Hermès Kelly – Warrior
Efficient bank space
Hermès Kelly – Warrior
Blueprints: I donated mine to my guild. You can also go to WvW and help your server by donating it to one of the commanders there. Your guild/server will thank you
I have my bank expresses on my characters and all boosters/merchants/repair kits/etc in my bank. They can pile up,but the advantage is that you are more likely to use them if you have access to them from wherever you are.
As for the crafting mats. You can use T7 items combined with lower stuff to level crafting to 500, but it is not needed. You can also do it through the rediscovering exotic recipes and making exotic weapons. I am keeping 3 stacks of dust and fragments, but given the speed they are coming in I am deleting the rest.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Don’t delete blueprints. Sell them on the TP.
Thanks for the inputs fellas! I’m a bit reluctant on deleting the Bloodstone Dusts (or maybe i’m just a hoarder) cos it might be a good use when i’m crafting Ascended stuffs. However i do think having over than 1000+ Bloodstone Dust is redundant… so i guess i’m gonna destroy them.
Hermès Kelly – Warrior
For about 5 gold, you can creat a guild and create a personal guild stash (bank) that will hold 50 items.
Cheaper than a new bank tab via gems.
Another 40 gold for upgrading to an additional 100 slot treasure trove.
At 5 gold per 100 gems, it would cost 30 gold to get an additional 30 slot bank tab. A personal guild bank is a far better value.
A personal guild bank is a great idea, but please note that you cannot deposit soulbound or account bound items into it! It’s great for hoarding extra stacks of materials like ore, cloth, jewels, etc, but useless for things like boosters and the like. If you have spare character slots, loading up a low level char with fractal boxes works well for storing all the extra account bound stuff you may rarely use.
Bite the bullet and level a craft to 450 so you can start refining the dust. 100 dust = 1 refined. It clears bank space and will level you slowly to 475 as you farm/buy other mats to eventually make ascended stuff.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
I agree, of the items the OP is quoting, none can be stored in a personal guild bank (except the blueprints). Boosters, ascended dust and fragments are all accountbound.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The REAL reason to have a Guild Bank is someplace to safely store your “savings” gold. Allows you to budget your money and eliminate the possibility of accidentally wiping out your entire life savings with a mistaken purchase in the TP (there is NO confirm dialog in the TP buy screen).
You can get the Personal Guild Bank without spending any gold if you have some extra Laurels.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
As a lot of people do, I use a bank mule. a character with decent bags that is constantly parked at a bank to play packmule.
You don’t wanna get bank storage advice from a packrat like me; all 12 Bank slots purchases, all 5 characters with all Bag slots unlocked. PLUS an additional mule character just to hold story items like the Zephyr Model that I know I’ll never use again.