Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Season.9275



Is anyone wearing cultural armor? Is it worth to spend money on it?

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Ephemeris.6831


No, not really. It’s only rare quality so it’s stats are worse than exotic armor, yet it costs a ton only if you really like the skin, but getting 100+ gold for it won’t be easy.

Quaggan’s a piwate. YAAAAAAAARR!!!

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Kopeck.8140


Im yet to see someone wear it but i would say its deifnitely worth it – maybe not at tier 1, because it is very expensive, but if you can afford it go for it.

The aesthetics on armour and weaponry is somewhat unimpressive in my opinion. A level 10 sword can look cooler than a level 50 sword and that to me aesthetics build a big part into “feeling” like you are progressing in the game. So what if the stats are much better as the levels increase, to me thats not enough.

So cultural items seem to tick both these boxes of being superior armours and weaponry as well as making you stand out aesthetically. If u can afford it go for it.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I’d buy it for vanity reasons if my Norn ends up being one of the characters I continue playing with.

I really like Asura Tier 2 medium for my engineer.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Formis Sage.2638

Formis Sage.2638

Well, it can get expensive and it does look nice, but I think it also depends on the race you play as.
Probably makes the biggest difference and is most worth for Sylvari since I haven’t encountered (yet) any other way of aquiring their natural plant armor which is, in my opinion, the most distinctive piece of “clothing” in game. No one else can wear cool-looking protective plants.

“Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.”

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Rock.7324


Well, it can get expensive and it does look nice, but I think it also depends on the race you play as.
Probably makes the biggest difference and is most worth for Sylvari since I haven’t encountered (yet) any other way of aquiring their natural plant armor which is, in my opinion, the most distinctive piece of “clothing” in game. No one else can wear cool-looking protective plants.

Go hug a tree or something

* ’Ko leži ne beži! *
Rockbaby – Asura Guardian, Desolation EU :)
Rockavenger – Dwarf Paladin, Bronzebeard EU :D

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Turial.1293


Several reasons to go for it. Let’s take Tier 1 for example, it’s available at lvl35 and usually has better stats than your current armor. The skins are wonderful looking IMO and very unique. Yes it’s expensive but it is supposed to be, it’s your prestige armor. You can transmute it also folks so its not a one-time item like the primeval in the gem store. Finally, you get an achievement and a title for gaining all of the cultural armor and that will be expensive

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Kopeck.8140


Nothing good comes easy im glad these prices are high. This game is only 2 weeks old, in almost every other MMO it can take months/years to get “maxxed out”. Thats a good thing since it does one of two things:
a) Keep the good stuff rare
b) Keep me striving for the good stuff

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Formis Sage.2638

Formis Sage.2638

Go hug a tree or something

Hugging trees? Hmmm… Why not, but it’s not really comfy, besides I’d have to get up from this chair and go find some tree. Nah I’d rather hug my cute, sentient plant in GW2 with cool-looking cultural armor, even if it cost me all my precious moneys.

Yes, the “s” was intended.

As for the prices, the seem a bit steep, but that’s the price for awesomeness.

“Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.”

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prime.9450


Cultural armor’s prestige ends when you see yellow colored name. It is definitely not worth of 120g.

Despite my previous post removal am still waiting for the official explanation on such huge price rising NOT from the very release but after TWO weeks (also any hints on further price rebalancing are welcome).


Ranger Nova Stark – Far Shiverpeaks [EU]

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Schorl.3704


I love my asura’s Tier 1. The stats are definitely forgettable, but that’s what transmutation stones are fore. I think the gear makes her look amazing.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curring.9752


I got my Sylvari level 35 cultural for it’s aesthetic purposes, though it did last me up until level 50 or so, so it was it’s moneys worth for me. I got it just to transmute, just like I have two other sets I’d like to transmute.

I really like the Asura’s heavy cultural, that stuff looks sexy! :o

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I have yet to see the Culture Armor from other races, but I do like the Heavy Culture Armor for the female Norn, so I might end up getting that and transmuting the look of that armor into my crafted Exotic gear (assuming I don’t like the look of the crafted Exotic armor, which I have yet to make).

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
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Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Eluziel.4650


I’ll need to be getting human heavy tier 3 for roleplay reasons ¬¬
It’s a problem rping a member of the Seraph ^^

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Tad.4109


i’ve been saving up for the Tier One Researcher’s set for my human mesmer. the only problem is that i’ve put so much work into farming materials and crafting to earn the money that now i don’t want to spend the money i’ve earned!

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sorry.6741


Im wearing the human female t3 bp and legs. I like the way it looks, but like I reported on the bug forum earlier, it has a graphical glitch that literally cuts the female abdomen open, so that you can see where the top half of the body has been meshed with the lower half. Its sloppy stretching, and clearly visible – So unless you can live with that, dont buy it till they fix that bit.

I posted a screenshot earlier but here it is again


Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StevenDorsey.2605


Yeah, I’m a bit OCD. I couldn’t handle haveing that line across my character’s stomach at all. :\

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


I’m guessing clipping like the one in that pic is why bow users still don’t have quivers.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Some of the cultural armor looks really ugly, some doesn’t. What annoys me is the stats on the lower level ones are just awful. Of course a transmutation stone will help with this, but I shouldn’t be needed in the first place.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Wrywood.6754


Got the asura t3 chest and soon helm on my mesmer, and it was worth every copper!
Tho I would love if they put the light blobs on a seperate dye channel from the cloth part. : (

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Routine.6194


I don’t know about the stats, but the t3 asura light armor looks amazing. I’ll definitely be trying to get it.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: AdelaisAer.4109


Only Tier 3 is worth it. Tiers 1 and 2 are useless, because you can easily out-gear them with stuff you find by killing monsters around. Since Tier 3 is max-armour, you can have maximum protection (lol…) and look good. Worse come to worst, use a transmutation stone.

One who prefers their own Elysium, a collected being of brilliant ambience and nurturing.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Randomguy.5139


no, cultural armor is rare, not exotic, meaning it isn’t max stats

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


Silly question. I’m a level 43 charr warrior. Where would I find my cultural armour?

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should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sorry.6741


This bug was fixed sometime during yesterdays downtime. Im nolonger missing a chunk out of my toons abdomen during idle animations > t3 cultural human bp. Thanks for that.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ten.8421


What’s ‘worth’ to you?

For me, shelling out the gold for T1 Sylvari Medium was worth it because I really really loved the look, and Sylvari get pretty much shortshafted on their supposedly plant-like clothing (as in, only the Cultural Armours, the townsclothes and Twilight Arbour armour is actually plantlike). The stats? A couple parts were better than I what I had at the time, a couple weren’t. I ended up spending a lot of transmute stones on my way to 80 just to keep the looks.
On the other hand, T2 and T3 were not worth it to me because they look forgettable to my eyes and are extremely expensive. I got my Order Gear instead… it looks cool, was comparatively cheap for lvl 80 gear, and has nice stats.

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Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Never buy cultural armor for the stats. Only buy it because you like the appearance and you plan on staying with it for a while. Stats-wise, it’s a complete waste of gold.

So is it worth it? If it’s something that you absolutely must see you character wearing, then yes, it’s worth it at almost any price.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Yayabingyi.2815


I think the look of the cultural armor is nice and the stats ARE nice as well (for tier 1 and some of tier 2), but you can get less expensive items for the same or better stats at the trading post. However, I do think since they look nice you can mix and match gear, like I do, and I’ll end up buying one – three pieces and fill in the rest with other gear i get on the trading post. Since you can use the tokens to make your look the way you want and transfer stats, you can elect to look a certain way without it really being that expensive. Tier 3, I may buy the leggings only just for looks. I wouldn’t buy tier 3 for stats though, just looks.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i am buying for looks. though i wish they had better stats, this idea will never be considered, and i am okay with that now. i am 3/6 pieces (half way), and it’s been an adventure getting gold for it.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Greiger.7092


I’ve been wearing the T1 Charr heavy shoulders since lv 30. I love them, they look great in red and white. But the higher tiers, at least in charr heavy armor just look to be a step down.

Also the Tier 3 armor. From what I see so far the relevant armor class’s armor for T3 is just that race’s hero’s armor. I really figure that should be a different set altogether.

I’m a lv 80 Charr Warrior. I am not Brimstone. I like him, and I have a figurine of him sitting in my living room, but I certainly don’t want my character to just be a red furred Rytlock

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

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Posted by: Velisong.9543


Yes, it’s probably worth it. I’m maxed out on my weapons, armor, trinkets, runes, and all together i’ve spent close to 150g on all of them so, it’s very possible to get your cultural…maybe just more time.

Cultural Armor: is it worth the money?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ziggurat.8261


I wish they would reduce the cost….i want the tier 3 medium sylvari fo sho.