Donated to Dulfy

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mono.7320


I just donated some money to Dulfy, this is actually first time in my life I sent donation, it feels really great. He/She helps people so much by doing all the content and get every single info that is in game. If you ever wanted to help someone now it will be your chance. this is not Sellout or Promotion by any means I’m just doing this to support this person on helping players with difficult content.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


Not sure if your allowed to do such things here but I agree Dulfy gets mad props from me due to saving many a monitor from being smashed due to jumpy jumpy jump puzzles.

Anet should give Dulf a title.


If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaron.1987


now it will be your chance

is not Sellout or Promotion by any means.

in my opinion excactly this is what your thread is about

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: WingLegacy.7159


Well the first gate mini boss in Ascalon fractals is named after her.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


I donate to a lot of personal projects of people when I end up using their product or service a lot. Not sure why this one escaped me…

now it will be your chance

is not Sellout or Promotion by any means.

in my opinion excactly this is what your thread is about

…but thanks to this response, I have been reminded and donated. So thank you.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


If dulfy was a girl, I would most definately have occasional dreams about her.

Love the title idea. Maybe tied to some ludicrous achievement. Could be along the lines of:

- Yeah, i dulfyed this.
- Still no guide on dulfy, help!
- I wish dulfy would finally cover this…

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bensozia.8071


Guardians of the Light [GOTL]
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]

(edited by Bensozia.8071)

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaron.1987


Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warcry.1596


See, I’ve used her website 3 times for living story stuff, and each time the guildes were incorrect, despite my following them perfectly. Personally I’ve had bad experiences with her website.

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tere.4759


Dufly provides a service that no one else does. A little promotion isn’t going to hurt any one.

Guild Leader of The Black Court, we’re small, friendly and active.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I approve of this thread. Dulfy does a lot of hard work compiling and sharing info about GW2 and other games. Her work is pretty darn great and worthy of donations to keep things running.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Wow, that’s one the most pathetic things I’ve read on the internet (and that’s saying a lot).

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


I too approve of this thread.

Is this a promotional thread as some suggest? Sure it is….it’s one person giving a shout-out to someone whom they respect and appreciate for all the work they have done to support the GW2 community…..and I have no problem with that at all. Dufly has certainly earned this kind of thread regardless of how you may perceive the intentions of the OP.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Surprised she’s not on Patreon but that might require more sharing than she’s willing to provide.

I certainly know if I was to ever generate a fan site, it would be registered to a PO Box, in another town, possibly another state, for exactly what that gent in the link was trying to do. Especially if I was a woman considering the GamerGate nuts.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


Surprised she’s not on Patreon but that might require more sharing than she’s willing to provide.

I certainly know if I was to ever generate a fan site, it would be registered to a PO Box, in another town, possibly another state, for exactly what that gent in the link was trying to do. Especially if I was a woman considering the GamerGate nuts.

Heh. GamerGate nuts? You seem kind of misinformed, GamerGate is concerned with ethics in the gaming media, not with genders politics.

Fort Aspenwood

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Heh. GamerGate nuts? You seem kind of misinformed, GamerGate is concerned with ethics in the gaming media, *not with genders politics. *

It most definitely had to do with gender politics, and women who most vocally spoke out against sexism and such in games were harassed and stalked for doing so. That being said, I don’t think Dulfy would necessarily be a target of any such harassment/stalking because I don’t think she tends to make statements about the whole thing.

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


Heh. GamerGate nuts? You seem kind of misinformed, GamerGate is concerned with ethics in the gaming media, *not with genders politics. *

It most definitely had to do with gender politics, and women who most vocally spoke out against sexism and such in games were harassed and stalked for doing so. That being said, I don’t think Dulfy would necessarily be a target of any such harassment/stalking because I don’t think she tends to make statements about the whole thing.

It was feminists who inserted themselves into controversy, it would be the same if they were a man, and any way, these feminists are not well liked by more then just a few groups (For good reason), and so far there is no proof that gamergate supporters harass them. In fact most of gamergate wants the harassment to stop so these feminists can no longer play the victim card. Its likely third party individuals/ rogue elements that are responsible for the harassment. Another option is the harassment is fake so that they can continue to make thousands and thousands of dollars out of it as professional victims.

Fort Aspenwood

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Heh. GamerGate nuts? You seem kind of misinformed, GamerGate is concerned with ethics in the gaming media, *not with genders politics. *

It most definitely had to do with gender politics, and women who most vocally spoke out against sexism and such in games were harassed and stalked for doing so. That being said, I don’t think Dulfy would necessarily be a target of any such harassment/stalking because I don’t think she tends to make statements about the whole thing.

It was feminists who inserted themselves into controversy, it would be the same if they were a man, and any way, these feminists are not well liked by more then just a few groups (For good reason), and so far there is no proof that gamergate supporters harass them. In fact most of gamergate wants the harassment to stop so these feminists can no longer play the victim card. Its likely third party individuals/ rogue elements that are responsible for the harassment. Another option is the harassment is fake so that they can continue to make thousands and thousands of dollars out of it as professional victims.


We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


Heh. GamerGate nuts? You seem kind of misinformed, GamerGate is concerned with ethics in the gaming media, *not with genders politics. *

It most definitely had to do with gender politics, and women who most vocally spoke out against sexism and such in games were harassed and stalked for doing so. That being said, I don’t think Dulfy would necessarily be a target of any such harassment/stalking because I don’t think she tends to make statements about the whole thing.

It was feminists who inserted themselves into controversy, it would be the same if they were a man, and any way, these feminists are not well liked by more then just a few groups (For good reason), and so far there is no proof that gamergate supporters harass them. In fact most of gamergate wants the harassment to stop so these feminists can no longer play the victim card. Its likely third party individuals/ rogue elements that are responsible for the harassment. Another option is the harassment is fake so that they can continue to make thousands and thousands of dollars out of it as professional victims.

Hah. That is funny, I’m guessing that is in response to

“Another option is the harassment is fake so that they can continue to make thousands and thousands of dollars out of it as professional victims.”

I stated it as an option, not as my opinion. I don’t think they are, but its a possibility,
In the future, please tackle my arguments, while you didn’t state is explicitly, it seems you may have committed the ad hominem fallacy.

Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Kaamau.5341)

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


No, it was the suggestion that it’s all false flags.

This is derailing the thread. Ignoring GamerGate I do know women, personally, who are abused and stalked in online games, thus going back to my comment about doing what you can to avoid being doxed.

Somebody made it a mission to dox Dulfy for some reason. So protecting one’s identity seems only natural to me.

Back on track, I think Dulfy is a great resource for this game and donating is a great way to support them with keeping it that way.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

Donated to Dulfy

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Somebody made it a mission to dox Dulfy for some reason. So protecting one’s identity seems only natural to me.

Yeah, that whole thread someone linked above was pretty creeptastic.