Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ayaname.2578


So i’d like to bring this up again since most of the post i find in the forums as well as other sources is dated a year ago and some 2 years ago. maybe it changed. i dont know, dont flame me im just askin ^^

well what do i do with greens, blues, rares and exotic weapons and armors.
as of now i master salvage greens and blues then rares and exotics goes to mystic forge. i dont know if its the right thing to do since im just starting up in the game.
with the sigils, all goes to mystic forge

as well as some mats in my collectibles tab and the ascended mats. its taking up space in my bank lol.

dont get angry if i ask stupid question, im new and learning at the moment sorry
if there is a post before that is still applicable now, link me to it thank you

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Daniel.8630


I would recommend using basic or copper fed (if you have gems) salvage kits to salvage your greens/blues. Currently anything under rare quality has little gain offered from using better salvage kits.

As for putting things in the mystic forge I would only recommend it if you are trying for a precursor. Most of the time the MF has horrible returns which is how it got it’s nickname, The Mystic Toilet. You will make a lot more money by simply selling high quality items or using a master salvage kit to salvage them for ectos/runes/sigils.

Putting sigils/runes into the mystic forge can be a good thing. You have a ~20% chance to get a higher quality sigil/rune back which often sells for much more than what you put them in for. Everything in the MF is a gamble though and you play at your own risk.

(edited by Daniel.8630)

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


A lot depends on personal preference, however, do not Mystic Forge Exotic Armor. Check the price of the item on the Trading Post, mostly it is best to sell them. If the item is cheap, salvaging it with the best available salvage kit can get you ectoplasm. It can also get you Dark Matter, which is used in Ascended crafting and cannot be acquired in any other way.

You don’t need to use Master Kit for blues and greens. A cheaper salvage kit is just fine.

The Mystic Forge ( a.k.a. Mystic Toilet) is a lottery machine. Lucky ones may hit a jackpot known as Precursor (watch for light blue text in the item description). Most people, however, lose more than they win and many have put in hundreds of items for pretty much nothing.

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blanger.3162


There are no stupid questions…..

Since your just starting the game you have a couple things going on, I’d assume your a low level let’s say lvl 20 or so, you should be broke as far as in game gold unless you spent RL money and bought gems and converted them, you also have very little luck gained so far…correct?

If the above is basically correct I’d suggest this course of action, any item that is a upgrade in the future for your toon that you aquire is banked till you reach that level and can equip said item, items that are lower or at the same level you are are salvaged for luck and mats, if you have no interest in crafting or gaining more luck sell the items on the TP to build your bank.

Throwing items in the MF isn’t a very good plan, yeah you might get lucky but the odds are working against you, it’s like gambling, if you can afford to loose no big deal, but as a new player you need at acquire stuff be it gold, mats, weapons and armors, if you have no need for the mats then when you get a stack sell them on the TP, eventually you will want a item off the TP to upgrade your toon and the gold you make selling on the TP will come in handy.

Luck is very important because as your luck goes up supposedly the chance to get better items from drops killing mobs also goes up, we use to have what was called Magic Find that was replaced by Luck, the only real way to increase your luck is to salvage items, what I do (keep in mind this might not work for a low level player) I salvage all white, blue, and some green items, rares also get salvaged but for the mats not the Luck, exotics are either sold on the TP, salvaged for mats, or equipped
/banked depending on the item, all mats are saved until I have a stack (250) and either sold on the TP or saved for crafting.

Please keep in mind that I’ve been playing for two years and have 8 lvl 80’s that I rotate through, at this point all have at least full exotic armors and weapons, several have ascended trinkets, and one has full ascended armor, trinkets, and weapon, I have plenty of gold in the bank, lots of mats to sell or craft with (doesn’t keep me from farming more to bank or sell), I have no legendary weapons or a precursor to craft one, but then I tend to stay away from the MF as much as I can, your mileage (experience) may be different.


Hope this helps….

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ayaname.2578


ohhhh.. so i realize ive been doing things wrong. i used to salvage all stuffs using the master salvage kit it was expensive thought but i didnt knew that its not the thing to use for blues and greens lol.

ive been playing for a week and reached 80 on the 5th day, from then on, when running dungeons, world bosses, the loot i get from rare to exotic goes to the “mystic toilet” didnt realize how much i am losing by doing this.
thanks for the tips you guys shared. if there’’s any tips left, pls let me know

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morsus.5106


There are no stupid questions…..

Except the ones that are. Luckily this one was actually a pretty smart question. Personally, I throw greens into the MF on occasion (like when I have 10 loot boxes after Teq) in the hopes they upgrade to rares for ectoplasm.

Do i salvage or mystic forge? Newb question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Here’s the thing. Unique appears in the area of the popup dedicated to limitations such as soul bound and account bound and not in the quality area like rare or exotic. The problem stems from ANet changing it from a quality descriptor in GW to it’s “proper” definition. Since I never played GW and my last MMO used unique as “only have one of equiped on your character”, I haven’t been bitten by this and initially scratched my head how people couldn’t understand that unique meant unique.

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