Craft or buy?
Alright, so what you want to look for is exotic items. Don’t bother with rare or below most of the time.
There are now multiple ways of getting the gear you want and it depends on the stats you want to go for.
If you have been doing WvW the cheapest gear can be bought from the WvW-armor NPC. 80s-1g on average + some WvW tokens for a one piece of exotic gear.
You can also run some dungeons and buy your gear with dungeon tokens. This might probably take a few days if you have not done any yet. The dungeons sellers are in Lions arch on the far east. A row of coin-staples on the map. You’d have to run the flame citadel for berserker gear a few times for example.
If you have the crafting professions already leveled it is very cheap to craft yourself some armor and weapons. If you have yet to start any crafting professions it is going to be a little of a gold investment. 20g on average to get to level 400.
However you want to level those at some point anyway, since ascended gear can only be crafted.
Of course you can also buy your gear straight off the TP, which is what I did on my first character but I did not know better. I paid 15g for a full set where I could have gotten it for half the cost on those WvW-npcs.
15g is not much at all, but on your first character it matters I guess.
Then there is Karma and the karma-vendors. 42k karma each piece. I guess you most likely wont have enough karma on your first character though, I sure as hell did not.
Edit: Trinkets you’ll have to buy from the TP or craft btw.
(edited by Flitzie.6082)
Thank you.
I have now bought myself some exotic armor, and have found a staff that I will buy with some dungeon tokens.
In regards to crafting, what do I need to learn to craft legendary gear? I have not started crafting yet, so where should I start, and what do I need?
Thanks in advance.
(edited by PsiKann.9853)
Thank you.
I have now bought myself some exotic armor, and have found a staff that I will buy with some dungeon tokens.
In regards to crafting, what do I need to learn to craft legendary gear? I have not started crafting yet, so where should I start, and what do I need?
Thanks in advance.
Crafting wise, all you need for legendary gear is to get some of the crafting professions to 400 (which is not that hard or relatively expensive), which ones depend on which legendary weapon you want (for example, meteorlogicus needs artificer and armorsmith, bolt needs weaponsmith and artificer)… basically if you want a sword, you’ll want to level up the profesion that makes swords (weaponsmith) and another one.
However, that’s just one part of making a legendary weapon, you’ll also need a precursor that you’ll have to either be incredibly lucky to get from the mystic forge, or spend 1000+ gold to purchase on the TP, map completion (including the WvW maps), lots of gold, karma and skill points to get ingredients, 500 tokens of a specific dungeon (which one depends on which legendary weapon you want to make).
Here you can find some more info on what it takes to make a legendary weapon:
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
If you are EVER considering Ascended gear, you need to start crafting (as it’s the only way to obtain it).
If Exotics are good enough for you (minor statistical reduction), then just buy everything.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Alright, so what you want to look for is exotic items. Don’t bother with rare or below most of the time.
There are now multiple ways of getting the gear you want and it depends on the stats you want to go for.
If you have been doing WvW the cheapest gear can be bought from the WvW-armor NPC. 80s-1g on average + some WvW tokens for a one piece of exotic gear.
You can also run some dungeons and buy your gear with dungeon tokens. This might probably take a few days if you have not done any yet. The dungeons sellers are in Lions arch on the far east. A row of coin-staples on the map. You’d have to run the flame citadel for berserker gear a few times for example.
If you have the crafting professions already leveled it is very cheap to craft yourself some armor and weapons. If you have yet to start any crafting professions it is going to be a little of a gold investment. 20g on average to get to level 400.
However you want to level those at some point anyway, since ascended gear can only be crafted.Of course you can also buy your gear straight off the TP, which is what I did on my first character but I did not know better. I paid 15g for a full set where I could have gotten it for half the cost on those WvW-npcs.
15g is not much at all, but on your first character it matters I guess.Then there is Karma and the karma-vendors. 42k karma each piece. I guess you most likely wont have enough karma on your first character though, I sure as hell did not.
Edit: Trinkets you’ll have to buy from the TP or craft btw.
You can actually buy trinkets (except backpiece) with Karma but they are only located in Orr
exotic trinkets? kitten I had no idea. Berserker too?
Just my 2 cents for the OP about legendary crafting: do NOT waste your precious karma on armor or trinkets. You are going to need ~1mil karma for your legendary (250 obsidian shards, and roughly another stack of 250 obsidian shards for your 77 mystic clovers).
It’s good to know that one can use karma for trinkets and I might consider it for some of my alts but this is if I don’t plan on another legendary.
I bought my first set of level 80 exotic armor with karma which seemed like a great idea because I didn’t have a lot of gold as a newbie. I have been kicking myself over it since, and this was before the karma nerf. The other thing about karma items is that you can’t salvage them. I found that nasty piece of information out when I upgraded my gear and tried to salvage the armor for the runes.
Good luck!
I would honestly save up your laurels and jump strait to ascended for trinkets and if you have a guild get ascended accessories from the guild commendation trader.
You can actually buy trinkets (except backpiece) with Karma but they are only located in Orr
Those vendors sell backpiece as well with the same stats as the trinkets.