Dueling in?

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


I am no duelist, but why are people against an additional feature.
Just add an auto block option.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I am not against duelling. I am against open world duelling. What’s wrong with a few arenas where the duellist can duel to their hearts content?

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


For all the duel haters… its as simple as “auto decline toggle”, bam, problem solved, you PVErs are happy, and we duelists are happy.

Oh, and then all the whispers and in open chat: I want to duel with you. My blocked list would grow beyond what I want it to be…

I played LotRO, it has a duel feature, I got never asked why I would decline a duel.
You might have some bad exp, but this game might not be like some other…

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

For all the duel haters… its as simple as “auto decline toggle”, bam, problem solved, you PVErs are happy, and we duelists are happy.

Oh, and then all the whispers and in open chat: I want to duel with you. My blocked list would grow beyond what I want it to be…

I played LotRO, it has a duel feature, I got never asked why I would decline a duel.
You might have some bad exp, but this game might not be like some other…

Yea, out of all the reasons the anti-dueling peeps have got, being whispered or talked to due to its implementation is probably the most bizarre/preposterous. You can always ignore them, unless you’re too touchy and gets offended by everything. :/ And again, this is being blown waaaaay out of proportion – the number of whiners due to declined dueling must not even be remotely significant. Sure, I can’t deny that these kind of players exist, but to point that we would be better off without a feature because they would whine you to death is entirely ridiculous.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


For all the duel haters… its as simple as “auto decline toggle”, bam, problem solved, you PVErs are happy, and we duelists are happy.

Oh, and then all the whispers and in open chat: I want to duel with you. My blocked list would grow beyond what I want it to be…

I played LotRO, it has a duel feature, I got never asked why I would decline a duel.
You might have some bad exp, but this game might not be like some other…

I tried WoW (years ago). In a span of 1 day I already grew tired of those people spamming: want to duel, want to dual… Uh, no? Maybe that’s why I turned it off?

I don’t care about that. I’m not against dueling, but I’m against dueling in the open world. Let those pirates in LA create an arena, where you can duel and/or watch a match… (so, an open-world instanced map kind of thing…)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ricther.9083


I would definitelty love it, i was actually very surprised that the game didn’t have dueling. And yes, i think there should also be an auto toggle ON/OFF button so that you don’t get spammed with requests, maybe a button in the pvp tab which is off on default?

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Winfernal.9208


Some of the arguments here are ridicilous.

“I don’t want to get spammed by duel-invitations.”
- Simple. Make a “auto-block duel request” button. And disable dueling inside of towns.

“But i don’t want to get forced to enable the “auto-block” button."
- Really? Wow.

“Duels in the open-world will cause visual pollution.”
- Duelists often choose areas to duel where the NPC count is low. And how is seeing people fighting each other in a mostly PvP-based game ‘visual pollution’?

Also, guys. As i said. GW2 is based on PvP. Why wouldn’t there be duels?

Knock knock, think for a second in that head of yours. Some of you “anti-dueling” people are having “first world problem”-issues on this subject. Meanwhile, for some people, adding dueling would mean everything to them. Don’t be selfish.

Wake up! The game is stale already, it would certainly be less-stale with duels for PvPers.

For all the duel haters… its as simple as “auto decline toggle”, bam, problem solved, you PVErs are happy, and we duelists are happy.

Oh, and then all the whispers and in open chat: I want to duel with you. My blocked list would grow beyond what I want it to be…

I played LotRO, it has a duel feature, I got never asked why I would decline a duel.
You might have some bad exp, but this game might not be like some other…

I tried WoW (years ago). In a span of 1 day I already grew tired of those people spamming: want to duel, want to dual… Uh, no? Maybe that’s why I turned it off?

I don’t care about that. I’m not against dueling, but I’m against dueling in the open world. Let those pirates in LA create an arena, where you can duel and/or watch a match… (so, an open-world instanced map kind of thing…)

This must be the definition of exxageration. Really? You grew tired of WoW in 1 day because of people wanting to duel you? Oh, poor you. Besides, you can only duel outside of towns in the “dueling spot” mostly. Honestly, this is ridicilous.

“Kharomir” – Human Guardian
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly

(edited by Winfernal.9208)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Some of the arguments here are ridicilous.

“I don’t want to get spammed by duel-invitations.”
- Simple. Make a “auto-block duel request” button. And disable dueling inside of towns.

“But i don’t want to get forced to enable the “auto-block” button."
- Really? Wow.

“Duels in the open-world will cause visual pollution.”
- Duelists often choose areas to duel where the NPC count is low. And how is seeing people fighting each other in a mostly PvP-based game ‘visual pollution’?

Also, guys. As i said. GW2 is based on PvP. Why wouldn’t there be duels?

Knock knock, think for a second in that head of yours. Some of you “anti-dueling” people are having “first world problem”-issues on this subject. Meanwhile, for some people, adding dueling would mean everything to them. Don’t be selfish.

Wake up! The game is stale already, it would certainly be less-stale with duels for PvPers.

Whatever makes you think Gw2 is based on PvP- I guess that is why they spent 5 years developing a huge world to PvE in?

I would use a block botton if there is one- that won’t solve the problem of open world dueling in a game that is essentially designed around co-operation.
It won’t solve the problem of DE’s- where some people would rather duel the players than help with the actual objective.

I ask again what is wrong with having an arena to dual in?
The fact that everyone who wants to duel seems to ignore this suggestion makes me just think that the anti- duel faction has a very good point.

As for the game being stale- speak for yourself.
As for people not wanting dueling being selfish- what about people wanting dueling?
There are hosts of other games where you can do so- why must GW2 conform to every other game out there for you to be satisfied?

Gunnar’s Hold

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


As for the game being stale- speak for yourself.
As for people not wanting dueling being selfish- what about people wanting dueling?
There are hosts of other games where you can do so- why must GW2 conform to every other game out there for you to be satisfied?

Because this game attempts to make itself a hybrid of sandbox and themepark, and in a sandbox the goal is to have as many choices on how to pass the time as possible.

Dueling serves three purposes- testing your skill against another, practicing and becoming a better overall fighter, and wasting time while having fun. Take a perfect example of a sandbox game- a little known game from china that most here will never care to play called Age of Wushu. While putting together Pve groups, players duel to pass the time. Everyone watching and those participating all have a blast- many lols to be had. And the duelers learn not only about their own class, but the classes of those they fight as well. Every duel betters them as a player. But if duels were limited only to an arena? Then those players would be limited on when they can duel as well, as traveling to and from the arena would waste the group’s time.

I know a lot of folks in this thread are terrified of duels because it puts their personal skill to the test, and they don’t want others to see that. Many may claim unbelievable levels of personal skill while expecting that claim to never be openly challenged. That’s fine- an auto block duel request feature combined with a faux appearance of nonchalance will allow them to continue doing just that, while the rest of us better ourselves as players by practicing with and testing ourselves against our peers wherever and whenever we can.

I am personally thrilled to hear that there are plans for an open world duel system in the undefined future. I can certainly say that it would likely drag me back from my hiatus, and give other pvp players that boost they have been looking for as well.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kagee.8470


What exactly is complicated about putting in a feature that allows two players to fight against each other?
Right click them, select duel, they are given an option to accept or decline, they accept, fight happens and fight ends.
Lord of the rings online has a dueling system. Lotro, which is a very…unique…game has this.

The problem with your right click to duel is exactly like Tosha says.

People who are not interested will be forever spammed.
Never-mind that I can just see a bunch of duelers spamming people trying to do events and not contributing at all.

Have duels in arenas- end of problem.

There is no reason for people who want duels to oppose arenas unless they of course want to run around the open world harassing other players. In which case I’d rather just not give them the opportunity.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hharry.1967


If you dont want visual pollution in PvE, just make it both players join a special instanced map once they accept the duel, god you can even add spectators if you want, it would be amazing. But make it both, one for sPvP and one for PvE cause i dont want to duel in my sPvP gear since there are lack of builds in there, and PvE brings more interesting stuff.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kagee.8470


Wow meant to post as well as quote. I would love dueling just to mess around with my buds. I think they should implement a dueling system ONLY if they have an auto decline feature. So people who don’t want to duel are never asked too

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: demonwing.5843


Whatever makes you think Gw2 is based on PvP- I guess that is why they spent 5 years developing a huge world to PvE in?

I would use a block botton if there is one- that won’t solve the problem of open world dueling in a game that is essentially designed around co-operation.
It won’t solve the problem of DE’s- where some people would rather duel the players than help with the actual objective.

I ask again what is wrong with having an arena to dual in?
The fact that everyone who wants to duel seems to ignore this suggestion makes me just think that the anti- duel faction has a very good point.

As for the game being stale- speak for yourself.
As for people not wanting dueling being selfish- what about people wanting dueling?
There are hosts of other games where you can do so- why must GW2 conform to every other game out there for you to be satisfied?

How slow are you? No alarms went off in your head as you wrote this illogical drivel?

How are DEs relevant? You’re proposing that everyone would suddenly catch the “duel flu”, drop everything, and start dueling each other whenever an event started? That’s kittening hilarious. Might as well take out all PvP with that logic. “But there is the issue with DEs. Everyone would rather log into PvP/WvW than help!” That’s kittening dumb. How did that pass the stupid filter in your head and hit the keyboard to begin with.

as for “how am I selfish but you not?” Must not have thought about that one very hard either. Dueling is an optional feature that does not affect those who do not duel. Basically if you don’t duel it’s none of your kittening business. Again it is like someone saying “I don’t like WvW so just TAKE IT OUT I hate it”. That would be selfish because many people like WvW. He can just ignore the tab and it would have zero affect on him. Hard concept I know but try to bear with me here.

As for your arena thing: why? Why is it necessary. “Why not.” isn’t an answer. Besides that, there are actually several reasons why not. Primarily, if everyone is forced into a single area to duel it would take a performance hit for a majority of users. It’s also just plain inconvenient. Let’s say you are waiting outside a dungeon for your party to form (main application of dueling). Wanna duel with your friend? better drop 4 silver round-trip to waypoint to the dueling arena. Finally, dueling shouldn’t be that big of a deal. It’s a super casual 1v1 generally against friends. There is no reason to put such a large amount of resources into some crazy elaborate system just so sensitive Morrigan doesn’t have to see duelists in the distance from time to time.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raine.1394


What exactly is complicated about putting in a feature that allows two players to fight against each other?
Right click them, select duel, they are given an option to accept or decline, they accept, fight happens and fight ends.
Lord of the rings online has a dueling system. Lotro, which is a very…unique…game has this.

The problem with your right click to duel is exactly like Tosha says.

People who are not interested will be forever spammed.
Never-mind that I can just see a bunch of duelers spamming people trying to do events and not contributing at all.

Have duels in arenas- end of problem.

There is no reason for people who want duels to oppose arenas unless they of course want to run around the open world harassing other players. In which case I’d rather just not give them the opportunity.

I agree. Too many people are willing to chalk up bad behavior in games simply to human nature and don’t realize the extent to which game systems can affect game culture. Having resources and quests non-competitive, easily available group quests, being rewarded for rezzing, etc. all contribute to players wanting to see and play with others on the map. Contrast that with WoW where players of your own faction can be your worst ninja nightmare and you often wish there were less players on the map. Dueling in the open world is one of those features that contribute to a bad, well immature, game culture. There is nothing at all wrong with dueling itself and having a facility for people to do it is great for the game.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


What exactly is complicated about putting in a feature that allows two players to fight against each other?
Right click them, select duel, they are given an option to accept or decline, they accept, fight happens and fight ends.
Lord of the rings online has a dueling system. Lotro, which is a very…unique…game has this.

The problem with your right click to duel is exactly like Tosha says.

People who are not interested will be forever spammed.
Never-mind that I can just see a bunch of duelers spamming people trying to do events and not contributing at all.

Have duels in arenas- end of problem.

There is no reason for people who want duels to oppose arenas unless they of course want to run around the open world harassing other players. In which case I’d rather just not give them the opportunity.

I agree. Too many people are willing to chalk up bad behavior in games simply to human nature and don’t realize the extent to which game systems can affect game culture. Having resources and quests non-competitive, easily available group quests, being rewarded for rezzing, etc. all contribute to players wanting to see and play with others on the map. Contrast that with WoW where players of your own faction can be your worst ninja nightmare and you often wish there were less players on the map. Dueling in the open world is one of those features that contribute to a bad, well immature, game culture. There is nothing at all wrong with dueling itself and having a facility for people to do it is great for the game.

Having an in game chat system falls even more into that category you mentioned than dueling does. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in this game remotely compares when it comes to creating a bad “culture” and bringing out the worst in people than an open world chat system /map.

Following that are instances. Suddenly even the most likeable and personable players become elitist kittens when placed in or in front of an instance, excluding players and whining when players make even the tiniest mistakes.

Still, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t implement them, however. >_>

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


couple of guys in this thread think dueling will convert players into mindless whispering goblins that will follow you and pester you for duels all day

i cant comprehend how they think that is a valid argument really, it worries me that Arenanet might read this thread and think “hmm, they have a point, lets not add this popular feature to preserve peace and harmony”

I am in a multi-realm guild where we go to a secluded place in borderlands and organize 1v1 and 2v2 duels, its unorthodox but sadly its the only way arenanet allows us to fight our friends with our ACTUAL characters we spent so much time with. sPVp is out of the question as you cant customize your stats and do creative gear mixing, and some of us like playing with our armor skins we worked so hard to get.

(edited by aaron.7850)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raine.1394


What exactly is complicated about putting in a feature that allows two players to fight against each other?
Right click them, select duel, they are given an option to accept or decline, they accept, fight happens and fight ends.
Lord of the rings online has a dueling system. Lotro, which is a very…unique…game has this.

The problem with your right click to duel is exactly like Tosha says.

People who are not interested will be forever spammed.
Never-mind that I can just see a bunch of duelers spamming people trying to do events and not contributing at all.

Have duels in arenas- end of problem.

There is no reason for people who want duels to oppose arenas unless they of course want to run around the open world harassing other players. In which case I’d rather just not give them the opportunity.

I agree. Too many people are willing to chalk up bad behavior in games simply to human nature and don’t realize the extent to which game systems can affect game culture. Having resources and quests non-competitive, easily available group quests, being rewarded for rezzing, etc. all contribute to players wanting to see and play with others on the map. Contrast that with WoW where players of your own faction can be your worst ninja nightmare and you often wish there were less players on the map. Dueling in the open world is one of those features that contribute to a bad, well immature, game culture. There is nothing at all wrong with dueling itself and having a facility for people to do it is great for the game.

Having an in game chat system falls even more into that category you mentioned than dueling does. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in this game remotely compares when it comes to creating a bad “culture” and bringing out the worst in people than an open world chat system /map.

Following that are instances. Suddenly even the most likeable and personable players become elitist kittens when placed in or in front of an instance, excluding players and whining when players make even the tiniest mistakes.

Still, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t implement them, however. >_>

I don’t know, I’ve endured trade chat in WoW; I can’t get too exercised over map chat in GW2. Still and all, map chat is far less intrusive than a duel request that pops up in your face which you dismiss just to have it pop up again. I don’t believe the two systems are comparable in there perceived impact on one’s game experience.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: George Steel.1804

George Steel.1804

+1, dueling yes, please.

It helps develop the metagame, teach players how to play against a specific class therefore improving their play tenfold, especially with no punishment for losses.

Open world dueling would be the best case scenario. Taking advantage of the beautiful world out there, getting really scenic areas where people can gather and have a fantastic time fighting, learning and progressing together.

I can’t wait.. hope they introduce it (with the auto-block duel option, obviously)

Platinum – Guardian
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


I don’t know, I’ve endured trade chat in WoW; I can’t get too exercised over map chat in GW2. Still and all, map chat is far less intrusive than a duel request that pops up in your face which you dismiss just to have it pop up again. I don’t believe the two systems are comparable in there perceived impact on one’s game experience.

Read the thread please, most games that offer dueling gives you a toggle to decline all future duel requests. There is your intrusion problem solved, and most importantly people wont bother you or whisper you if they see the declined message.

(edited by aaron.7850)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Conner.4702


Duelling pretty much always end up in people whining classes are over or under powered and demanding a buff or nerf. Such things always end up being detrimental to other aspects of the game. So no duelling should not be added.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


What exactly is complicated about putting in a feature that allows two players to fight against each other?
Right click them, select duel, they are given an option to accept or decline, they accept, fight happens and fight ends.
Lord of the rings online has a dueling system. Lotro, which is a very…unique…game has this.

The problem with your right click to duel is exactly like Tosha says.

People who are not interested will be forever spammed.
Never-mind that I can just see a bunch of duelers spamming people trying to do events and not contributing at all.

Have duels in arenas- end of problem.

There is no reason for people who want duels to oppose arenas unless they of course want to run around the open world harassing other players. In which case I’d rather just not give them the opportunity.

I agree. Too many people are willing to chalk up bad behavior in games simply to human nature and don’t realize the extent to which game systems can affect game culture. Having resources and quests non-competitive, easily available group quests, being rewarded for rezzing, etc. all contribute to players wanting to see and play with others on the map. Contrast that with WoW where players of your own faction can be your worst ninja nightmare and you often wish there were less players on the map. Dueling in the open world is one of those features that contribute to a bad, well immature, game culture. There is nothing at all wrong with dueling itself and having a facility for people to do it is great for the game.

Having an in game chat system falls even more into that category you mentioned than dueling does. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in this game remotely compares when it comes to creating a bad “culture” and bringing out the worst in people than an open world chat system /map.

Following that are instances. Suddenly even the most likeable and personable players become elitist kittens when placed in or in front of an instance, excluding players and whining when players make even the tiniest mistakes.

Still, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t implement them, however. >_>

I don’t know, I’ve endured trade chat in WoW; I can’t get too exercised over map chat in GW2. Still and all, map chat is far less intrusive than a duel request that pops up in your face which you dismiss just to have it pop up again. I don’t believe the two systems are comparable in there perceived impact on one’s game experience.

With the addition of a toggleable “decline all duel requests” button, they would become incomparable, since there would dueling at least would have 0 impact on the person’s game experience.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Put aside a place in every city designed as an arena for the duelers to “play” only. Upon entering this area you are tagged as a duelist and can both attack and be attacked by other players. Doing this will keep the players vs environment atmosphere prevalent in the PvE open world intact and allow those that want to duel a place close by to do their thing. As a non-dueler this is a win/win for me as I wouldn’t have to ignore duel requests (although some may still send messages to that effect) or watch others in the PvE game world reverting back to the chaos that was pre-searing. The PvE aspect of this game was designed as co-operative and as such watching players duel each other should be kept separate from the main PvE game.

edit: clarity

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


Duelling pretty much always end up in people whining classes are over or under powered and demanding a buff or nerf. Such things always end up being detrimental to other aspects of the game. So no duelling should not be added.

I invite you to read the wvwvw and spvp forums, you are in for a surprise

Bottomline is, that always happens, in just about every online game there is, many people run into 1v1 encounters frequently and having the option to duel your friends, coaching them will only serve to make them better players. Whiners will wine as they always do, but now people have the option to teach or just have fun

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raine.1394


I don’t know, I’ve endured trade chat in WoW; I can’t get too exercised over map chat in GW2. Still and all, map chat is far less intrusive than a duel request that pops up in your face which you dismiss just to have it pop up again. I don’t believe the two systems are comparable in there perceived impact on one’s game experience.

Read the thread please, most games that offer dueling gives you a toggle to decline all future duel requests. There is your intrusion problem solved, and most importantly people wont bother you or whisper you if they see the declined message.

“and most importantly people wont bother you or whisper you if they see the declined message.”

Haha. This is where the human nature part that game systems shape comes in. This actually does happen in games with open world dueling and why it’s been experienced as a nuisance by some. Again, I have no problem with dueling. I have 25k+ hk’s in WoW; I’ve done a fair amount of PvP. I think dueling is valuable for any player, but would prefer that it not be part of the open world of GW2.

(I can see it now, instead of outside of Orgrimmar, we’ll all gather outside of Divinity’s Reach for the duels—yeah, don’t really want to see that be part of the open world culture.)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Still so many saying they don`t want spamming, yet it`s mroe then (I hope) obvious that Anet are likely to put a block all duels option in there.
Yes, some nabs may pester a few times, just ignore them, job`s a good `un etc.
Also, most will just move onto wanting to duel someone else.

GW2 & EVE online are the only MMOs I know of that do not have duelling in game, & guess what….


Even EVE are adding it now.

Anet, your move

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


Put aside a place in every city designed as an arena for the duelers to “play” only. Upon entering this area you are tagged as a duelist and can both attack and be attacked by other players. Doing this will keep the players vs enemies atmosphere prevalent in the PvE open world intact and allow those that want to duel a place close by to do their thing. As a non-dueler this is a win/win for me as I wouldn’t have to ignore duel requests (although some may still send messages to that effect) or watch others in the PvE game world reverting back to the chaos that was pre-searing. The PvE aspect of this game was designed as co-operative and as such watching players duel each other should be kept separate from the main PvE game.

You really are missing the point for dueling, your suggestion is no more different than playing wvwvw. We want to have control over who we duel and when we duel. I dont want to go to an area and coach my friend who is fighting someone only for them to be interrupted by 3 players joining in the fight.

And please, enough with the “people will message me”, that rarely happens if they see you have auto-decline on and if it does, politely tell them that you are not interested, why are you so afraid of social interaction?

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Actually the “point” of my message is that “I” don’t want to have “my” atmosphere ruined by “your” dueling whilst within the PvE post-searing enviroment. If you feel the need to fight others within said area then I would make a compromise to add arenas (even with compartments so that only X players could enter – with an area for spectators). But open world duels, as you have said yourself is akin to WvW and as we have that already I see no point. As for messaging, I do know how to ignore, but that was not my point at all.

(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Urthona.3198


And please, enough with the “people will message me”, that rarely happens if they see you have auto-decline on and if it does, politely tell them that you are not interested, why are you so afraid of social interaction?

Because for the most part the messages are not polite messages like “Please duel.” They are insults: at best “care bear”, but often things that I won’t even try with the profanity filter here. If you consider that a form of social interaction that is acceptable and should just be shrugged off, then no, I don’t want to encourage it or your community.

I’ll reiterate: I’m all for making 1 vs. 1 available. Just not in the open world where it would be disruptive.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


Actually the “point” of my message is that “I” don’t want to have “my” atmosphere ruined by “your” dueling whilst within the PvE post-searing enviroment. If you feel the need to fight others within said area then I would make a compromise to add arenas. But open world duels, as you have said yourself is akin to WvW and as we have that already I see no point. As for messaging, I do know how to ignore, but that was not my point at all.

Some people might say not being able to brawl ruins the atmosphere, think of the RPers, brawling is part of fantasy, movies, books. Nothing will change, you wont see Lion’s Arch filled with people fighting all over the place. The places you most often visit in PVE will most likely be the last places you will find people dueling.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Hmm why not implement an auto reply function in chat if you don’t want to be bothered for whatever reason?

As for it being in PvE area, one good reason is because I want my race to matter. I want to have my hounds of balthazar devour your flimsy golem.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


And please, enough with the “people will message me”, that rarely happens if they see you have auto-decline on and if it does, politely tell them that you are not interested, why are you so afraid of social interaction?

Because for the most part the messages are not polite messages like “Please duel.” They are insults: at best “care bear”, but often things that I won’t even try with the profanity filter here. If you consider that a form of social interaction that is acceptable and should just be shrugged off, then no, I don’t want to encourage it or your community.

I’ll reiterate: I’m all for making 1 vs. 1 available. Just not in the open world where it would be disruptive.

You are just assuming too much, again I am a member of a dueling community where we practice 1v1 and 2v2s in wvwvw, and we all act respectful to each other. You may get the occasional little troll just like you would in a pve dungeon or any other online game.
Might as well remove dungeons from the game because I had a couple of bad experiences.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Actually the “point” of my message is that “I” don’t want to have “my” atmosphere ruined by “your” dueling whilst within the PvE post-searing enviroment. If you feel the need to fight others within said area then I would make a compromise to add arenas. But open world duels, as you have said yourself is akin to WvW and as we have that already I see no point. As for messaging, I do know how to ignore, but that was not my point at all.

Some people might say not being able to brawl ruins the atmosphere, think of the RPers, brawling is part of fantasy, movies, books. Nothing will change, you wont see Lion’s Arch filled with people fighting all over the place. The places you most often visit in PVE will most likely be the last places you will find people dueling.

BUT, this contradicts the lore and story TOTALLY! The nations put aside their petty squabbles to fight the terror that is the elder dragons, so even “playful” to the death squabbles are illogical to the lore. RPers or not, if you want a game with lore that allows for this then may i suggest you find a game than more suits you. As for me I like it here.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raine.1394


And please, enough with the “people will message me”, that rarely happens if they see you have auto-decline on and if it does, politely tell them that you are not interested, why are you so afraid of social interaction?

Because for the most part the messages are not polite messages like “Please duel.” They are insults: at best “care bear”, but often things that I won’t even try with the profanity filter here. If you consider that a form of social interaction that is acceptable and should just be shrugged off, then no, I don’t want to encourage it or your community.

I’ll reiterate: I’m all for making 1 vs. 1 available. Just not in the open world where it would be disruptive.

Agreed. Think of it as modeling life. If you want to spar with other people you can go to gym or studio and knock yourselves out. I have no problem with Anet providing a comparable facility for this. However, If that challenge system were an IRL feature of the streets I walk, I probably wouldn’t want to go outside. I don’t really think it’s necessary in the open PvE world of GW2 either.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aaron.7850


Actually the “point” of my message is that “I” don’t want to have “my” atmosphere ruined by “your” dueling whilst within the PvE post-searing enviroment. If you feel the need to fight others within said area then I would make a compromise to add arenas. But open world duels, as you have said yourself is akin to WvW and as we have that already I see no point. As for messaging, I do know how to ignore, but that was not my point at all.

Some people might say not being able to brawl ruins the atmosphere, think of the RPers, brawling is part of fantasy, movies, books. Nothing will change, you wont see Lion’s Arch filled with people fighting all over the place. The places you most often visit in PVE will most likely be the last places you will find people dueling.

BUT, this contradicts the lore and story TOTALLY! The nations put aside their petty squabbles to fight the terror that is the elder dragons, so even “playful” to the death squabbles are illogical to the lore. RPers or not, if you want a game with lore that allows for this then may i suggest you find a game than more suits you. As for me I like it here.

Then explain wvwvw? sPVP? Duels will not be fights to DEATH, duels are just friendly fights until the other player reaches 1 health and submits.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


Actually the “point” of my message is that “I” don’t want to have “my” atmosphere ruined by “your” dueling whilst within the PvE post-searing enviroment. If you feel the need to fight others within said area then I would make a compromise to add arenas. But open world duels, as you have said yourself is akin to WvW and as we have that already I see no point. As for messaging, I do know how to ignore, but that was not my point at all.

Some people might say not being able to brawl ruins the atmosphere, think of the RPers, brawling is part of fantasy, movies, books. Nothing will change, you wont see Lion’s Arch filled with people fighting all over the place. The places you most often visit in PVE will most likely be the last places you will find people dueling.

BUT, this contradicts the lore and story TOTALLY! The nations put aside their petty squabbles to fight the terror that is the elder dragons, so even “playful” to the death squabbles are illogical to the lore. RPers or not, if you want a game with lore that allows for this then may i suggest you find a game than more suits you. As for me I like it here.

Then explain wvwvw? sPVP? Duels will not be fights to DEATH, duels are just friendly fights until the other player reaches 1 health and submits.

Friendly fighting is still fighting and with such a delicate balance between races as it stands now ANY altercation (even those to “mostly dead”) between races/clans etc could cause large scale civil war to erupt within Tyria. I think our problem is that I am looking at this from strictly a lore perspective whereas you are looking at it from a purely “makes sense” point of view. This will only lead us around in circles and as such we will unfortunately never agree.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raine.1394


Hmm why not implement an auto reply function in chat if you don’t want to be bothered for whatever reason?

As for it being in PvE area, one good reason is because I want my race to matter. I want to have my hounds of balthazar devour your flimsy golem.

I read it twice just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Exactly how does having your hounds devour their golem make your race matter? And you especially want this to occur in a Player vs Environment setting where Player vs. Player doesn’t occur. Could you also let me know the significance PvE holds for you such that it makes it necessitate PvP.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Hmm why not implement an auto reply function in chat if you don’t want to be bothered for whatever reason?

As for it being in PvE area, one good reason is because I want my race to matter. I want to have my hounds of balthazar devour your flimsy golem.

I read it twice just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Exactly how does having your hounds devour their golem make your race matter? And you especially want this to occur in a Player vs Environment setting where Player vs. Player doesn’t occur. Could you also let me know the significance PvE holds for you such that it makes it necessitate PvP.

Umm, because we aren’t allowed to use racial skills in sPvP, making races purely aesthetic? Let me dumb it down for you: I want to be able to use my racial skills (that which sets me apart from a Norn, Sylvari, etc other than my looks) in a duel.

*BTW that post you quoted was in response to the people who claim we don’t need a dueling system because there already is one akin to it (or at least ‘serves the same purpose’): sPvP rooms.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

(edited by Leo Paul.1659)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


Reading this thread has simply confirmed my belief that the GW2 community is just as sad as every other MMO community.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


@ Leo Paul: you really need to stop talking down to people, your view is not gospel.

I ask again, what is wrong with themed arenas in the main cities?
The fact that the PvP crowd is against it, just proves the fact that they like : a little danger" and a “little thrill”

Next step you have 80’s camping Queensdale for a little thrill.
People who beg for PvP in open world are mostly bored, with very view exceptions.
How exactly do you think this will turn out for new players?

Get over the fact that this game was designed to be co-op, no amount of name calling will change it.

Gunnar’s Hold

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

@ Leo Paul: you really need to stop talking down to people, your view is not gospel.

I ask again, what is wrong with themed arenas in the main cities?
The fact that the PvP crowd is against it, just proves the fact that they like : a little danger" and a “little thrill”

Next step you have 80’s camping Queensdale for a little thrill.
People who beg for PvP in open world are mostly bored, with very view exceptions.
How exactly do you think this will turn out for new players?

Get over the fact that this game was designed to be co-op, no amount of name calling will change it.

LOL!!!! “If I am doing this, and you are doing that, then we might be doing the same thing.”

It helps to comprehend the entirety of my point (instead of taking replies out of context). Your selective attention is demeaning. I actually suggested that allowing duels in out-of-combat areas in PvE (such as the major cities and camps, although if we want to duel underwater, we should be allowed that too) as a good option for those who dislike the idea of dueling anywhere unrestricted.

My point is that a compromise can be made. I want dueling to be available, allowing me the liberty to fight someone of another race and assume dominance as per my toon’s human supremacist role play (via exclusively racial skill skirmishes) for example. I was addressing those people who would rather not have the feature at all that hasn’t provided any valid argument yet.

It seem to me that you are confusing dueling with PK. Having the option to duel doesn’t diminish the co-op nature of the game, PK does. What cataclysmic event will an option to duel someone bring really? Unwanted whispers? OMG I declined a request for a duel and now he is going to badger me about it! The world is going to end. Let’s panic. You generalize duelists with negativity senselessly.

*ALSO, most games that have duels doesn’t end with the losing player punished with exp loss or whatever. The duel just ends with the declaration of the winner. The loser only suffers a blow to his ego as the consequence. I’m sure he’ll recover.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

(edited by Leo Paul.1659)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I tried WoW (years ago). In a span of 1 day I already grew tired of those people spamming: want to duel, want to dual… Uh, no? Maybe that’s why I turned it off?

I don’t care about that. I’m not against dueling, but I’m against dueling in the open world. Let those pirates in LA create an arena, where you can duel and/or watch a match… (so, an open-world instanced map kind of thing…)

This must be the definition of exxageration. Really? You grew tired of WoW in 1 day because of people wanting to duel you? Oh, poor you. Besides, you can only duel outside of towns in the “dueling spot” mostly. Honestly, this is ridicilous.

I never said I grew tired of WoW, I grew tired of those people spamming: want to duel. It took me a week to get tired of WoW… And I don’t know where you could duel, as I never cared for PvP of any form, only that they kept asking it in chat, in the area where I was…

Naturally, this completely depends on the community. If there is a decent community, things like this will not happen a lot, because people will respect each other and respect the choices other people make.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


@ Leo Paul: you really need to stop talking down to people, your view is not gospel.

I ask again, what is wrong with themed arenas in the main cities?
The fact that the PvP crowd is against it, just proves the fact that they like : a little danger" and a “little thrill”

Next step you have 80’s camping Queensdale for a little thrill.
People who beg for PvP in open world are mostly bored, with very view exceptions.
How exactly do you think this will turn out for new players?

Get over the fact that this game was designed to be co-op, no amount of name calling will change it.

LOL!!!! “If I am doing this, and you are doing that, then we might be doing the same thing.”

It helps to comprehend the entirety of my point (instead of taking replies out of context). Your selective attention is demeaning. I actually suggested that allowing duels in out-of-combat areas in PvE (such as the major cities and camps, although if we want to duel underwater, we should be allowed that too) as a good option for those who dislike the idea of dueling anywhere unrestricted.

My point is that a compromise can be made. I want dueling to be available, allowing me the liberty to fight someone of another race and assume dominance as per my toon’s human supremacist role play (via exclusively racial skill skirmishes) for example. I was addressing those people who would rather not have the feature at all that hasn’t provided any valid argument yet.

It seem to me that you are confusing dueling with PK. Having the option to duel doesn’t diminish the co-op nature of the game, PK does. What cataclysmic event will an option to duel someone bring really? Unwanted whispers? OMG I declined a request for a duel and now he is going to badger me about it! The world is going to end. Let’s panic. You generalize duelists with negativity senselessly.

*ALSO, most games that have duels doesn’t end with the losing player punished with exp loss or whatever. The duel just ends with the declaration of the winner. The loser only suffers a blow to his ego as the consequence. I’m sure he’ll recover.

Actually, I apologize because I picked on you for some reason when I wasn’t even replying to you- sorry about that, late night

I do think that dueling will bring an element of PK to the game.
So far the resistance to dedicated arenas indicate this to me- one poster even reasoned that the waypoint cost would be too much, that is why he wants open world PvP
I get you wanting to fight other races sure- I would like to fight other classes since my main is a Mesmer and I’m pretty sure I can take anyone 1 on 1.

I just really do not think open world PvP has a place in GW2.
Regardless of how mature many duelists are, there are just as many little trolls and they will crawl out of the woodwork just for this.

I think themed arenas in all the major cities- even with spectator option would be awesome. Kind of like the old style gladiators, with ranks etc- or not- I would support this 100%.
Just not in open world

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Honestly, if people want to PvP duel in a closed arena, I’m all for it. Go knock yourselves out. However, it’s my opinion that dueling should only be kept in said arena, not in open world. Also, if such an arena system were set up, keep dueling requests in said arena. Again, please don’t put such a thing in open world. Being blasted with PM’s and dueling requests while I’m doing map completion is not my idea of fun.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

@ Leo Paul: you really need to stop talking down to people, your view is not gospel.

I ask again, what is wrong with themed arenas in the main cities?
The fact that the PvP crowd is against it, just proves the fact that they like : a little danger" and a “little thrill”

Next step you have 80’s camping Queensdale for a little thrill.
People who beg for PvP in open world are mostly bored, with very view exceptions.
How exactly do you think this will turn out for new players?

Get over the fact that this game was designed to be co-op, no amount of name calling will change it.

LOL!!!! “If I am doing this, and you are doing that, then we might be doing the same thing.”

It helps to comprehend the entirety of my point (instead of taking replies out of context). Your selective attention is demeaning. I actually suggested that allowing duels in out-of-combat areas in PvE (such as the major cities and camps, although if we want to duel underwater, we should be allowed that too) as a good option for those who dislike the idea of dueling anywhere unrestricted.

My point is that a compromise can be made. I want dueling to be available, allowing me the liberty to fight someone of another race and assume dominance as per my toon’s human supremacist role play (via exclusively racial skill skirmishes) for example. I was addressing those people who would rather not have the feature at all that hasn’t provided any valid argument yet.

It seem to me that you are confusing dueling with PK. Having the option to duel doesn’t diminish the co-op nature of the game, PK does. What cataclysmic event will an option to duel someone bring really? Unwanted whispers? OMG I declined a request for a duel and now he is going to badger me about it! The world is going to end. Let’s panic. You generalize duelists with negativity senselessly.

*ALSO, most games that have duels doesn’t end with the losing player punished with exp loss or whatever. The duel just ends with the declaration of the winner. The loser only suffers a blow to his ego as the consequence. I’m sure he’ll recover.

Actually, I apologize because I picked on you for some reason when I wasn’t even replying to you- sorry about that, late night

I do think that dueling will bring an element of PK to the game.
So far the resistance to dedicated arenas indicate this to me- one poster even reasoned that the waypoint cost would be too much, that is why he wants open world PvP
I get you wanting to fight other races sure- I would like to fight other classes since my main is a Mesmer and I’m pretty sure I can take anyone 1 on 1.

I just really do not think open world PvP has a place in GW2.
Regardless of how mature many duelists are, there are just as many little trolls and they will crawl out of the woodwork just for this.

I think themed arenas in all the major cities- even with spectator option would be awesome. Kind of like the old style gladiators, with ranks etc- or not- I would support this 100%.
Just not in open world

Thank you for clarifying. I agree that areas that have DEs and require coop shouldn’t have the dueling feature to minimize drawing ill blood among the PVE players. As per my suggestion, dueling in designated areas such as in major cities or even in an arena is the optimal choice. I’m just tired of people saying dueling shouldn’t be a feature at all.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: peacemaker.5634


Dueling ought to be added for many of the reasons mentioned above. The block option is obviously a must as well as punishment if someone harasses another player about not accepting requests (just like any verbal abuse/spam). Regarding locations, I think it would be very unfair to isolate duels to arenas or certain areas. We all share the open world. I love people and I love working with them toward the completion of events in the world. For me, dueling encourages camaraderie, as we sharpen our skills together and better understand the playstyle of those around us. I understand that others will not want to participate in this, but the idea that the sight of it in the open world is offensive to some….that is just sillyness and selfishness. If I don’t like seeing people fight mobs in the open world, should that be taken out just because I say it should? Of course not! It’s all of our world, and it should accommodate all of us well. Another point of argument is that in previous games, I most often dueled with my party members when someone went afk and we were waiting around. This could obviously happen anywhere in the world (or in any instance/dungeon). In my mind, “adding dueling” to the game implies having that fun activity to take a few minutes up when we have minutes to spare (anywhere it happens). Sure, I’d take any kind of dueling over no kind at all, but I’d feel a little cheated.

Also, the private sPvP arenas are not a sufficient solution at all, as your sPvP gear is different. I want to duel with my regular world character just like I do in WvW (where I rarely get to fight just one person). So, when I do fight one person in WvW on my build that is made for fighting in groups, it is very difficult to learn what to do with no way of practicing other than luckily stumbling across a lonesome invader.

aNet, PLEASE add 1v1 dueling option for anywhere in the world and instances.

Jonathade [Gate of Madness]

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voradore.9043


Alright, open world dueling overall is an added feature that should be considered a good thing.

I’m sorry if your only experience with it has traumatized you for life. I’d be just as sorry if you only ate Hamburgers and someone asked you if you wanted to try Pizza. Knowing you only ever ate burgers, you reluctantly said “no”. Then this pizza fellow kept pestering you for hours and hours and you’ve never wanted to try pizza since. That being said, Pizza is good… but so are Hamburgers. Don’t blame pizza for the annoying “Pizza Fellow”.

There are a number of ways to implement Open World Duels without disturbing those who want nothing to do with it.

A) Have the Duel PM request within the UI needed to select the Duel Option. If your Duel Option is turned off, no Duel PM can be sent. Send an alert back to the one requesting, saying that, “This person does not wish to Duel.” Make sure there is a visible indication that only certain marked players who wish to be Dueled have. This could resemble the “Looking for Group” Icon. Once players see that you don’t want to be bothered with Dueling, they likely won’t ask. (Yes, players could still pm a random person, but I would imagine that over time the GW2 population would learn that only those with the “Duel Icon” have ever participated in the Duel. Also, I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed, but GW2 has cultivated a much more Mature Gaming Society than most mmos… I believe this is do to the cooperative nature of the game).

B) Designate certain “arenas” around the world for Dueling. Dueling can only be started within these arenas. Perhaps each major hub could have this “Fight Club” in it, or… perhaps only a few zones around the world have them. (I’m not a fan of this idea, because it’s limiting, and I think a Duel should be able to happen anywhere. Still, with the waypoint system.. getting to Duel Location wouldn’t be too hard.)

C) Allow Dueling to be an unlocked achievement by completing a specific quest just for Dueling. This way, players without having completed the quest, will not be able to Duel and only those with the Status Icon can actually Duel. This leaves out the possibility of asking ANYONE to Duel, unless they’ve willingly completed the “quest”. Thus mitigating the amount of Duel Spam seen by those who are not interested.(perhaps Dueling could be enabled by an item bought from the gem store…)

…These are just some ideas I came up with off the top of my head… imagine what the Devs at A-Net could come with?…

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Alright, open world dueling overall is an added feature that should be considered a good thing.

I’m sorry if your only experience with it has traumatized you for life. I’d be just as sorry if you only ate Hamburgers and someone asked you if you wanted to try Pizza. Knowing you only ever ate burgers, you reluctantly said “no”. Then this pizza fellow kept pestering you for hours and hours and you’ve never wanted to try pizza since. That being said, Pizza is good… but so are Hamburgers. Don’t blame pizza for the annoying “Pizza Fellow”.

There are a number of ways to implement Open World Duels without disturbing those who want nothing to do with it.

A) Have the Duel PM request within the UI needed to select the Duel Option. If your Duel Option is turned off, no Duel PM can be sent. Send an alert back to the one requesting, saying that, “This person does not wish to Duel.” Make sure there is a visible indication that only certain marked players who wish to be Dueled have. This could resemble the “Looking for Group” Icon. Once players see that you don’t want to be bothered with Dueling, they likely won’t ask. (Yes, players could still pm a random person, but I would imagine that over time the GW2 population would learn that only those with the “Duel Icon” have ever participated in the Duel. Also, I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed, but GW2 has cultivated a much more Mature Gaming Society than most mmos… I believe this is do to the cooperative nature of the game).

B) Designate certain “arenas” around the world for Dueling. Dueling can only be started within these arenas. Perhaps each major hub could have this “Fight Club” in it, or… perhaps only a few zones around the world have them. (I’m not a fan of this idea, because it’s limiting, and I think a Duel should be able to happen anywhere. Still, with the waypoint system.. getting to Duel Location wouldn’t be too hard.)

C) Allow Dueling to be an unlocked achievement by completing a specific quest just for Dueling. This way, players without having completed the quest, will not be able to Duel and only those with the Status Icon can actually Duel. This leaves out the possibility of asking ANYONE to Duel, unless they’ve willingly completed the “quest”. Thus mitigating the amount of Duel Spam seen by those who are not interested.(perhaps Dueling could be enabled by an item bought from the gem store…)

…These are just some ideas I came up with off the top of my head… imagine what the Devs at A-Net could come with?…

The “having to do a specific quest first” is a nice touch. When someone who wants to duel gets a reject based on that, they know its pointless to continue asking since that person CAN’T accept. Make the quest several steps and somewhat longish. If is short then people could say, just do the quest since it will only take a minute and then duel me. A duel lockout based on not having done content may address a lot of anti-duelers concerns.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeviantFox.7814


It is my opinion that it is inexcusable not to have a method of dueling. In PvP and WvW you are forced into party and raid level engagements, and seldom get the opportunity to pick apart a class 1v1 and learn the strengths and weaknesses inherent.

GW2 needs to have Dueling added immediately.

It will make the game better.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aethyl.7519


I would like such a feature to be added. Sparring would be a nice addition. It would be fitting, lore wise since after all, in a world in war, fighters will always want to test their skills against each other, and gameplay wise because it could be fun.

About all the con here, simple.

Restrict the duel requests to special area, city themed arena following the Bane exemple of the citadel, with the fighters in the center and spectators outside.

Then, no visual pollution, and no annoying requests.

Dueling in?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeviantFox.7814


Still so many saying they don`t want spamming, yet it`s mroe then (I hope) obvious that Anet are likely to put a block all duels option in there.
Yes, some nabs may pester a few times, just ignore them, job`s a good `un etc.
Also, most will just move onto wanting to duel someone else.

GW2 & EVE online are the only MMOs I know of that do not have duelling in game, & guess what….


Even EVE are adding it now.

Anet, your move

SWTOR has dueling, but it is only on planets. The end result is that the central hub has no place to duel because there is no walking off the space station. It makes the whole thing rather inaccessible, and nobody duels.