guild or lucky enough to find a pug to be able to do most dungeons on this server, especially with FotM.

I was wondering which server, if there is one, would be best to switch to for a player who mostly PvE’s. I really like this game, but without a more active server where I can really get into the stuff I want to do, it’s starting to get a little boring.

Choosing a new PvE server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


Try guesting on Tarnished Coast for a while, and see if it suits you. I do nearly all of my runs with guildmates, but I usually see a number of people asking around for groups. I always see people around, and its a mature, friendly community (barring map chat at times).

Also consider using for dungeon groups.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

Choosing a new PvE server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


Tarnished Coast has a very active and vibrant PvE community. There’s often people shouting for dungeon groups in LA and the dungeon maps, and most of the Orr Temples are open most of the time during peak hours. I’m in the process of leveling a few more characters and there is no shortage of other players in the low-level and mid-level areas. In general, the community is also very friendly and helpful – people will stop and rev you, shout when a rare DE is up, and keep most conversations civil.

Before you transfer to any other server, since you are mainly interested in PvE, I would suggest that you try guesting for a few days to see if it’s the right server for you – but if you do decide to guest to/move to TC, don’t hesitate to give me a shout!

And as Falunel mentioned, is a great resource for finding a dungeon group.

Choosing a new PvE server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I’d definitely guest on a server for a day or two before making the move. I’ve been on Crystal Desert since launch, and I love the community. I’m also largely a PvE player, but I do a bit of WvWvW. There are always friendly and helpful people in the zones, especially in the lower level and Orr zones. The dragon fights always have lots of people, as well.

Choosing a new PvE server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Try guesting on Gunnar’s Hold (EU)- it is a very active PvE server with a great community

Gunnar’s Hold