Custom Playlist Root File Location

Custom Playlist Root File Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VetaWulf.9652



Hello all,

I’m looking to customize my music file a bit; not change it utterly (because I love GW2s’ Music) but add in some of my favorites that are missing (such as Iron Footfalls for battles)

I know it is/was possible because of the wiki page.

However, I cannot seem to find the “Music” file. I’ve checked the main directory, Documents, and Roaming sections but can’t seem to find it.

Has Anet changed how the music is stored; is it still possible to customize a playlist?

Thanks for the help

Custom Playlist Root File Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964


Mine is in the game directory. Under Win7, it should be in Documents. It’s not a file, but a folder.

I don’t know if you can modify it just a little, though. If you specify your own playlists, only they are going to play. You simply put everything there, from what I see. So, if you want to keep GW2’s music, you’d need to include it in the playlist yourself.

Good luck!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Custom Playlist Root File Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VetaWulf.9652



Thanks for the reply. I did get my terminology wrong; what I mean’t was that I can’t find the Music Folder anywhere within those directories. If I create a Music folder within the Guild Wars 2 folder in Documents will it override the In-Game Music?

Edit: I am running Windows 8, btw. That may account for a difference in file structure or the absence of files.

Custom Playlist Root File Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


the Music folder isn’t always created by default, so you can safely create one in the Guild Wars 2 folder in Documents. be careful though, dragging mp3s (or other music files) into the folder does not work, you have to create a playlist and put that in the Music folder.

for info on how to name your playlist, and what the accepted formats are, here’s a link:

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Custom Playlist Root File Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

The Music folder is:

My Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music

See attached screenshot for what goes in the folder. All user created playlists override the defaults for the game playlists. If you want the game to have the same music available you’ll have to extract the music from the .dat file and put it in your custom playlist; you can probably find the download somewhere for all this type of music.
