Condition damage, ticks per duration?

Condition damage, ticks per duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

Hi all,

When I was doing a build on a build editor, suddenly I thought of a question that I am not sure about the answer:

If a skill that apply a condition for x seconds, how many time would that condition be applied to the target?

For example, the first scepter skill of necromancer, Blood Curse, it applies a 4-second bleed to the target. I know it should tick once every 1 second, so 4 ticks in total: first second, tick; second second, tick; third second, tick; and forth second, tick. BUT does it tick when the attack first hit the target? That is at the zeroth second?


Condition damage, ticks per duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


No. You can tell but hitting something with autoattack disabled. If it started at the zeroth second you would see the damage from the hit and the bleed tick at the same time but that is not the case. If it starts from the zeroth second you would also end up doing an extra tick of damage.

Condition damage, ticks per duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

So, at zeroth second, it is the actual damage an attack that hits. So in the case of Blood Curse, it would be the 118 damage (base) that hits. At the first second, the actual bleeding damage begins to count, which will be the first tick. And then so on until the forth second.

So that is the case?

Condition damage, ticks per duration?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JCROY.5730


0: Physical damage
1: Condi dmg
2: Condi dmg
3: Condi dmg
4: Condi dmg

Imagina a knife…if you stab, it hurts..after that, it starts to bleed, draining life away slowly

“see cow, grab bundle, feed cow?”