Difficulty making choice regarding profession

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sylanor.4205



I always been a Altoholic until the point it ruined games entirely. Examples are the TES games, most i never finished or even got 25% because i was a chronic restarter.

I am determined to not let it happen on GW2. I started a Elementalist Norn and got her to 33 but sometimes i want to restart her as a male because i got a little bit tired of revealing clothing you see on 90% of the armor and the fact people treat me different for the gender i chose. Men are coated in 5 ton iron while women have little more than underwear. It’s ridicolous and sexist.

I am reasonably happy with her now and i got trough that, but now i am facing issues again with my Guardian. I had a level 15 Human Guardian and deleted and restarted him because of a wrong name. Now he is level 9 and now i am really annoyed by the Aegis effect on two handed weapons. It just doesn’t feel right.

Also i want to be a Warrior because of two things, bows and slowing effects. And most importantly no Aegis. I am sticking with Guardian. I have this messed up idea about difficulty though with the Guardian, Warrior and Ranger.

I don’t want a Ranger or Warrior because i have the belief that it’s just too easy levelling them. Guardian might be easy too but i want to have atleast one melee sword and board character. Am i right to believe this? Remember i started with a Elementalist and i like how each fight is difficult.

At the moment i want to level my Guardian but i am held back because of the Aegis thing. I know it’s hardly anything to worry about but it is bugging me a lot. I know my past restarting habit to be really strong and i really want to prevent it this time.. I could start a Warrior, i do not like that people say it’s the easiest class and Warriors are not really meant to be played defensively right?

Any advice is appreciated!

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zen.9135


I am in the same boat as you but just a lot further along. I have one hero of each class. Four of them at level 80. I still haven’t found one that I love. Oddly, I feel that GW2 has a great game structure, great overall game design, but the classes all have something lacking to me.

Maybe it’s just not finding the right build. Or I need to accept that I will need different classes for different roles (WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, etc). I wish you more luck than I have had. I would suggest trying all 8 classes. Maybe it’s time to give my Necro some more playtime…

[MF] Malum Factum | Yak’s Bend

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GraynX.8947


You can play a Warrior defensively and as a support build, just as effectively as any other class. Don’t let anyone tell you differently!

Why not level two (or more) characters at once? When one character starts to bother you, just switch to the other for awhile. My guess is you will eventually settle into one of the characters for a main, but maybe not.

Leveling goes very quickly and even leveling two characters will not take you very long.

Beat Reporter at www.guildwarsinsider.com

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Singh.8206


Yes, in this game leveling does go by a lot quicker (thank god), which is better than leveling in wow.
I agree with GraynX, trying leveling a least 2 characters.
I’m the same way as you, I tried every race at least until 10th level then decided on all Asura characters.
I have all 8 professions, some characters are only around 10th level but playing other professions gives you a feel on what you’ll enjoy playing .

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


I have all 8 classes. Sometimes I’ll delete one just to change races. Deleted a lvl 46 human warrior to change to a charr warrior (level 17 now). I’m on my 5th Thief incarnation.

Embrace your altaholic-ism. Its just how we play the game. One of these days I’ll have all 8 professions to 80. As to what I’ll do then…I dunno. The journey to endgame is what I like.

Engineer is my favorite class so far and 2nd lvl 80.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Difficulty making choice regarding profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sylanor.4205


It was my initial plan to level all professions but seeing as 3 extra character slots costs 35 euro.. I am a little reluctant but perhaps if i truly enjoy every aspect of the game up to 80 i’ll buy the slots.

To see what all the professions are about i will choose a entirely different play style each character. That’s why i am reluctant starting two melee warrior type classes. Playing the first few levels has put me off being a Warrior anyway. I don’t like the Adrenaline thing so far.

@Zen – I haven’t even started considering dungeons or PvP, i don’t really care much for them anyway. Without a holy trinity things look like they are going to be messy. And PvP is annoying because i always get owned no matter what i do. Even though i do consider myself to be tactical, fast and whatnot.

@Graynx – Something about levelling two melee and heavy armor wearing characters puts me off. Mostly because of the 5 slot limit on accounts. I am doing this though with my Elementalist and Guardian and it’s working so far.

@Raf – True the journey is better than the arrival.

(edited by Sylanor.4205)