Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I know there’s an etiquette deal to leave a warrior’s banner alone..but what about elementalist’s weapons? I’ve seen people grab them in WvW without any complaints. And as a mesmer without many aoe options, swapping to a temporary aoe-induced weapon would just be more helpful to everyone else anyway.

What happened was during an event in the open world, an ele spawned a fiery greatsword. We were getting mobbed with a flood of monsters. After waiting a bit to see if anyone else would grab it, I picked it up and started using it.

The ele who spawned it just got mad at me…(mad enough to say something that got censored out, and whisper me after the event to tell me how rude I was) But I asked friends and guildies and they said it’s not such a big issue. I haven’t played ele enough to use those weapons, but I don’t think I’d care so much for someone to grab the extra as long as they help in the fight.

So what’s the etiquette rule here? Grab it or leave it alone?

(edited by Arikyali.5804)

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Afaik, it’s there for anyone to pick up who wants it. I know I don’t care who uses the extra that manifests. That person probably had a party member who wanted it but its not reasonable to expect that other people will know of their private agreements. You waited a bit, no one else picked it up, it’s there for the taking. The ele should have just shrugged and gone on if it didn’t work out the way s/he wanted.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: JustCurious.3457


Can’t see what they had to complain about. The skill that spawns the weapon spawns two, one for the Ele one on the floor. Unless he wanted a friend to use it or something.

Classes: Guardian, Elementalist, Warrior, Thief, Engineer, Herald

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Danikat.8537


I rarely see anyone pick them up. I normally assume the ele used the skill to get one for themselves and didn’t actually want the extra, but obviously I don’t know.

But I’d say you didn’t do anything wrong, you waited and no one else wanted it, it was just going to dissapear if you didn’t use it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Lexy.3912


I would agree with the others, I use an Ice Bow all the time and only in dungeons do I expect anyone else to make use of the extra one – usually for specific tasks like taking out gravelling burrows, etc. If after I’ve used my original spawn the extra still hasn’t been picked up I might go grab it and use it, but I rarely count on getting two uses for each cast. You may have scuppered the ele’s battle plan but you haven’t broken conjured-weapon etiquette as far as I can say.

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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


as a Guardian I always pick these up. the ice bow is my only viable ranged weapon!

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


I’m an ele.. I see the spawning weapon as free game for others! when you cast a spawn skill the caster gets one automatically, I think you just met a kitten ele.

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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Seras.5702


Don’t feel bad OP. The 2nd spawned weapon is for the ele’s allies…he gets his own.

Did the ele say you should have left it for him or for a friend or any specifics? Or just berate you for no reason?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Supasilvafoxy.1247


Ach! Arikyali, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. I’m currently playing an ele and using the ice bow. I sometimes use the spare if I need it, but rarely. If it’s on the floor it’s anybody’s imo. There are a couple of prima-donna’s that play this game – I met one that had a tantrum (was very abusive via a whisper) because I didnt rez when they were down while fighting the same mob as I was – oddly, was I was dead myself at the time. Takes all sorts – just take it with a pinch of salt and don’t worry about it.

Good luck! Have fun!

Though wrinkles don’t look pretty, thankfully they don’t hurt.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Falunel.7645


As an ele, I consider my conjures fair game for other players to use and even feel a bit flattered when I see other people picking them up. It’s better than them timing out.

In the very, very rare cases I want to use the other weapon myself, I say so politely before I summon. If it gets used anyway, eh, no big deal. That ele was simply throwing a tantrum over people not being able to read his mind.

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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Jackal.3019


When I spawn banners, I do not mind if people take them. Anything to help, right?

Isle of Janthir
Bad Acid Trip [BAT]

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

When I spawn banners, I hope someone takes them, because then they can help the group for a longer period of time. The same is true of Elementalist weapons, because it spawns one in your hand and the other on the ground specifically for people to use.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well the detail with banners is that you should not be running off with them in the middle of a battle. You SHOULD help move them along if the battle is moving around as well.

Skill 2 on Tactics, Discipline and Battle Standard also gives useful buffs.
Skill 3 gives swifteness and 5 is a blast finisher. So leaving them alone is wasting a lot of support potential.

As for conjured weapons, whoever is using them should basically plan on having someone else pick up the extra. The only case that MIGHT justify the tantrum is that there is a bug(apparently associated with on swap sigils) that will cause the ele to not receive their own copy of the conjured weapon.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maximus Delion.8719

Maximus Delion.8719

An elemental weapon serves no purpose if its just sitting there, so I always hope someone else can use my second conjured weapon. The only time I’d grumble a bit is if I’m conjuring a weapon for a specific ally, and some stranger passing by grabs it and runs off with it. Same thing with warrior banners — if someone wants to better position my banner while I’m fighting, or better yet pick it up and slam it back down for a blast finisher, that’s always appreciated. Just don’t run off with it. The asura tailor I buy those things from always price-gouges me (something about a “Bookah tax”, whatever that is…), so they ain’t cheap to replace! :-D

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Electro.4173


I’m suprised no one has mentioned it, but some Ele’s like to use the second weapon themselves after the first one runs out of charges. That is probably the case here, especially since Fiery Greatsword is an elite and thus on a long cooldown, so its not something you can throw out that often.

I grouped with an Elementalist during the Halloween dungeon who specifically asked everyone not to pick up his weapons so he could use them himself. He was considerate about it though (asked right at the beginning and did so nicely), and I doubt he would have thrown a tantrum if someone did grab one.

Regardless, I would say the Elementalist weapons are up for grabs most of the time. Most Ele’s I’ve seen don’t use the spare or only use the spare if no one else takes it (I fall into the later category personally, I’ll grab it if no one else does but if someone else takes it I’m happy to let them). There will always be a few who want them only to themselves and will get kitten if you take ‘em, but I don’t think avoiding all of them just to appease those few is nessicary.

TL:dR version… you did nothing wrong, you just ran into someone who’s a little oversensative and selfish.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: shyrith.3462


I fully expect people to pick up my weapon when I set it. If it’s for someone I’m grouped with, I will say. If it gets picked up by someone else anyway, oh well. At least it’s being used! It really annoys me when I set it and no one else uses it.

ET and proud to be!

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Don’t feel bad OP. The 2nd spawned weapon is for the ele’s allies…he gets his own.

Did the ele say you should have left it for him or for a friend or any specifics? Or just berate you for no reason?

If he did say something I didn’t see it – was paying more attention to the fight then to the chat.

He said it’s the same as taking a warrior’s banner – which from the warriors here, seem to prefer people using the banners as long as they don’t run off with it.

Ah well. I just didn’t want someone to get angry at me because I didn’t know an unwritten rule of gaming etiquette.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: marnick.4305


I don’t use them at all. My grenade kit is far superior as an AOE weapon.

They’re mostly useful to characters without exotic gear, because summoned weapons aren’t nearly as dependant on good stats.

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Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Not sure why he was mad, sounds like an idiot. I would get mad if you didn’t pick it up. I hate when I drop them and everyone ignores it or is too scared to pick it up for some reason.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Eerekai.9438


I always pick up ele weapons. Every. Single. Time. It’d be like a warrior cussing you out for standing close enough for his shout to give you a buff. It is a party-friendly ability. It is simply more beneficial for the group as a whole (be in a dungeon run or a map-specific event) for people to take advantage of beneficial situations that serve the group.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Bedstain.6735


I steal banners from warriors all the time.

Anything put on the field is free game.

Blackgate Elementalist….woohoo!
{{80 ele Soap 80 engi Flush}}

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The weapon was “his” when it was on his bar. Once he cast it on the ground, it stopped being his.

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


Not sure why he was mad, sounds like an idiot. I would get mad if you didn’t pick it up. I hate when I drop them and everyone ignores it or is too scared to pick it up for some reason.

Well its not always good for other classes to pick them up (but might be sometimes really nice too. If you are a bit squishy ranged character, well the GS might put you at more risk than its worth for instance :P, but yeah if it usefull for you at the time pick it up really

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

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Posted by: Stoneflesh.8634


I always use Ice Bows at world bosses (or cof p2), I always place the second one at someone’s feet for them to pick it up.
I actually prefer people to pick it up (insane damage, why not), but most people don’t…
Kinda bothers me actually (especially in cof), when lower damage classes people don’t pick up the free high damage :P

But fiery greatsword might be a different story, because of it’s long cooldown. Personally I don’t mind people picking it up (either I do the damage, or he does; no difference for me…), but I have to admit I like to have 2 swords instead of 1 (much more than with ice bows)

Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tranquilnelf.1258


As a long time ele player, I always expect my conjured weapon to be picked up by my allies.
You conjure it in the heat of battle, and if you are not with a group that has a predefined strategy on these , then it’s fair game

I expect a team mate to pick it up if they think it’s going to be useful to their DPS or whatever.

If I’ve finished my charges, and it’s still there, I get it asap to prevent it from expiring

On the other side: – I’ve picked up other Ele weapons quite often , without * ANY* QQ from team mates.
Basically – unless otherwise stated – it’s fair game.

Btw, as far as I know, the conjured weapon can also be picked up your foes ( in PVP ) . thus good in PVE, and tricky to use in PvP without your allies swooping in and picking it up before the enemy does


Elementalist's weapons...etiquette?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mournsorrow.5271


Honestly I’d say you shouldn’t worry much over it.

Admittedly I can understand it to degree when it comes to the FGS or LH the former due to it being an elite and the latter for the fact that it is used up quickly by ele’s that spam the auto attack and those types like to have the second one to do the same thing with. However it’ not wrong to take it unless they’ve actually asked you before hand not to.

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