Don't know what to do!

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prydz.8752


Guys, i’m lost and i need help.

I’ve recently reached level 80 with my thief. I don’t know what to do! I mean, i feel like i need better itens but there isn’t a “LFG tool” to help us get in pugs.

I would like you guys provide me a direction. A long time ago, when i’ve played WoW, when you’d reach the level cap, you do the dungeons to gear up. Then you move to the heroics. Then 25-man. And so on! I would like something like this to follow, you know?

Thanks, sorry for spelling errors.

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uther Deathhand.1570

Uther Deathhand.1570

This game gear wise is very different from WoW. Here if you have about 20-25 gold you can get a complete set of make level/stat gear. If you have done WvW than you can use those to buy some or all of this gear which would greatly reduce the amount of gold you would need.
Just curious what gear do you currently have?
Also your comment on a LFG tool, the devs are currently working on it. In the mean time you can use to find groups for dungeons.

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Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


This may help you find out where to get the gear you want.

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


GW2 has Dungeons and Fractals. Dungeons are your cheapest way to get exotic gear. I’d recommend joining an active guild that does dungeons and join guild groups that will not mind a 1st-timer. Using the tokens earned, you an buy exotic gear from vendors in southern LA.

You don’t need exotics to run dungeons to start. I recommend buying some rares from the TP. They’re not much weaker than exotic but waaaay cheaper. Can probably get a full set for <5g. It’s what I do when I want to try a new build out; buy some cheap rares, try the build, if it works, work on acquiring exotics.

As an aside, if you plan on rolling new characters, know that you can run various dungeons starting at level 30. Which means that if you run them at low level, by the time you hit 80 you’ll have enough tokens to buy exotics right away. Also, the dungeon tokens are account bound, so any alt can use them to buy exotics when they hit 80 if you just run dungeons with your thief. GL

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Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prydz.8752


Thanks guys. I haven’t done any dungeon yet. Looking forward to do it. I didn’t know about the !

Currently, i’m wearing some karma gear. Pretty cheap stuff.

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


There’s exotic karma gear you can buy at the Orr temples
Armor: Rabid/Soldier/Magi
Trinkets: Rabid/Soldier/Magi/Cavalier/Wayfarer’s

Not really anything good for a Thief. Most of my Thief’s gear is crafted (Full Carrion).

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


A long time ago, when i’ve played WoW, when you’d reach the level cap, you do the dungeons to gear up. Then you move to the heroics. Then 25-man. And so on! I would like something like this to follow, you know?

To be fairly honest, there’s nothing really like that here in GW2. There is purposely no gear treadmill- Ascended items are a long-term way to round out your character, but you can stay in exotics if you’re not interested and still do perfectly fine. Neither Ascended nor exotic are particularly hard to get, nor do they depend on RNG drops. After you’ve geared yourself to your satisfaction, you’re free to do whatever you want.

The previous posters have explained how to get exotics. After that, if you’re interested in Ascended, here’s how you get it:
-Keep doing your daily and monthly achievements for laurels. You can trade laurels at laurel vendors for Ascended trinkets.
-If you do Fractals and get to level 10, you will have a shot at an Ascended ring drop from the daily bonus chest you get by killing the Jade Maw at any level past 10. The chest also awards Pristine Fractal Relics, which can be traded for Ascended rings if you don’t get a drop.
-If you are in a guild that does guild missions, you can purchase Ascended items with the Guild Commendations awarded for doing the missions.

Past that, what you do is up to you. Make a legendary weapon, challenge yourself by getting to Fractal level 48 for the heck of it, explore the world and see all the events off the beaten path, seek out and help newer players, follow the Living Story, master a class in PvP, become a WvW commander, solo dungeons not meant to be soloed… there are many things to do that don’t involve stat crunch.

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Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Prydz.8752


I see. Thanks for the help guys. Really appreciate it.

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SpiritualAwakening.5347


I also just hit 80 and was unsure about what to do… start a new character? lol

So, thank you OP for asking the question.

And thank you everyone else for offering the help – gw2 is awesome.

Don't know what to do!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NornBearPig.9814


Living Story, Fractals of the Mists, and World vs World are the end-game in GW2.

Living Story is brand new content being added on a bi-weekly basis. But it goes away after a limited time. This is one of the primary ways Anet is trying to revolutionize the genre, so don’t miss out on it.

Fractals are your more traditional endgame mini-dungeons where you can grind higher fractal levels and ascended gear.

WvW is ongoing war against other worlds. Unless you are in a packed top tier world, they could probably use your help on the front lines. It’s casual PvP so don’t worry about going in and others getting mad at you for sucking (that’s sPvP).

(edited by NornBearPig.9814)