Dungeons and Me

Dungeons and Me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brassbolt.7164


Hi folks,

Fairly new GW2 player here…..I’m currently level 31 and was wondering if anyone could explain how dungeons work here in GW2?

Where are they?
What are they?
How do I access them? Is there a dungeon finder?

What ever information you can provide I’d appreciate it!

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Dungeons and Me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey Brassbolt! : ))
the wiki has some basic info you can use:

you can read up there, but essentially:

  • dungeons are instances you can enter, usually in a 5 man group (max number and recommended).
  • each dungeon has a story mode, as well as an explorable mode with multiple paths (3 paths total, save the Arah Dungeon i believe)
  • you need to have completed the story mode for any given dungeon to be able to enter exp mode —> that being said, even if you have not done story mode for a dungeon you want, but someone in your party has, you can still join exp mode. just have them trigger the dungeon instance.
  • when you complete any given path in exp mode for the first time that day, you’ll be rewarded with tokens to the corresponding dungeon, where you can go to Lion’s Arch to exchange for exotic gear, weapons and other stuff
  • you can access the very first dungeon when you hit level 30, Ascalonian Catacombs in the Charr starting area (iirc) but it’s quite tough if you’ve just hit level 30
  • dungeons usually consist of solving mini-puzzles (not really), and fighting mini-bosses and bosses – some hit hard and generally have a lot of HP!
  • thus, dungeons can be pretty unforgiving for a group that is not prepared or not communicative – remember, communication is key! whather it be letting your group know it’s your first time, and or just to plan strategy
  • in terms of finding a group, you can eithe rjoin a guild that runs dungeons or usually in Lion’s Arch or the entrance of the dungeons, call out for a group. am sur eyou’ve noticed many people going “LFG AC EXP” —> looking for group for ascalonian catacombs explorable mode". so far, this is the only way for PUGs to join up and ANet has no near future plans to implement a better LFG dungeon system (last i’ve heard)
  • there are a bunch of guides out there – check out the video guide sticky in the Dungeon section for some videos —> many of these are speed runs though for people farming dungeon tokens

this is just a bunch of random stuff off top my head. hope it helps!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
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(edited by akamon.2769)

Dungeons and Me

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dolan.3071


That pretty much summed it up. You get a message each time you unlock another dungeon (by reaching certain levels) which shows you exactly where they are. For your first dungeon experience I advise against going with a group of 80’s. As they tend to skip through everything = not fun. Oh and there’s a huge step up from story mode to explore mode (explore is 5 levels higher for requirement and the challenges are a LOT harder)

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