Dragon Coffers -> Weapon Tickets +Wings rate
Check the two threads on opening 1000 coffers for an anecdotal conglomeration of ticket drop (or lack of drop) results. (The threads are in the Dragon Bash part of the Living World subforum).
The wings either do not drop from the coffers are extremely rare. Between myself and friends we’ve got 9 tickets and 0 wings from them. According to http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Coffer/drop_rate out of 38,000+ coffers there were 18 tickets and 0 wings(the data collecting on wiki is likely badly biased). Maybe the rich coffers have the wings.
The wings can drop as loot off random mob.
I had the wings drop of a random mob in FGS if thats of any use.
Wings do not drop from coffers, they only drop from random mobs.
I’ve opened ~2800 coffers and got 2 tickets
the wiki research indicates that the normal coffers have a change of 0.05% drop of the ticket (or 1 out of 2000). The tickets also drop from the rich coffers (gem store only). Research indicate a droprate of 1% (1 every 100).
Keep in mind these are statistics. There will be people who are unlucky and have opened 2000 rich coffers and got nothing.
The wings do not drop from coffers.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I’ve got 3 wings so far. From Level 3, 7 and 50 mobs, so every mob can drop them
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.