Doing dungeon with 2 characters
First off all, Diminishing Returns as the mechanic is called grows in ‘punishment’. So it doesn’t drop from 100% reward to 0% reward if you do the same path twice. It is however acount wide and shared between characters. So to get the same full 60 tokens again you need to wait for the daily reset at 17:00 (PDT) / 0:00 (UCT)
So the shorter answer to your question is 24 hours max.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
but somehow i did this and got 60 tokens as well. I mean i did it local time 9am. Second run was at 5pm and it gave me 60 tokens like first run.
He says “24 hours max” because that’s the interval for the daily resets, which happens at 4pm, server time (you can toggle your settings to show server time in-game, as opposed to your local time). You could finish at 3:59pm, get your 60 tokens, then go back in and grab another full 60 after 4pm rolls around.
Merc hate to say it but your wrong. It’s 2-4 hrs and I have not been able to put my finger in the exact time . I have 4 80’s and my run as of late has been this..
Toon #1. AC p1-3 ( all 60 )
Toon #1 TA. All 3 all 60 and then back to AC with toon
2. Never ever get less then 60 on any toon over the 24 hrs. Yes I
Have no life and way to many tokens
My info comes from here: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns
I’m not saying the official wiki is always right. so if you have solid proof (more then just your own observations) please feel free to change the wiki-page by clicking edit.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Read bellow… It backs up what I said… Complete all three ( I almost always pug.. So 30’m not to often ) so I don’t have to wait 24 hrs or until reset to get 60 tokens on a different toon… As you had stated…
Dungeons have been a central issue with diminishing returns due to their large rewards and ability to be repeated. DR will trigger if the dungeon is completed consecutively and/or in under 30 minutes. This obviously affects teams that can clear a certain dungeon mode rapidly. DR will trigger if players cycle between two dungeon modes, even if the dungeons are different. A simple method to avoid this is to do all three explorable paths in order. DR affects all rewards for completing the dungeon and any chests that spawn in the dungeon. For every point of DR, dungeon rewards will be cut in half until reaching a minimum value. This will include:
Nope it doesn’t.
DR mechanics have been unclear for obvious reasons. pls do not claim to have found a loophole. if you did then keep it for yourself. for the rest pls play the game as intended. the OP asked for solid information. it is always guessing, but I have my own ideas, but for the cause of what the OP is asking for I stick to the wiki.
(and im saying a lot between the lines here)
Arise, opressed of Tyria!