Craft or buy dusk ?

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Erom.6238


It is better to farm gold or craft dusk since crafting dusk is quite expensive as well! the achievements required for dusk might also be difficult since it requires fractals which i have no experience on.

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


If you want to do it quickly or you enjoy doing things that make a lot of gold it’s better to buy it. If not it’s better to craft it.

Crafting them isn’t quick or cheap but it’s not difficult either. As far as I know all the Fractals parts can be done in low level Fractals and that’s basically the same as dungeons.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Dusk is one of the few precursors that is cheaper to buy. I had actually crafted it and none of the collection items for it were all that difficult or time consuming.

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Remember legendaries are a long term goal. A lot of players find it difficult to save up the gold to buy a precursor. Precursor craft enables you slowly make progress instead of always wasting your gold on random things. Atm its 100g cheaper to buy it.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Remember legendaries are a long term goal. A lot of players find it difficult to save up the gold to buy a precursor. Precursor craft enables you slowly make progress instead of always wasting your gold on random things. Atm its 100g cheaper to buy it.

Am I reading those numbers incorrect?

Isn’t Dusk at the moment cheaper to craft versus buying it straight off the TP?

Dawn is indeed cheaper to buy straight off the TP though.

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Bear in mind the prices given there are based on buying ALL the components from the TP (except the ones which aren’t tradable) and if I’m reading it correctly it’s based on buying the ‘finished’ version of each. For example buying Staff heads from the TP instead of buying logs and crafting them.

Which means you can save quite a bit by using stuff you’ve already got, or collecting it.

I’m about halfway through crafting The Legend and although I haven’t been keeping track exactly I estimate I’ve spent about 200-250g. Based on the list of what I’ve got to get for the rest of it, and what I know I can collect or already have I expect the total cost in gold to be about 500g at most.

Sure I could probably sell all the stuff I had in my bank and the materials I’ve collected and make enough gold to buy the precursor, but I’m enjoying it a lot more doing it this way.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

It is better to farm gold or craft dusk since crafting dusk is quite expensive as well! the achievements required for dusk might also be difficult since it requires fractals which i have no experience on.

There’s no question that the costs of the two methods differ, but that difference varies depending on the market (and even changes hourly) and it’s often small enough that you’d more than make up the difference in terms of time saved to farm gold.

If cost is your primary reason for choosing the method, then never use the collection method. No matter how much you save, it’s more work and that amount of effort tends to annoy those looking to save.

If “making your own” is important, then always choose the collection method. It feels a lot more like something that you are accomplishing, rather than something that you are just “acquiring.”


  • Choose the TP method if you are in a hurry or mostly concerned with cost.
  • Choose the Collection method if you are looking forward to the journey, aka the scavenger hunt.
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It is better to farm gold or craft dusk since crafting dusk is quite expensive as well! the achievements required for dusk might also be difficult since it requires fractals which i have no experience on.

There’s no question that the costs of the two methods differ, but that difference varies depending on the market (and even changes hourly) and it’s often small enough that you’d more than make up the difference in terms of time saved to farm gold.

If cost is your primary reason for choosing the method, then never use the collection method. No matter how much you save, it’s more work and that amount of effort tends to annoy those looking to save.

If “making your own” is important, then always choose the collection method. It feels a lot more like something that you are accomplishing, rather than something that you are just “acquiring.”


  • Choose the TP method if you are in a hurry or mostly concerned with cost.
  • Choose the Collection method if you are looking forward to the journey, aka the scavenger hunt.


The time and effort spent in crafting a precursor will always come way more expensive, even if you craft say Dusk and sell it with a 200g profit on the TP. 200g is aproximately 5-10 hours of farming and guaranteed where the collections can take way longer, and that’s a best case scenario.

Then again, if you have fun doing the collections, go for it.

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: revox.8273


craft or buy? this depends on the player’s character at the end, personally i crafted spark just to save 100-150g BUT i come across some bugged events that delayed my progress for 3-4 days and made me go insane

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Dusk is one of the few precursors that is cheaper to buy. I had actually crafted it and none of the collection items for it were all that difficult or time consuming.

If you purchase the base materials using buy orders, and craft all the deldrimor steel/elonian leather yourself, it should be slightly cheaper to craft than to buy. But it’ll take you at least 90 days to craft unless you already have a stockpile of mithrillium.

For the record, I crafted dusk. I’m not sure if I saved any gold…but it was a long and tedious process. I recommend just buying it.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Dusk is one of the few precursors that is cheaper to buy. I had actually crafted it and none of the collection items for it were all that difficult or time consuming.

If you purchase the base materials using buy orders, and craft all the deldrimor steel/elonian leather yourself, it should be slightly cheaper to craft than to buy. But it’ll take you at least 90 days to craft unless you already have a stockpile of mithrillium.

For the record, I crafted dusk. I’m not sure if I saved any gold…but it was a long and tedious process. I recommend just buying it.

Whether it takes 90 days or not doesn’t dispute that it’s cheaper to craft. You can always ask guildmates if they can craft the time-gated materials for you as well. I’ve known a handful of people that have done that.

Lowest buy order is for 1,010 gold and it costs roughly 695 gold to craft. I’d say that it’s a little more than just slightly cheaper.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


I think it’s up to personal preference. If you are an efficient gold generator, and enjoy that, just buy it. If you are not, or enjoy a more varied set of challenges, craft it.

I crafted dusk, and except for few bugs (bauxite alchemical, I’m looking at you), I found it satisfying in the end.

In terms of fractals, AFAIK you only need T1 fractals, so it’s easy to pug and ascended trinkets will give you more than enough AR.

(edited by onevstheworld.2419)

Craft or buy dusk ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Why not mix it up? You’ll get the materials you need from playing as content you like as well as be able to trade in for materials you want from the stuff you find to be junk. That’s how I did it. Twas enjoyable.