Crafting Question
It’s true. It cost money to change based on crafting level. 40 silver at max level. It’s really not worth it tbh. If you have the crafting materials to get to 400 then you could just make an alt with a different crafting profession and get the same results but with a second character at level 20 right off the bat if you max 2 professions.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
Yes, you can. It’s 10 copper per crafting level to switch back (40 silver at level 400).
The fee depends on the lvl that your crafting skill is/was.
Normally (as long as they don’t change the fee’s) its 10 copper per lvl your crafting skill is. So at max lvl it would be 40 silver for a switch.
Hope this is what your looking for.
Thank you for the quick responses! I love the community in this game
As a general piece of advice, just create some alts to cover your crafting needs. By the time you have x4 characters, you’ll have all of the crafting classes covered. Through the Shared Bank system, a main character could easily acquire materials (both through harvesting nodes and Karma vendors) and pass them along to other characters on your account.
The only reason to constantly switch between crafting classes is to power level yourself up by skilling up to around 100-200 skill in each crafting discipline. If that’s your goal, then it’s fine. However that’s more of a leveling strategy and not a way to create a permanent stable of crafters on your account.