Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: errebi.7630


According to wiki when you complete a map you got as reward:
Coins (amount scales with the level of the area) (probably ok)
Experience (10% of level at the time map was completed) (really dunno)
2 random pieces of equipment (appropriate to level of the area) (?)
3 Basic Transmutation Stones or 1 Black Lion Key (ok)
40 random crafting materials or 20 random ingredients available in the zone (ok)

So everything fine, except for the 2 pieces of equipment: 2 exotic pieces none of them lvl 80.
Why, completing a map “pure” lvl 80 with a lvl 80 character, didn’t reward equipment lvl 80 (at least for me)?
Is it a bug or what?
I wrote pretty much the same topic in the bug subforum, but nobody replies.

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


for some reason they have set the equipment loot level to 4 levels below the top map level. if the map is 50-60 you get lvl 56, if 70-80 you get 76, level 80 on cursed shore still gives lvl 76 exotic equip. Don’t know why, ANET have said their loot drops are working the way they want. So I must assume that they think level 80 people really, really want lvl 76 exotic equip (usually being heavy/med for light toons and so on). Out of 4 cursed shore completions I have been able to use the loot 1 time (gave to another toon) so I guess I am lucky.

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Animando.7956


it’s still free ectos.

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


it’s still free ectos.

Just give me the ectos then

Edit, actually I would love it if they gave me enough mats to make 2 pieces of exotic. 10 ecto and t6 mats. I could either sell the mats, or make a piece of armour/weapon that I could actually use on that toon.

(edited by Yargesh.4965)

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: errebi.7630


Thank you very much Yargesh for your answer, it is a very important piece of information i couldn’t find anywhere else
Since pretty all of the maps have a range of levels (from 1-15 to 75-80) you think the reward is appropriate till it is in the range of levels of the map you complete.
That thing about cursed shore is a bit a nonsense and i’m quite puzzled why it works this way
@ Animando: since i have toons that can equip light/medium/heavy gears and pretty much any kind of weapon, my first thought it is not about ectos, but to find better equipment for them. sorry if i may sound naive (:

(edited by errebi.7630)

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Usually the rune/sigil you can salvage off it is worth more than the armor/weapon itself or the ectos. So feel free to use the equipment on an alt you’re leveling. Then when the alt reaches 80 and you replace it with “final” gear, you can salvage it, bank the ectos, and sell the rune/sigil.

Completing Cursed Shore Map: equip reward

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: errebi.7630


Solandri, i thank you for the reply and i really much appreciate your advices (no sarcasm).
What i cannot understand, it is the reason why Cursed Shore map completion gives the same reward as Malchor’s Leap map completion.
The fact is that it is a pure lvl 80 map with a subpar reward.
Did anyone get lvl 80 equipment as reward? If it is so (i don’t know it), is another RNG thing. I’m not upset or annoyed by it, it is just a thing that, from my point of view, doesn’t work properly
I’m no whining or raging, i’m simply now aware that my common sense is not the same as the developers’ one.
Duly noted ^^