(edited by Aegis.9724)
Cultural armor on a different race?
I don’t think it’s possible, because there most likely are no models and art for the items on another race. Even if you could somehow bug the cultural armor by transmuting it onto a white item or something like that, you’d most likely get a naked toon or a crash when putting them on your other character.
I thought this fix was in the patch notes for an update they did a long time ago but i could be wrong… I know that you can transmute cultural weapons (I’ve seen race x running around with race y weapons in game) but I don’t think you can transmute cultural armor anymore??
I thought this fix was in the patch notes for an update they did a long time ago but i could be wrong… I know that you can transmute cultural weapons (I’ve seen race x running around with race y weapons in game) but I don’t think you can transmute cultural armor anymore??
Cultural weapons are not bound by race so no transmutation required.
I can’t check it now, but if i remember correctly cultural armor have second line with sth like “usable only by asura”. It’s totally separate from soul/account bound line.
So my guess is, even if the method would work, you would be only able to equip it on other char of the same race.
Like the other poster said there are probably no models for the other races such as charr cultural having a completely different model than a human/norn. I doubt they will change this it just doesn’t make sense to make “cultural” for all races
They changed this a long time ago because at one time you could and it made your character completely naked (no underwear either).
It’s not possible to do now.
Cultural weapons are not bound by race so no transmutation required.
Oh! Good to know. I will have to take a look around now, since the human cultural weapons are pretty boring IMO.
So i recently managed to use the thief starting hood skin on my ranger, by creating one, depositing the hood in the bank, deleting that char and then transmuting the skin.
Seems like deleting a char turns all of his soulbound items to account bound.
So, i was wondering, did anyone try this on cultural armors? i REALLY want norn armor on my ranger…
Oh really!?
So in theory, if I was a sadist, I could create a character and run it up to join the vigil then go buy the piece of armor I want, transmute it to some lowly white item, drop it in the bank and then delete myself and login another character that can use armor of that type and pick it up?!
As far as I know you can indeed transmute different order armor/weapon skins as long as you have someone who can buy them.
Hmmm. There are no models for different races for azura charr and norn. However the sylvari and human both use the same model. Thus a human cultural armor could work on a sylvari, and vice versa. Though If it has some kind of limitation that stops any char. From using it if its a different race. Then it would not work..
Can someone test if you can equip human cult. On a sylvari. I want the tier 3 light shoulders on my sylvari mesmer….I would suggest if you test it that you only do tier 1…..the prices are a little steep
I tried this, it can’t be done. Its a shame because the Sylvari boots would have gone lovely on my Asura who is currently sporting a mixture of TA/CoF dungeon armour.
I saw a human recently with Sylvari cultural armour. It definitely was not TA armour and it looked so nice that I have been wondering how to do it since then.
I am not sure if the transmute to white trick will work and I am too cheap to try it out. ( ah I see it doesn’t) But clearly it can be done- I just don’t know how.
I saw a human recently with Sylvari cultural armour. It definitely was not TA armour and it looked so nice that I have been wondering how to do it since then.
I am not sure if the transmute to white trick will work and I am too cheap to try it out. ( ah I see it doesn’t) But clearly it can be done- I just don’t know how.
If you see them again, see if you can get a picture. Or better yet, if they are willing to pose for a front/right/back/left set.
As others stated it USED to be possible to transmute them across but due to the lack of model sharing for the majority you’d just end up naked unless you got luck with sylvari+human
I saw a human recently with Sylvari cultural armour. It definitely was not TA armour and it looked so nice that I have been wondering how to do it since then.
I am not sure if the transmute to white trick will work and I am too cheap to try it out. ( ah I see it doesn’t) But clearly it can be done- I just don’t know how.
If you see them again, see if you can get a picture. Or better yet, if they are willing to pose for a front/right/back/left set.
I tried taking a pic but the player ported away- maybe he/she thought I was being weird :P
I remember the character name so I’ll add him and give very polite whisper.
I am dying to know how it was done.
i tried to transmute my t3 sylvari to a white item and give it to my human, it does not work now,
because even if it states that it is white and account bound, the “Sylvari race” only tab is still there
Cultural weapons are not bound by race so no transmutation required.
Oh! Good to know. I will have to take a look around now, since the human cultural weapons are pretty boring IMO.
You might want to transmute the weapons onto Exotic weapons though, since the cultural stuff are all Rare quality items.
i tried to transmute my t3 sylvari to a white item and give it to my human, it does not work now,
because even if it states that it is white and account bound, the “Sylvari race” only tab is still there
Unfortunate, though expected, but I’m sure we all appreciate the test and report. Thank you.
Cultural weapons are not bound by race so no transmutation required.
Oh! Good to know. I will have to take a look around now, since the human cultural weapons are pretty boring IMO.
You might want to transmute the weapons onto Exotic weapons though, since the cultural stuff are all Rare quality items.
Yeah that post from me was a long time ago. All my 80s have exotic/ascended gear :P