Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


i promptly found that one Skill Point Challenge in The Straits Of Devastation seemed to require me to do a world event (Altar Of Betrayal), the other is by a Contested Statue of Melandru and i get crippled while communing, which stops the progress.

in Malchor’s Leap, i am missing 5 Skill Points:

- one at the top of the Cathedral Of Eternal Radiance, which requires me to complete the meta-event before the barrier to the skill point will drop. this is tricky kitten far, i have found very few people online in the later-game areas.

- one at the Plaza of Lights which requires me to kill a Champion and Veteran Risen at the same time (the Veteran i can kill easily on its own, but the Champion kills me very quickly). again, lack of players is a problem.

- one at the Statue Of Dwayna to the south, which i can easily get to, and commune with… except a Champion Risen Knight spawns on my head and downs me with AoE in under a second (not hyperbole). i can’t kill it alone, and the lack of players is again a problem.

- one at the Contested Statue Of Lyssa in the north… i haven’t tried this one yet, but iirc it spams Chaos Storms everywhere. i might be able to complete this one depending on what the Risen have to say about it. im not sure if the Chaos Storms will break communing, but they probably will.

- the last one is at the Statue Of Melandru (Contested… naturally), which is another cripple-spamming statue. so its impossible to commune with due to being staggered by the cripple condition.

ive been able to get all the others done by sneaking/rushing/tanking with a bear but these last ones are really hard to get alone

im on the Fissure Of Woe server (Europe), if anyone knows any people there who do the Lyssa Event, for example, that would be great. or if there are communities on other servers (i can guest to EU servers now, i believe) who do the world events in Orr regularly that would be appreciated

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

To solve your problems with all cathedrals or statues:

Look for a server where the temple (and so all the statues of that god) is uncontested and guest to that server. Mostly all the time this is the case for atleast one or two servers. The only exception is Balthazar, that temple is mostly done in the evenings and weekends.

For the one with the champion patrolling it: check when guesting for a more populated server. Often you can help each other where one keeps the champ busy and the other communes (dont forget to reverse roles)

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Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


ahh, that’s a very useful website, thanks

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


just got the two Lyssa SPs in Malchor’s Leap. that website is wonderful :P

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: The Clague.4765

The Clague.4765

I am on FoW and recently did all the temples skill points as a thief using stealth (dont need to complete them)

If you want me to help you get the skill points just msg me in game (Daughter of Sheol)

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


that website is doing fine at the moment, managed to grab the two Skill Points that were protected by the Champions as well, since one of them was already killed and the other didn’t spawn fast enough to break my communing so i just grabbed the point and ran

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Since you’ve mostly gotten them this is more for future references.

- one at the top of the Cathedral Of Eternal Radiance, which requires me to complete the meta-event before the barrier to the skill point will drop. this is tricky kitten far, i have found very few people online in the later-game areas.

You don’t actually have to go inside for that one. You can commune with it from the outside without having to do the event. You just need to avoid getting hit but the siege.

- one at the Contested Statue Of Lyssa in the north… i haven’t tried this one yet, but iirc it spams Chaos Storms everywhere. i might be able to complete this one depending on what the Risen have to say about it. im not sure if the Chaos Storms will break communing, but they probably will.

Those will frequently stun you so yes it will interrupt.

- the last one is at the Statue Of Melandru (Contested… naturally), which is another cripple-spamming statue. so its impossible to commune with due to being staggered by the cripple condition.

I can only think of one problematic Statue of Melandru in Malchor’s Leap, it’s the one in the north under the vista. The way to do this one while the statue is active is actually to jump on it from the vista.

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


A) yeah… i found that out when i was guesting in another server, it wasn’t actually the altar itself, it was the steps leading up to it. i had read that you needed to do the event so i assumed it was inside the shield :P

B) yeah, luckily it was deactivated when i guested, plus hardly any risen

C) yeah it was that one, but i guested to a second server where it was deactivated. i’ll remember that trick for when my friend is running through Malchor’s Leap though

and i now have 100% completion of the PvE map (including Chantry Of Secrets, which i remembered as being something everyone forgets about). now on to WvWvW whens its back up

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

A) yeah… i found that out when i was guesting in another server, it wasn’t actually the altar itself, it was the steps leading up to it. i had read that you needed to do the event so i assumed it was inside the shield :P

B) yeah, luckily it was deactivated when i guested, plus hardly any risen

C) yeah it was that one, but i guested to a second server where it was deactivated. i’ll remember that trick for when my friend is running through Malchor’s Leap though

and i now have 100% completion of the PvE map (including Chantry Of Secrets, which i remembered as being something everyone forgets about). now on to WvWvW whens its back up

Gratz on your 100%, Glad I was of help

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adligaspgh.5492


also, protip:

when returning to your home server, make sure that your server is in control of the area that your guested server did. i left the Aurora’s Glade Balthazar Temple and switched back to Fizzure Of Woe… then had to run like mad as Fissure Of Woe did not control the Temple :P

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Event completion unnecessary. Use stealth, summons, invuln, aegis, immob, cripple and kiting liberally.

I’ve soloed every SP in Orr, often without temples being uncontested.

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Sometimes, guesting is the only solution. When I was going for me World Completion, that skill point mob bugged and did not re-spawned, so going to other world is the only solution.

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Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notabot.3497


Another solution is getting into an active pve guild that will help you. Most champs can be 2 manned by decent players, 1 manned by a great player. Or you can get a friendly mesmer or thief to invisibility you long enough to commune. Finding helpful friends is a completely viable way of completing content in this game.

Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


just use stealth

problem solved

you can get free 10 seconds of stealth for 28 karma in the charr starter area already…
i get them on every charr before i explore anything and so i never have to fight for any channeling skill challenge

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Difficulty in 100% Malchor's Leap/SofD

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ghost.3208


and i now have 100% completion of the PvE map (including Chantry Of Secrets, which i remembered as being something everyone forgets about). now on to WvWvW whens its back up

Congrats!! Just in case, there’s some sort of bug that happens sometimes with map completion:

Even if you have both 100% completion in PvE and WvW it might not give you the rewards (gift of exploration and all that), to fix it just go back to the Chantry of Secrets and it might show up.

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