Confused with warrior.
You might not want to hear it, but it’s the truth: Every weapon is viable. They have to be played differently, and they all have different uses, but they are all viable. Experiment with weapons to see what fits you and study their skills to see which weapon combos would be good together. I, surprisingly enough, use Longbow/Rifle on my Warrior and enjoy it due to the even spread of AoE and Single Target paired with the ranged advantage. I only discovered this combo was so effective at about level 55, so it’s evidence that experimenting throughout the game will yield good results.
Why can’t we tell you everything is viable…even if it is true?
First Weapon Setup
Main hand-Sword
Off Hand-Axe
Second Weapon Setup
This way, you get the mobility of Sword’s leap combined with the power of Greatsword when you get up close.
My usual combo with this is
Savage Leap → Dual Strike → Whirling Axe
then switch to greatsword and → Arcing Slice → Hundred Blades
This combo might offer you a good mix of mobility and power.
try dual axes, they’re a lot of fun. also the greatsword, rifle and longbow are all good for damage. the hammer is good for control and the shield is good for defense, obviously
Am I the only one who likes using the Warhorn in my off-hand? I find it more useful for my play style than the shield or other weapon.
Problem with warrior is that they are complex in simple ways. Their skills might look like a bunch of hits that don’t differ from each other in any way other than animations. But as you build your skills you will see that every weapon and play style is viable.
Personally I favor the greatsword for pve and WvW with a rifle in the off weapon slot. For structured pvp I favor sword shield with either bow or rifle in off depending on what I’m after. Every weapon got a pro and a con, swords for example in the main hand give you mobility and bleeds, axes give you more adrenaline and swing a little faster + a long range crippling strike.
Warriors really need to try all weapons and mix them with the right perk selection and utility skills.
I havent played my warrior in a few days, but here is the weapon setup i use.
Primary swap slot = always greatsword
Secondary swap slot depends on situation:
Mace/Sword – max defense for if i get a boss focused on me. The #2 key is mace block with a 10 sec CD, #5 is also a block with a 15 sec CD.
Axe/Axe for when i need a little more AOE
Rifle – for fights that are not melee friendly
I like sword and shield/Rifle.
But really they all work fine. Think about what you want out of the weapon then ask the question again. I like the daze. blocking and my burst skill is great at finishing people in WvW. I’ll pepper you with the rifle, but once you are in range to leap at, I’ll lock you to the floor while I finish you off. Granted in WvW if you are in range of a leap from me you are proably already at half life