Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smjert.2869


Hey guys, i’m back playing after some months and cannot find a camp in Orr area where an event with multiple risen waves spawned to attack the camp.

The camp had two entrances on the opposite direction and what i recall is that those entraces where like two very short tunnels.. or just arcs. Each wave spawned alternatively on one of the two entrances.

Then after finishing this event you had a protect event just outside that lead you to a sort of a covered(but i’m not really sure about this), small arena.

Spent the last 2 hours running round between the camps but i really can’t find it.. any idea?

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


That’s the Penitent Path.
Exit Caer Shadowfain via the east exit and follow the road south past the oozes. You can’t miss it.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smjert.2869


Yeah forgot to say that it’s not that one (that a lot of people knows :P). The one you say doesn’t have 2 arcs/tunnels like entrances and the waves doesn’t come from both of them.

Another particular thing i recall about the camp i don’t remember is that after doing the protect event that started near this camp, the first event was really quick to respawn.. so you had time just to go back to the camp.

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Is that the garden of ilya in Malchors leap maybe?

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Healix.5819


Maybe Lone Post, Straight of Devastation. On one end is a entrance, a circular door that has an event to blow up its gate. On the other side is a maze-ish path. The defense event for the camp has waves on both that alternate on each side and there’s an escort event that takes you up to the conservatory, that looks like:


(edited by Healix.5819)

Don't recall where a camp is in Orr

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smjert.2869


Maybe Lone Post, Straight of Devastation. On one end is a entrance, a circular door that has an event to blow up its gate. On the other side is a maze-ish path. The defense event for the camp has waves on both that alternate on each side and there’s an escort event that takes you up to the conservatory, that looks like:

Yeah it was Lone Post, discovered that an hour ago or so when i decided to go on the wiki and see the event list and try to recognize it.
Ty anyway.