Coming back, very overwhelmed.

Coming back, very overwhelmed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Basek.5071


Hi, I hit 80 on my Mesmer a few weeks after the game was released, cleared a lot of the map working towards a legendary… I think. I put down the game in the middle of that and am just coming back now.

I’m in like, flame legion gear sitting in a town completely overwhelmed with what I should do; suggestions? (I like PvE)

Coming back, very overwhelmed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Click on WvW, pick any map, and take the Lion’s Arch portal. This will now take you to Vigil’s Keep in Gendarren Fields, which is the new home base, as a replacement for Lion’s Arch. All the services are there, except for Crafting, which is in your home city.

What to do now? Dungeons, Champion Trains? What are your goals in the game? Are you still looking to craft a Legendary? Lots of people will probably tell you to run Dungeons, but I can’t give you any guidance on those, as I don’t run them.

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

Coming back, very overwhelmed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esmee.1067


Few ways to go for PvE:
- Continue Exploring and finish the Legendary
- Do some Dungeons (friendlist, second tab is the groupfinder)
- Do some Fractals (again, friendlist, second tab for groupfinder)
- Hunt some achievements such as Jumping Puzzles
- Wait for the next Living Story
- Make your toon look pretty (pick an armor/weapons, grind the money etc.)

Dungeons/Fractals can feel slightly overwhelming at first but you’ve done them before I think, judging from your Flame Legion Armor.

You can also try to wet your feet in WvW or sPvP if you’d like a change.