Current Balances issues in PvP:

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reinhart.2703


Hey guys first of all I have been participating in tournaments, and in every beta weekend. I have roughly 85% W/L ratio and I do know quite a bit about builds. So the feedback that I will be giving will be based on my experience.
First of all:

Thieves: Class looks great. No issues with their stealth whatsoever, I think it is the right step in making thieves stealth more frequently and make their openers not as devastating.
However there are a few issues with the class:
Heart Seeker / Pistolwhip / Unload – all 3 of those skills do not take a lot of set up and can get away with just spamming them until they run out of initiative. Granted there are a few utility skills that fill back the initiative, and trait that lets rogue gain initiative back on a crit – we have a plethora of thiefs both in tournaments and random warzones spamming 1 button. There were numerous times where thiefs tried to kill me with out those abilities and at the end they were resorted to just spam them because they are over buffed.

Heartseeker – is the gap closer, main damage dealing ability, and execute all 3 functions rolled into 1. I honestly cannot see how ability got overlooked in beta. I am ok with 2 functions but all 3 creates a big problem and heavily promotes its spamming. Increase the initiative cost to 5, or remove damage above 33% or a gap closer should suffice.

Pistolwhip – 0 set up to do great. Most of the channel skills require set up (100 blades – stun then channel). However pistolwhip stuns automatically and then starts channel. Not only this ability is great for disabling the enemy it also does too much damage. Either stun needs to be removed or the damage needs to be nerfed.

Unload – too much ranged damage.

I understand that nobody likes the nerfs therefore I promose buff the other rogues abilities to compensate the nerf to HS, PW, Unload. I do not think Thiefs are overpowered I just think it is very easy to deal damage as a thief with 3 overused abilities therefore limiting the true difference between skilled veteran and a new player that just googled the build.

Condition build is none existent. Very week compared to other classes, mainly due to the bleed duration. I think buff the heal to remove 3 conditions, increase bleed duration by 30%, also maybe add some traits that work based off Thoughness – 20% of toughness and power becomes a condition damage.

General skills – I think warriors damage is a bit low overall and 100 blades is over buffed. Increase damage on other sources for basically most of the weapons and nerf 100 blades damage by 40% or increase its cooldown to 35 seconds. I believe in versatility rather than based the whole class / build of 1 weapon ability (17 skills including 2 raged and all warriors balance is 100 blades)

Buff Warrior’s bow it seems a bit on a lower end. I think it can go well with condition build granted the bow can apply some more conditions besides ignite.


Great overall but their passive damage from berserker, illusionary unload is too high. Mesmers are balanced around the enemy being able to differentiate the true mesmer from clones, thus making swaps to hard hitting illusions not very viable. I cant tell how many times I would win vs mesmer at 9k hit points I would still get to downed state due to the high illusion damage.
Nerf illusionary unload damage (literally could be 50% of total mesmers damage) since its just a passive damage. and increase their active damage that they have to work for. Good place would be increase shatter damage / combo if it hits just 1 enemy.

*Necromancer *
love my necro to death I think we are fairly balanced. I have 1 issue – feast of corruption does 500 damge and it is in our scepter build that is condition based build. The ability needs a rework. I think instead of doing damage based on how many conditions the enemy has it should either apply bleed / burning based on how many conditions enemy has (2 stacks of bleed for every condition, or 1 second of burning for every condition) increase its cooldown to 20 seconds.

Downed State – a few classes benefit too much and a few too little. Classes with pets (rangers, mesmers, minion necros) benefit too much from it and classes like necros, guardians elementalists – too little. Classes like theif and warriors are in a good place i think.
For necros I have a suggestion for #3 – instead of posion give us shrouded form to buff our HP levels through life force and make us un executabe for 4 seconds. For Guardians Ele’s – its up to the community as I am not sure exactly how to balance them.

I hope this helps. I do not want to nerf the classes but rather transform damage from overused abilities into others so the classes will be more complex yet fun to play.


Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reinhart.2703


Hello Reinhart,
here are some of my own observations regarding the problems you have encountered with some skills.

Pistol Whip -
The damage portion of pistol whip has a long windup time, you can dodge out of it even if you are hit by the stun.

Unload -
If you dodge even once then most of the bullets will miss you, even if the opponent has haste buff.
Secondly using Unload is not as effective as you make it out to be, even if you manage to get hit by a fully optimized unload under the best circumstances that’s at most 5-6k damage. The thief that shot you has 16k~ hp and 0 toughness.

Warrior -
Warriors have one of the longest basic bleed with their 50%+ bleed-duration trait, Warriors can also put up the most bleeds in the shortest time with their Sword Burst.
The problem with them isn’t duration, but rather that warriors, unlike other classes have to get into melee to put the dots up.

Lastly, consider relaxing on calling for increases on cooldowns. I get that you don’t like that every warrior is running around with Greatsword, but increasing cooldown to some arbitrary high number isn’t going to change anything, 100swords is mostly used with frenzy, and that has a 60sec CD.


That is true however with only 2 dodges good rogue will have a good uptime with pistolwhips. Especially if they use venoms.

Both unload and pistolwhip could be used multiple times back to back to back making them far superior cooldowns.

100 blades – well I am not sure what is needed to be done but balancing around it is not much fun.
Warrior bleeds applied fast but also fall off very fast i think the base duration buff from the flurry needs to be buffed by 2 seconds

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Abarcine.7189


I would very much love to have more damage on my abilities instead of on my phantasms. I would love it even more if shatters where instant on demand abilities and had our traits reworked to support this. To me Mind Wrack and Shatter made me think the ability should occur in a finger-snap instead of converting them to into suicide bombers with an IQ that rivals my cat. Is my target on a ramp ? HOW WILL WE EVER GET TO IT ?!!!??!!?!!? The IWarlock hits waaaaaaay too hard in DEs and is boring as hell.
1. Press 1
2 . Press 5
3. Press 2 inside 5
4. Press 3 repeat 2 more times
5. Dance and press 5 when it’s back up
You get gold medals for spawning 3 pets and going AFK. This Profession is in desperate need of some more compelling game play.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


Hello Reinhart,
here are some of my own observations regarding the problems you have encountered with some skills.

Pistol Whip -
The damage portion of pistol whip has a long windup time, you can dodge out of it even if you are hit by the stun.

Unload -
If you dodge even once then most of the bullets will miss you, even if the opponent has haste buff.
Secondly using Unload is not as effective as you make it out to be, even if you manage to get hit by a fully optimized unload under the best circumstances that’s at most 5-6k damage. The thief that shot you has 16k~ hp and 0 toughness.

Warrior -
Warriors have one of the longest basic bleed with their 50%+ bleed-duration trait, Warriors can also put up the most bleeds in the shortest time with their Sword Burst.
The problem with them isn’t duration, but rather that warriors, unlike other classes have to get into melee to put the dots up.

Lastly, consider relaxing on calling for increases on cooldowns. I get that you don’t like that every warrior is running around with Greatsword, but increasing cooldown to some arbitrary high number isn’t going to change anything, 100swords is mostly used with frenzy, and that has a 60sec CD.


Agree with all these points.

One thing I would change though that you didn’t mention, I don’t think illusions need a damage reduction. I play Mesmer, and the illusions are my only real source of damage. I have almost no other spells that do damage, I let the illusions damage while I give boons/conditions and my only burst dps I can do is:

Stun > Blurred Frenzy.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neglected.1260


Hello Reinhart,
here are some of my own observations regarding the problems you have encountered with some skills.

Pistol Whip -
The damage portion of pistol whip has a long windup time, you can dodge out of it even if you are hit by the stun.

Unload -
If you dodge even once then most of the bullets will miss you, even if the opponent has haste buff.
Secondly using Unload is not as effective as you make it out to be, even if you manage to get hit by a fully optimized unload under the best circumstances that’s at most 5-6k damage. The thief that shot you has 16k~ hp and 0 toughness.

Warrior -
Warriors have one of the longest basic bleed with their 50%+ bleed-duration trait, Warriors can also put up the most bleeds in the shortest time with their Sword Burst.
The problem with them isn’t duration, but rather that warriors, unlike other classes have to get into melee to put the dots up.

Lastly, consider relaxing on calling for increases on cooldowns. I get that you don’t like that every warrior is running around with Greatsword, but increasing cooldown to some arbitrary high number isn’t going to change anything, 100swords is mostly used with frenzy, and that has a 60sec CD.


That is true however with only 2 dodges good rogue will have a good uptime with pistolwhips. Especially if they use venoms.

Both unload and pistolwhip could be used multiple times back to back to back making them far superior cooldowns.

100 blades – well I am not sure what is needed to be done but balancing around it is not much fun.
Warrior bleeds applied fast but also fall off very fast i think the base duration buff from the flurry needs to be buffed by 2 seconds

I think you’ll find that you will be able to dodge more than the amount of times a rogue will be able to pistol whip you (unless the rogue is running heavy crit build and is insanely lucky with crit initiative procs (forgot the trait name) or runs kleptomaniac. If he is running kleptomanic that’s one GCD he just wasted and he’s right in front of you to mash his face in)

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Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amradio.2513


The stun on Pistol Whip doesn’t last nearly so long that you can’t dodge out of it after you’re hit >_> just dodge.

Unload- Dodge

Heartseeker- Dodge..its so telegraphed you can’t miss it.

Basically: Getting owned with one button spam is just playing badly. Dodge. Thieves spam one button because ppl still havent figured out what the dodge button does. Its the same reasons warriors used to spam 100b. Once the meta learns to dodge things will get really good.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


The stun on Pistol Whip doesn’t last nearly so long that you can’t dodge out of it after you’re hit >_> just dodge.

Unload- Dodge

Heartseeker- Dodge..its so telegraphed you can’t miss it.

Basically: Getting owned with one button spam is just playing badly. Dodge. Thieves spam one button because ppl still havent figured out what the dodge button does. Its the same reasons warriors used to spam 100b. Once the meta learns to dodge things will get really good.

Exactly. I can see that Heartseeker is harder too dodge because it can be used a lot faster, one after the other.

But your right about the others.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xaia.2304


I play thief. I killed 2 thieves in the same time yesterday. One of them was my pvp friend. After that fight, necro came and sucked me out in few seconds. So which class is OP now? Beside this mesmer are not OP? Bilion of clones, teleports, phatasm, stealths, cc …

just learn to play guys.

sorry for my english ><

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fleeZy.5270


Nerf illusionary unload damage (literally could be 50% of total mesmers damage) since its just a passive damage. and increase their active damage that they have to work for. Good place would be increase shatter damage / combo if it hits just 1 enemy.

Unfortunately no. I play a Mesmer, and I can honestly say, that without this, we’d be next to useless in PvP.

There are two types of Mesmers (in general); The Illusionist Mesmer, and the Condition Mesmer. The Condition Mesmer is, obviously, the sustained DPS model, but also doubles as the support model. The issue here, is that in sPvP when fights are generally quick, the Mesmer has very little opportunity to do much damage. This of course can be mitigated by the addition of Confuse, and confusion on Shatter.

Thus, the segway into illusions. People don’t want to admit it, but realistically, sPvP is about burst. It’s about hitting a node with your team, and punching the other team in the face as hard as you can as they struggle to stay alive (the exception to this being the Guardian. Nerf Guardian sustain…). To me, the only real useful aspect of a condition Mesmer is the confuse, but the good thing about this is that the Illusionist has confuse on shatter as well. As for direct DPS done by illusions, I implore you to play a mesmer in sPvP. Our weapons to very little, save for the sword, and all weapons have a summoning ability.

Scepter: Clone spam, negligible damage, made for shatters
Sword: Slow, but large burst phantasm, only in OH
OH Pistol: High burst DPS, slow attack speed
Staff: Caster phantasm. Big damage; really slow.
OH Torch: condition phastasm
OH Focus: Support phantasm

We only have 2 utilities that summon phantasms, only one does damage.

Basically this means that we only have 2 damaging phantasm up at once. One from the weapon and one from the utility. No one uses the utility phantasm for damage, they use the condition removal phantasm.

I’m a little all over the place here, it’s 5a.m., leave me alone, but the basic premise is this.

  • We can only have so many phantasms available
  • they just got fixed and are easy as sin to kill
  • they glow pink
  • they are our main source of dps
  • our weapon attacks are negligible and are mainly used to gain an effect, boon, or apply a condition
  • without that phantasm dps, we aren’t viable in any situation
fleeZy – pewmesmerpew

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

Still think the Mesmer phantasm doing the Illusionary Sword Strike deals to much dmg, he does like 4-5k every single strike and he hits quite fast. In fact, hes way more annoying then any normal Warrior ive seen so far
But as i have to agree with the post above though.. those are Illusionist Mesmers… in my opinion the condition/power mesmers should get a buff making that also an viable way to go.

Thief is kinda really easy to play.. lately tested out a build based on Quickness .. managed to get 18k dps on a engineer with 2600 armor.

The balancing things are not that bad though, its not like 1 guy yust rules everything .. yust some small tweaks here and there.

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sil.3629


I also think they should nurf every class but buff the one i play

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Valkaneer.7834


Hey guys first of all I have been participating in tournaments, and in every beta weekend. I have roughly 85% W/L ratio and I do know quite a bit about builds. So the feedback that I will be giving will be based on my experience.
First of all:

Perhaps I missed it, but I never saw what class you are playing. Giving a list of what needs to be buffed and nerfed without listing what your playing kinda makes your post meh.

For instance a warrior can just about negate every thief skill you listed as needed to be nerfed. A guardians and Warriors can 100% negate and unload if done properly ect. Guardians can turn and unload back on the Thief and make him eat his own bullets. There is a lot you did not consider in your post.

You have written the first post I have ever seen saying warriors are in need of buffs. Every other post I have seen says Warriors are face roll. So far from what I have seen of warriors is they are a well rounded class.

So I’m not sure where you are coming from, and a starting point would be good.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.

Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.

Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

(edited by Duckzor.4327)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Valkaneer.7834


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.

Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.

Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.

30K Hp with 30 points in toughness that 15k is not going to happen and certainly not a 20k Pistol whip. I have yet to find a thief that eats my lunch. They might beat me, but I have never gone down to a thief in less than 5 sec like your making it sound like.

Only time I have died quickly to a thief well, there was 2 of them and I got knocked down.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.

Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.

Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.

Instead of replying childishly you could try and apply some factual math from in game to back up your opinion.

The stun is extremely small duration (1/2s) and the entirely ability has a high activation time (over 1s), so try dodging. The damage is maybe half of what you stated, so please provide proof of it doing around 20k and show you ACTUALLY having armor equipped.
Backstab for 15k? Even with assassins signet you are not going to get hit by a 15k backstab. Assassin’s signet is 150% damage increase on next attack NOT 200+%, not only would that mean they have to have auto attack disabled, but the signet has a COOLDOWN and this requires them to be in STEALTH. Them building around, again 1 effect with a cooldown this time being 2, entirely is kittening them in the long run. ANY class in the game can build around 1 cooldown and can do nice burst in 1v1 situations.

If you read what I wrote, I said I would have no problem toning down the damage of PW if the activation time was buffed majorly.

The thief is supposed to be the most mobile class, currently is not, and their damage is fairly lackluster unless a few cooldowns are popped and/or they have group buffs( if you compare their damage vs survivability), which again, the class is NOT supposed to be designed around

(edited by Knyx.5926)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.

Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.

Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.

Instead of replying childishly you could try and apply some factual math from in game to back up your opinion.

The stun is extremely small duration (1/2s) and the entirely ability has a high activation time (over 1s), so try dodging. The damage is maybe half of what you stated, so please provide proof of it doing around 20k and show you ACTUALLY having armor equipped.
Backstab for 15k? Even with assassins signet you are not going to get hit by a 15k backstab. Assassin’s signet is 150% damage increase on next attack NOT 200+%, not only would that mean they have to have auto attack disabled, but the signet has a COOLDOWN and this requires them to be in STEALTH. Them building around, again 1 effect with a cooldown this time being 2, entirely is kittening them in the long run. ANY class in the game can build around 1 cooldown and can do nice burst in 1v1 situations.

If you read what I wrote, I said I would have no problem toning down the damage of PW if the activation time was buffed majorly.

The thief is supposed to be the most mobile class, currently is not, and their damage is fairly lackluster unless a few cooldowns are popped and/or they have group buffs( if you compare their damage vs survivability), which again, the class is NOT supposed to be designed around

Right, that was uncalled for, just upset about thekittenthieves.

But really, today i’ve been 12k backstabbed, a lot of 5-7k heartseekers, and a 17k pistol whip. I wear medium armor and have 5 points in toughness and 25k HP. For that pistol whip, as soon as i tried to dodge, most of the damage had already been done..

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.

You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.

Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.

Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.

Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.

Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.

Instead of replying childishly you could try and apply some factual math from in game to back up your opinion.

The stun is extremely small duration (1/2s) and the entirely ability has a high activation time (over 1s), so try dodging. The damage is maybe half of what you stated, so please provide proof of it doing around 20k and show you ACTUALLY having armor equipped.
Backstab for 15k? Even with assassins signet you are not going to get hit by a 15k backstab. Assassin’s signet is 150% damage increase on next attack NOT 200+%, not only would that mean they have to have auto attack disabled, but the signet has a COOLDOWN and this requires them to be in STEALTH. Them building around, again 1 effect with a cooldown this time being 2, entirely is kittening them in the long run. ANY class in the game can build around 1 cooldown and can do nice burst in 1v1 situations.

If you read what I wrote, I said I would have no problem toning down the damage of PW if the activation time was buffed majorly.

The thief is supposed to be the most mobile class, currently is not, and their damage is fairly lackluster unless a few cooldowns are popped and/or they have group buffs( if you compare their damage vs survivability), which again, the class is NOT supposed to be designed around

Right, that was uncalled for, just upset about thekittenthieves.

But really, today i’ve been 12k backstabbed, a lot of 5-7k heartseekers, and a 17k pistol whip. I wear medium armor and have 5 points in toughness and 25k HP. For that pistol whip, as soon as i tried to dodge, most of the damage had already been done..

You may want to ask how they did that, or report them for exploiting. I can tell you as a thief player, and leveled one to 80, as well as done quite a bit of spvp and wvwvw. That the 12k backstab is VERY hard to pull off (aligning of the stars kind of thing) and consistant 5-7k heartseekers is impossible (which entails exploiting)

17k Pistol whip, still an aligning of the stars thing, could be assassins signet but still almost all the hits need to crit and/or you have stacks of vulnerability which is prob from someone else

Even with a full offensive glass cannon build against a non tank target, you heartseeker on non crit is gonna hit for 1-2k damage, which is very underpowered when you think about the normal Health pools classes have at 80. Assuming you have quite a bit of vulnerability stacked on you, they attacking your back/side, and they have a stack of 2 of might, you can see a 5-7k heartseeker but then again their crit rate is still not near 100%, so it is not gonna be consistent plus you can dodge 2 of them and again you gotta ask where those multiple vulnerability stacks came from etc (and this glass cannon thief is gonna have like 11k hp with the least toughness in the game)

(edited by Knyx.5926)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: amradio.2513


But really, today i’ve been 12k backstabbed, a lot of 5-7k heartseekers, and a 17k pistol whip. I wear medium armor and have 5 points in toughness and 25k HP. For that pistol whip, as soon as i tried to dodge, most of the damage had already been done..

Thieves eat low-def targets for breakfast. HP will only help you if you heal fast enough. But if your heal sucks, which im assuming it does, all your hp is doing for you is giving you a few extra hits before you die. For a thief, its probably one more backstab or heartseeker. You’re extremely fragile which makes you easy pickings for a glass cannon class.

EDIT: This is of course ignoring the numbers because those are very very very hard to pull off, and you certainly cant do that consistently.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Xaos.1570


I’m not sure what im supposed to be doing when I get hit with an 11K backstab as an Elementalist. That eats up nearly 80% of my health:

And the claims of 1-2K heartseeker might be true…. But when they are 7K for a single hit, and 50% of my health? I think a little bit of adjustment is needed:

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Knyx.5926


I’m not sure what im supposed to be doing when I get hit with an 11K backstab as an Elementalist. That eats up nearly 80% of my health:

And the claims of 1-2K heartseeker might be true…. But when they are 7K for a single hit, and 50% of my health? I think a little bit of adjustment is needed:

Again, that doesn’t show how many stacks of vulnerability you had on you, whether or not the thief had group buffs etc.

It also sounds like you are entirely glass cannon build with that hp and getting hit for that much. So you are complaining because a MELEE glass cannon build can burst you (a RANGED glass cannon build) faster then you can him. That is the problem with a lot of MMOs these days, even more so in asian ones, people don’t understand the basic mechanics that structure PVP balance.

In terms of mobility by being a primarily RANGED class you naturally have more mobility then a MELEE class because you can start your attacks sooner, can attack/heal out of the fray and know when to escape easier. With that being said, a RANGED class should naturally have less survivability then a MELEE class. In this game there are quite a few instances where that is not the case which is messed up, this however is not one of them instances.

You are also showing 1 death. Who knows how much setup that takes. I personally have never seen myself doing a 11k backstab or 7k heartseeker in any build more then once every couple matches, but maybe thats just me

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Knyx.5926


…perhaps if you had the guardian’s invulnerable full-heal you could have one more chance at not to getting two-shoted while you tried to finish this guy off, before he disappears and comes back later

They need to strike a better balance between ‘mostly unhittable’ and ‘crazy damage’ because right now, thieves are alot of both

Extremely biased opinion with no facts or evidence to back it up…

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Wolfbane.4073


This is a redundant thread imo, i live in PVP and i cant say the game is unbalanced,
And reading through what everyone has said its seems like every single class has one skill that “needs nerfing”.

Compared to other MMO’s this game is 100% balanced, (there may be one or 2 tweeks) but im happy with how it is and so is the majority of the PVP community. A class is not supposed to be able to solo there way through pvp. You have your zerg and then you have smaller raiding parties which if put together properly have members of each profession, therefore the balance is irrelevant.

GW2 sPvP and WvWvW require teamwork along with your own ability to play the game. Spend some time running around and trying different set ups and find one which you can use. The amount of warriors that i see running around with GS is amazing cuz they run in blast 100 blades and die instantly, where as the ones who can play the game tend to run with a shield build when in large skirmishes and then GS if 1 on 1.

If they start trying to get everything 100% balanced then they would end up just messing things up, NO MMO IS BALANCED and as it stands GW2 is one of the closest ive played.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Xaos.1570


Again, that doesn’t show how many stacks of vulnerability you had on you, whether or not the thief had group buffs etc.

It also sounds like you are entirely glass cannon build with that hp and getting hit for that much. So you are complaining because a MELEE glass cannon build can burst you (a RANGED glass cannon build) faster then you can him. That is the problem with a lot of MMOs these days, even more so in asian ones, people don’t understand the basic mechanics that structure PVP balance.

In terms of mobility by being a primarily RANGED class you naturally have more mobility then a MELEE class because you can start your attacks sooner, can attack/heal out of the fray and know when to escape easier. With that being said, a RANGED class should naturally have less survivability then a MELEE class. In this game there are quite a few instances where that is not the case which is messed up, this however is not one of them instances.

You are also showing 1 death. Who knows how much setup that takes. I personally have never seen myself doing a 11k backstab or 7k heartseeker in any build more then once every couple matches, but maybe thats just me

Its a fairly regular occurrence. Those two have just been the highest I’ve decided to screenshot. But being hit for a 5 – 6K heartseeker is not an uncommon sight.

I dont believe your argument holds much water especially considering the more common Elementalist sPvP builds are either Dagger/Dagger or Scepter/Dagger, which means either short range or mid range (400 range for dagger or 600 for scepter). So, no i don’t believe that being classified as a “ranged” DPS inherently means i should be two-shotable at melee. Especially considering that a Thief’s Steal skill reaches at ranges even further than that.

Both the screenshots i’ve shown also have relatively little damage coming from other classes. I don’t recall the exact situation, but i seriously doubt i had 10 stacks of vulnerability that comprised of almost no damage from some other class, only to be hit with one skill that takes away %50 – %80 of my health.

I’m all for advocating to buff Elementalists instead of nerfing Thieves, but I don’t think I’ve ever had such damage on such a regular occurrence from another class.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Knyx.5926


Again, that doesn’t show how many stacks of vulnerability you had on you, whether or not the thief had group buffs etc.

It also sounds like you are entirely glass cannon build with that hp and getting hit for that much. So you are complaining because a MELEE glass cannon build can burst you (a RANGED glass cannon build) faster then you can him. That is the problem with a lot of MMOs these days, even more so in asian ones, people don’t understand the basic mechanics that structure PVP balance.

In terms of mobility by being a primarily RANGED class you naturally have more mobility then a MELEE class because you can start your attacks sooner, can attack/heal out of the fray and know when to escape easier. With that being said, a RANGED class should naturally have less survivability then a MELEE class. In this game there are quite a few instances where that is not the case which is messed up, this however is not one of them instances.

You are also showing 1 death. Who knows how much setup that takes. I personally have never seen myself doing a 11k backstab or 7k heartseeker in any build more then once every couple matches, but maybe thats just me

Its a fairly regular occurrence. Those two have just been the highest I’ve decided to screenshot. But being hit for a 5 – 6K heartseeker is not an uncommon sight.

I dont believe your argument holds much water especially considering the more common Elementalist sPvP builds are either Dagger/Dagger or Scepter/Dagger, which means either short range or mid range (400 range for dagger or 600 for scepter). So, no i don’t believe that being classified as a “ranged” DPS inherently means i should be two-shotable at melee. Especially considering that a Thief’s Steal skill reaches at ranges even further than that.

Both the screenshots i’ve shown also have relatively little damage coming from other classes. I don’t recall the exact situation, but i seriously doubt i had 10 stacks of vulnerability that comprised of almost no damage from some other class, only to be hit with one skill that takes away %50 – %80 of my health.

I’m all for advocating to buff Elementalists instead of nerfing Thieves, but I don’t think I’ve ever had such damage on such a regular occurrence from another class.

Actually that is still a ranged class, if you chose to pick the shortest range weapon of your class, you have to understand you are sacrificing something else, until you realize that you will never understand your class.

So lets recap, you built for full glass cannon, AND took the shorter range weapons available. I also know that an ele built for glass cannon has more toughness and hp then a thief built for glass cannon.

You say it is a regular occurrence, yet I have not ONCE seen any proof. I have seen one screenshot MAYBE 2 out of hundreds of nerf posts and not 1 video.

Also, as for the vulnerability. It is a condition. If you don’t believe there are very low damage abilities that add a lot of conditions check Necro and Mesmer.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Xaos.1570


Actually that is still a ranged class, if you chose to pick the shortest range weapon of your class, you have to understand you are sacrificing something else, until you realize that you will never understand your class.

So lets recap, you built for full glass cannon, AND took the shorter range weapons available. I also know that an ele built for glass cannon has more toughness and hp then a thief built for glass cannon.

You say it is a regular occurrence, yet I have not ONCE seen any proof. I have seen one screenshot MAYBE 2 out of hundreds of nerf posts and not 1 video.

Also, as for the vulnerability. It is a condition. If you don’t believe there are very low damage abilities that add a lot of conditions check Necro and Mesmer.

Yeah, i totally understand that picking the short range weapons will have sacrifices (namely, range).

But its not like i was outplayed, outskilled, or outmaneuvered by a thief here. They basically hit a single skill, and took me down to half or more health.

In all the classes i’ve fought, i’ve certainly never used a single skill that has dealt over 7,000 damage. At best, I could get several classes down to half health with a combo – Arcane Blast at a distance, Ride the Lightning to close in distance, Arcane Wave, Updraft to knockback, Switch to fire and cast Dragon’s Tooth. This combo requires max distance and a fairly open field, but if executed perfectly, i can get most classes down to 50% or 40% as the bulk of the damage comes once they are knocked down.

I don’t really see how anyone can advocate 11,000 damage in a single hit except under the most exceptional of circumstances. Its not the first time i’ve gotten hit around that much.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Knyx.5926


Actually that is still a ranged class, if you chose to pick the shortest range weapon of your class, you have to understand you are sacrificing something else, until you realize that you will never understand your class.

So lets recap, you built for full glass cannon, AND took the shorter range weapons available. I also know that an ele built for glass cannon has more toughness and hp then a thief built for glass cannon.

You say it is a regular occurrence, yet I have not ONCE seen any proof. I have seen one screenshot MAYBE 2 out of hundreds of nerf posts and not 1 video.

Also, as for the vulnerability. It is a condition. If you don’t believe there are very low damage abilities that add a lot of conditions check Necro and Mesmer.

Yeah, i totally understand that picking the short range weapons will have sacrifices (namely, range).

But its not like i was outplayed, outskilled, or outmaneuvered by a thief here. They basically hit a single skill, and took me down to half or more health.

In all the classes i’ve fought, i’ve certainly never used a single skill that has dealt over 7,000 damage. At best, I could get several classes down to half health with a combo – Arcane Blast at a distance, Ride the Lightning to close in distance, Arcane Wave, Updraft to knockback, Switch to fire and cast Dragon’s Tooth. This combo requires max distance and a fairly open field, but if executed perfectly, i can get most classes down to 50% or 40% as the bulk of the damage comes once they are knocked down.

I don’t really see how anyone can advocate 11,000 damage in a single hit except under the most exceptional of circumstances. Its not the first time i’ve gotten hit around that much.

But still there is no proof you have been hit by that much often. I have actually played a LOT of classes can can hit that hard in 1 ability. Here is to name a few
GS warrior: Check
Dual axe warrior: Check
Longbow Ranger: Check
GS mesmer: Check

I’m sure ele and necro can do it too, I will do more testing myself on these

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Nemiros.3590


lol at necro doing a 11k hit.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: gooberkid.6029


I think the balance issues are mostly understandable this early on. Read 10 different posts and you can find 10 differing views on whom is OP. I’ve only played two classes thus far so I really can’t comment much on that.
I think the main problems with PvP are the downed system and the almost-limitless energy. I know some people think the downed system adds something to combat, and that’s cool, I just happen to think it could spoil some 1v2’s; heck it has already done that to me.
Energy being such an easy resource, to me, has removed one of the major skill requirements that were necessary in the original; if you were running on empty trying to defend Gunther, you were in trouble. Now those smarts are no longer needed, which I suppose as an ele would be enjoyable, I just think it lowers the barrier of entry.

“What is it men cannot be made to believe!” – Thomas Jefferson, 1786

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Knyx.5926


A. I see you whining a lot, and using an extreme hypocrite philosophy. You contradict yourself a TON of times in the single post it makes your word mean next to nothing.

B. Stating opinion is different then stating fact, or math. However it is still an argument.
The argument was that thieves were Overpowered, no evidence was presented.
Then someone argued that thieves could do 20k+ burst damage, no evidence was presented. Excuse me hypocrite for preferring my arguments to be intellectual, you know what wonderful thing called intelligence.

Anyone can make a thread saying X class is overpowered and does 10 billion damage is .000003 seconds. There is nothing stopping them. Without evidence backing them up it is all banter and moot.
So where is the evidence? 1-2 screenshots don’t prove anything, the guy could have armor off, nor does that in any way make it a regular occurrence.

C. A few matches means once and awhile. Once and awhile =/= regular occurrence. Where is your head? Use it. I also said ONCE every few matches so that’s even less.

All I see in your thread is a childish rant, because you cannot prove or backup your statements. You cannot provide evidence, and you just wanted to say thief was overpowered because you don’t understand the game mechanics, nor tried to roll one to figure out how it works. You just think you can target me because I apply the same philosophy to all of your mindless supporters in this thread? That is a joke.

Try again.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: amradio.2513


ITT: Glass cannon D/D elementalists complaining that a glass cannon Thief can burst them down in a few hits. Well ohemgee, it might be because Elementalists have the lowest health AND armor in the game, and on top of that you insist on going melee. Durr, you are going to get facerolled, its glaringly obvious. You deserve to lose, learn your weaknesses.

Also ITT: Gross exaggerations. 20k backstabs? Seriously? 7k heartseekers all in a row? Seriously? Absurd lol. Its not impossible, but you’d have to be buffed out the wazoo, get a guaranteed crit with ridiculous amounts of crit dmg, and activate assassins signet. Its not happening very often at all.

ITT continued: No one has figured out that vit+toughness >>> thief. If you can survive the burst, a spam thief is dead. Stealth abusers are the suckers you really have to worry about…as they can survive a drawn out fight. Naturally the only way to counter stealth is self-aoe, invuln skills, conditions (using a skill to remove them will break stealth, swiftness (if you’re faster he can’t backstab you), aegis (single-handedly breaks backstab thief), combo breakers (disrupts bursts), the list goes ON!

Yet all of these things would require you to stop trying to do as much dps as possible and add some survivability/defensive options. If you refuse to do that you deserve to lose

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Lewk.8359


great first post, 100% agree.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Lewk.8359


Just because thief can be countered, doesn’t mean that their skills aren’t inherently better/have a higher overall damage output without much required by means of setup or skillful play.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: ffhighwind.9217


I’m a warrior and I’m inclined to agree with most of the points given above. Warriors seem a little underpowered. I feel like I can pretty evenly 1v1 any class, but thieves/ and melee rangers are the most difficult to fight, and good mesmers are the most annoying.

I’ve done quite a few matches and noticed that groups with guardians, mesmers, and necros tend to win matches more than other groups. I’m not saying that warriors are awful, just that they’re not a class you’d want to stack hard like the classes I listed above.

(edited by ffhighwind.9217)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Discordian.7906


ITT: Glass cannon D/D elementalists complaining that a glass cannon Thief can burst them down in a few hits. Well ohemgee, it might be because Elementalists have the lowest health AND armor in the game, and on top of that you insist on going melee. Durr, you are going to get facerolled, its glaringly obvious. You deserve to lose, learn your weaknesses.

Also ITT: Gross exaggerations. 20k backstabs? Seriously? 7k heartseekers all in a row? Seriously? Absurd lol. Its not impossible, but you’d have to be buffed out the wazoo, get a guaranteed crit with ridiculous amounts of crit dmg, and activate assassins signet. Its not happening very often at all.

ITT continued: No one has figured out that vit+toughness >>> thief. If you can survive the burst, a spam thief is dead. Stealth abusers are the suckers you really have to worry about…as they can survive a drawn out fight. Naturally the only way to counter stealth is self-aoe, invuln skills, conditions (using a skill to remove them will break stealth, swiftness (if you’re faster he can’t backstab you), aegis (single-handedly breaks backstab thief), combo breakers (disrupts bursts), the list goes ON!

Yet all of these things would require you to stop trying to do as much dps as possible and add some survivability/defensive options. If you refuse to do that you deserve to lose

Most people don’t go for all around builds. It’s usually full glass or all tanky and no damage. I play a pretty well rounded shout guardian build most of the time, and I don’t remember the last time a thief killed me one on one.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: amradio.2513


Just because thief can be countered, doesn’t mean that their skills aren’t inherently better/have a higher overall damage output without much required by means of setup or skillful play.

Their skills aren’t better, they just do the most dmg. But doing the most dmg =/= best unless everyone else is too busy trying to do the most dmg. I guarantee you a thief would be WRECKED by a full vit+toughness warrior with mace+shield..or even a full vit+toughness guardian with mace shield. Its all about strengths and weaknesses.

If everyone is trying to do the same thing, the class that is the best at that one thing will clearly win just about every time. If everyone tries to do a lot of different things, the game looks a lot more balanced. There is nothing inherently broken about a thief. People get wrecked because

1) Do not carry enough defensive utilities (one stun breaker doesn’t count)

2) Do not use defensive weapon sets (especially in sPvP)

3) Do not carry skills that allow for easy escape

Thieves live and breathe off of people with weak forms of protection. Thats like a gift for a thief. Mesmers are the same way. They live and breathe off of ppl that like to go 1v1 and only try to deal dmg. They count on that! They count on the fact that you have poor condition removal, that all you want to do is spam skills, that you have few forms of CC (cripples, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, immobilizes), and that you’d rather faceroll instead of paying attention to what the mesmer is doing (figure out the strat and the mes is toast).

Its hard to survive with a thief. And you will know this if you roll one and go solo in PvE for a while. Its easy to overwhelm them, kill them, get them to run out of initiative, etc etc. My best advice is to play one and see for yourself. Easiest way ever to kill a thief is outlast them. Most thieves are impatient and drain their initiative in a hail mary burst. Easy to survive if you build yourself to survive it. If you refuse, just avoid thieves.

EDIT @ Discordian: Amen! Totally forgot to give everything inbetween some love!

(edited by amradio.2513)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Cyesta.3946


About the necro part feast of corruption is underpowered i do hardley any damage when i use it and i have heaps of conditions on target. It should be buffed a bit more.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Lewk.8359


The thief damage is > everyone else. Certain classes get some hard hitters like HB, but that isnt at all comparable to haste + hs spam on a 50% or below target. or popping thieves guild + haste + poisons + attacks.

The problem isnt that thieves are good at dps, it is that no other class compares. I wouldn’t even have a problem with a thief if they were JUST about dps. but they are not. They are VERY mobile, the can NOT be kited (HS alone closes gaps, not to mention teleports, steal, and the fact they can swap to a 900 range weapon that hits HARD). They also can simply stealth out of fights, and come back fighting strong. Their utility + dmg burst and SUSTAINED DPS is just so high compared to everyone else.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Hawken.7932


I love how all of the thief forums around a week ago were all full of QQ about how underpowered the thief was, and now it’s QQ oh noes the thief is killing me.

Seriously, the dodge button is your friend. What you’re all missing is the enemy cast bars which are usually present in other games, where here you have to look for the tells in your opponents animations. I play a thief, and the secret is that I’m made of glass, if you can just catch me. But that’s the trick with thief — overwhelm the opponent with whirling animations and fast movements.

(edited by Hawken.7932)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Malakree.5912


Having played a fair bit I’ve found that most of the PPL who call “op” in a game are just bad. It sounds rather unfair but I had a guardian call me an “overpowered bullkitten class” after I 1v2’d him and another mesmer several times.

About 2 hours later I came up against another guardian who literally stomped all over me, I killed him a few times but he always started low hp and lacking CD’s. In an even fight he destroyed me. Despite this most of the guardians I meet, mesmers, necros, engineers are all godawful. (I’ve met skilled players of everything other than mesmer and I play a mesmer so that’s what I’m judging off there)

The 2 classes I would say have issues are the thief and the ranger. The ranger because I have flat out never met a good ranger, no matter what they are doing they seem lackluster. The thief because its so one hit wonder, they burst and spike while hoping you can’t survive it. If you manage to survive them then they are dead on their feet with no way to get out.


They count on that! They count on the fact that you have poor condition removal, that all you want to do is spam skills, that you have few forms of CC (cripples, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, immobilizes), and that you’d rather faceroll instead of paying attention to what the mesmer is doing (figure out the strat and the mes is toast).

I disagree with this statement. Except for one guardian I’ve not faced one person who could properly face me in a full on 1v1. Whenever they did it was just from raw upfront burst. Are you talking about some sort of confusion/condition based mesmer?

EDIT2: Says stuff, contradicts self in edit! Sorted. What I mean is, mesmer isn’t gimicky in the same way a thief or warrior(HB HOOOO) is, it’s just incredibly powerful in a straight up 1v1.

(edited by Malakree.5912)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


I agree with feast of corruption. It is only good in a group when there’s a long list of conditions on an enemy. Currently if you used this skill in a 1v1 or in solo play it’s completely 100% useless, as the scepters 3rd attack (if it crits) almost always does more damage than this ability does, which is basically right around 500 damage with 3 conditions. It’s a wasted skill slot, and it probably should add burn/or more bleeding damage. Or maybe leave it as is and add a chilling affect to it or something.

I disagree 100% with warriors not having enough damage. I’ve seen many 2handed greatsword warriors doing ridiculously massive amounts of damage. A warrior did about 20,000 damage to me in under 6 seconds. I can’t even do that much damage in lich form. They have more dps than necro, so I don’t see why that should get buffed.

I also don’t feel like necro is balanced. I honestly feel like we should be doing more damage, and that we have a plethora of useless abilities or abilities that don’t fit the weapon type, feast of corruption is just one example you could use, we have several like this that are just as useless, and dagger builds only have 1 leaching ability, that’s lame.

(edited by Shelledfade.6435)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Malakree.5912


Met a dagger/staff necro who was able to pump increadible amounts of damage into me using the well of….the damage well. He is still in my top 5 of players as far as those I’ve faced.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: amradio.2513


Are you talking about some sort of confusion/condition based mesmer?

That and shatter. To clarify my point, a mesmer counts on the fact that an opponent doesn’t care what its strategy is. It just tries to kill you with hyper-offense. Obviously offense will kill you, but every mesmer has to have a plan, as it is an illusion based class. The plan only works if other ppl aren’t too concerned what the plan is.

I’m making the assumption that a player carrying CC, condition removal skills, etc., generally cares about whatever strategy a foe might be using. It may not be a good assumption though, but thats where I was coming from.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

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Posted by: Malakree.5912


That and shatter. To clarify my point, a mesmer counts on the fact that an opponent doesn’t care what its strategy is. It just tries to kill you with hyper-offense. Obviously offense will kill you, but every mesmer has to have a plan, as it is an illusion based class. The plan only works if other ppl aren’t too concerned what the plan is.

I’m making the assumption that a player carrying CC, condition removal skills, etc., generally cares about whatever strategy a foe might be using. It may not be a good assumption though, but thats where I was coming from.

Imo all mesmers should be running a phantasm based build. Such a build really doesn’t give a tosh what you do if they run it properly. I’ve yet to find anyone who managed to counter strategy it other than “burst the mesmer down before he owns me”. Hence my statement that this specific spec isn’t gimiky in the way a thief 100% burst spec is.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


Met a dagger/staff necro who was able to pump increadible amounts of damage into me using the well of….the damage well. He is still in my top 5 of players as far as those I’ve faced.

If a well drops on you, simply run out of the circle. The well your talking about does around 1500-2000 dmage and adds vulnerability which is why it does so much.

Literally all you gotta do is step out of the circle though, unless they have grasp which pulls you to them, but by the time they pull you in again, it’s probably nearly over anyway and it has a large cooldown.

Necro’s barely do any damage at all compared to the other classes. The only time we can actually deal out as much damage as other people is in lich form and it has a 180 cooldown. Staff is slow and is weak compared to axe. So, you probably just played against a guy who had way better gear than you.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malakree.5912


Met a dagger/staff necro who was able to pump increadible amounts of damage into me using the well of….the damage well. He is still in my top 5 of players as far as those I’ve faced.

If a well drops on you, simply run out of the circle. The well your talking about does around 1500-2000 dmage and adds vulnerability which is why it does so much.

Literally all you gotta do is step out of the circle though, unless they have grasp which pulls you to them, but by the time they pull you in again, it’s probably nearly over anyway and it has a large cooldown.

Necro’s barely do any damage at all compared to the other classes. The only time we can actually deal out as much damage as other people is in lich form and it has a 180 cooldown. Staff is slow and is weak compared to axe. So, you probably just played against a guy who had way better gear than you.

Yeah I’m aware, he was also applying roots and kitten so even if I stealthed (to break it) and dodged to try and crawl out of it I was still taking 6-8k damage from it. That combined with his very hefty damage from his auto attacks and the high survivability his death shroud(?) granted him made him incredibly hard to deal with. My guild mate got his build off him since he’d been lamenting how bad the necro was, he then spent a day wrecking face with it.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


Met a dagger/staff necro who was able to pump increadible amounts of damage into me using the well of….the damage well. He is still in my top 5 of players as far as those I’ve faced.

If a well drops on you, simply run out of the circle. The well your talking about does around 1500-2000 dmage and adds vulnerability which is why it does so much.

Literally all you gotta do is step out of the circle though, unless they have grasp which pulls you to them, but by the time they pull you in again, it’s probably nearly over anyway and it has a large cooldown.

Necro’s barely do any damage at all compared to the other classes. The only time we can actually deal out as much damage as other people is in lich form and it has a 180 cooldown. Staff is slow and is weak compared to axe. So, you probably just played against a guy who had way better gear than you.

Yeah I’m aware, he was also applying roots and kitten so even if I stealthed (to break it) and dodged to try and crawl out of it I was still taking 6-8k damage from it. That combined with his very hefty damage from his auto attacks and the high survivability his death shroud(?) granted him made him incredibly hard to deal with. My guild mate got his build off him since he’d been lamenting how bad the necro was, he then spent a day wrecking face with it.

ah… roots? Musta been one of those wood classes. We don’t have anything that can root you, so wouldn’t be able to do it in structured pvp. This must have happened in WvW.

After hearing this, I… really wish I hadn’t rolled asura for necro.. lmao.. Wonder if they will let us change race for a price lol …

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DangerMonkey.3158


Nerf every class except my own

Fear me! For I am the dangerous primate!
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Malakree.5912


He was using dagger+focus I believe but these are all ways that you can lock someone in the well. Also I don’t talk about balance from WvW since it’s inherently NOT balanced. This was in SPvP.

Current Balances issues in PvP:

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vibe.2861


Was crit by 7000 by a Mesmer Illusion. Says enough.