Cultural Armor or MF Slotmachine?
I went with the armor.. Random numbers that dictate drops always means that there is a chance (and i my case this will always be my luck) that you will not be getting anything what so ever. aside from rage and looking forward to another 3 months of sloooowly collecting gold.
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
My philosophy on getting a precursor is to simply save the 300g and buy one.
The way I see it, I can either spend 300g on yellows trying to get it by luck, or spend 300g buying it without any random chance.
Yes, there is a CHANCE you can get it the 1st time. But there is ALSO a chance that you can spend 300g on yellows, not get it, and be forced to spend a 2nd 300g to just buy the kitten thing.
Besides, I’d rather look good for the months of farming I need to do
If gold is hard to come by – go for the Cultural Armour imo.
like Lithe pointed it out already, sure you can get it after spending maybe 1 or 2g and get it on the first try, but it’s tough. and we’ve heard so many stories of people having spent 100’s of g into the mystic forge when the precursors were only around.. 100+ then..
or you can keep saving up until you can buy the pre-cursor and get it that way. if your outlook on the pricing of the precursors to keep rising. so you’d want to get that asap.
cultural armors i assume are here to stay so there’s no rush getting those. but if you want to look good and feel awesome, that works too. but i suggsted that because you mentioned you value the pre-cursor and legendary more than the cultural armor.
again, cultural armor is forever. price is static. precursor supply is dependent on who has it and if they’re willing to let it go at a certain price. price is volatile. again you could also argue that the prices will drop someday, but so far that doesn’t seem to be the case in the near future. but then again, that’s just me.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Get your armor first. Then look pretty going for whatever else you want to do.
Thanks everyone for your input. I have been leaning toward the cultural armor and it would seem many of you would agree; however I will welcome any additional comments
Thanks again