Consuming recipes—account-wide or character?
It’s character, I believe. Or at least that’s how it is for the legendary Gift recipes, anyway.
Character. Which is annoying if you get overzealous and learn a recipe only to remember another of your characters is the one with that crafting profession leveled up.
RIP City of Heroes
Character. Which is annoying if you get overzealous and learn a recipe only to remember another of your characters is the one with that crafting profession leveled up.
Definitely. That is why I wish the recipes were account bound. It is not like you can use them unless whatever character in that crafting profession has leveled up to use it anyway. Since the crafting materials are account bound, so should the recipes.
Your latter scenario (switching your craft and raising it to 500) should work; I’ve had some insignia recipes on my Tailor/Leatherworker do exactly that. If the one recipe item lists multiple crafts, then yes, it SHOULD work. (If you needed a different recipe for each weight class, it wouldn’t – like the karma-bought aquabreather recipe in some Ascalon zone.)