Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: seraph shay.6170

seraph shay.6170

I am working on my legendary and i need elonian leather squares but do not have the discipline to craft them. Is it possible to trade the materials I have for someone to make them and then that person trade me the elonian squares? Or are they not tradable between players?

Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Elonian leather squares are tradeable. And you can, indeed, just send a trusted friend all of the needed materials, have them craft the leather square, and then have them send it back to you. You could also buy the elonian leather on the Trading Post, but it will be cheaper to craft it yourself/have someone craft it.

Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


Have you checked the trading post? from the wiki it says a sell price of abit over 10 gold each so they seem to be tradeable just like bolt of damask and deldrimore steel

Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: seraph shay.6170

seraph shay.6170

awesome thanks guys!

Elonian Leather Squares, tradable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Just be aware the spool of Elonian cord is time gated. Only one can be made each day no matter how many thick leather squares you have. I.e. If you need 50, it’ll take a single player 50 days to make. These are account bound, but the Elonian leather that is produced from them isn’t.

Some players give the mats to several friends to speed up the process.
