Elementalist or Necromancer?

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lytro.9305


Hi everyone, I was hoping I could get help on trying to pick between the elementalist and the necromancer. I like to play all three gamemodes (pvp, pve, wvw) so I was wondering if the class is good in all three. Also how do they play, like can you describe the playstyle that is usually associated with the class. With the specializations, if you played them, which one is better, tempest or reaper? Thanks for the replies.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Captain Unusual.9163

Captain Unusual.9163

Ele is the best in all 3.

But Reaper is the most fun class in the game.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


Well let’s put it this way, ele is considered the best class for all three game modes. PvE you have amazing AoE damage and and nuke things in just a few seconds, along with stacking 25 might with proper rotations. PvP you have the cele ele build which can bunker, cleanse and put out good consistent damage while having above average sustain and mobility third only to thief’s and mesmers. And then you have WvW where you mainly are a back liner in zergs firing meteor showers and ice bow 4 at the enemy, and a roamer with the D/d.

Necromancer’s is a bit on the opposite side of the spectrum. PvE they aren’t really the best in anything that matters, and have trouble with bosses and their one shot mechanics, for me lupi is a nightmare on my necro when I do it with my friend as he can take out 3/4’s of my deathshroud with one attack, and I have no vigor. They also don’t have fire fields or smoke fields for might or stealth, and even if thy did they have only 3 blast finishers, two of which are on minions. BUT I have found I am more useful than I thought with some bosses, like the totem one in HOTW. Still figuring everything out. WvW we are back liners throwing down wells and spectral wall on the enemy frontline to force a stab check and convert their boons. For roaming, we can be a nightmare to any condi and even power builds with just all our condi transfers and weakness output, along with the fact in WvW we can generate life force easily. And in PvP, we also have a celestial build that is considered the counter to the elementalist since we can corrupt their boons about as fast as their can apply them, and an ele without boons is like a a turtle without his shell.

Also, I wouldn’t count necros out yet, go on the necro forum and take a look at the stickies BWE feedback thread there and compare it to the others, Robert even said he has plans for scepter and axe next balance patch for necromancer. And then factor in elite specs…but I’ll let you decide on that. My question to you is, do you want to play the best profession in the game now, or one of the most underpowered, but seems to be getting the most attention right now?

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


I can’t speak on the elite specs, but I can describe the classes as they feel now.

Elementalist: whenever I play this I feel like I am a combo factory. I hit all my skills, quickly, and it feels more like a dance and less like a “fire everything” engineer. Tough to master but very satisfying when you get it down. Also: squishy. you learn to avoid taking hits very quickly.

Necromancer: one long fire and forget. I am a health tank that can wade in to any situation and soak all the everything. this feels like a slow build up of power, and with one skill I can send everything fleeing in terror. you will forget what your dodge button feels like.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Ele is the best in all 3.

But Reaper is the most fun class in the game.

After watching the stream I think berserker might actually be more fun by the looks of it

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia