Easiest Profession to Level?
warrior. need 15 more characters to finish post.
Ranger and Necromancer are pretty easy and forgiving, too. Oh, and guardian, but I found that’s just not my style.
warrior and guardian are by far the easiest, probably followed by the ranger due to the pet
Guardian is definitely the easiest.
So far I have an 80 Ranger, Guardian, and Warrior. The ranger was my first 80 and was extremely easy to level. I did very little crafting with him but cleared each area I came to and found that I was consistently between 3-5 levels below the next area and could still make my way in the next area with very little problem.
Of my 6 80s, ranger was the “easiest” to level —- open-world PvE, no dungeons.
By lvl 20 you will know most of what it can do. Other classes (mesmer and elementalist, for instance) don’t begin to shine until lvl 40+.
We may need to know what you mean by easy.
Where will you play this character – PvE, sPvP, WvW, crafting?
If you mean easiest to level, and useful for endgame, warrior takes the cake. If you want easiest to level but not the most desired for endgame (minus level 50+ fractals) ranger.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not guardian in my opinion. Guardian is half a support character, so to take full advantage you should be in a group.
Warrior and ranger are the easiest to level and to play.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Ofmy 580s, guardian was easiest