End Game at 80?
For me it’s same feeling as with Guild Wars 1. Started playing since release just to be bored after few months cause of no feeling of progress. Every gear is same just looking different.
PvE needs feeling of progress, clearing dungeon all over again just to look different? Ye, feels rewarding.
PvP on other hand is perfect, no resilience crap,everyone has same stats, no advantages.Perfect.
I don’t have a level 80 yet, but just try keep in mind that the game just released, I am sure priority is not end game right now for the handful that are there. Just don’t let anything turn you off to the game in general. Being an avid fan of GW1, if they keep the trend on this game, they will be very good about having “end game content” .(and not just midless dribble for something to do either) Just my 2 cents
INB4 “That is not what he asked for noob!”.. i know.. I was just saying to keep it in mind.
Sorrows Furnace — Damaskinos.7150
Super Taco Squad / The Elder Night
I actually started a new character because I’m curious about the other personal stories possibilities. People tend to forget this game isn’t to farm lvls like every other mmo. This is supose to… Play the game and have fun with it. Enjoy the story.
I never worried much about an endgame in PvE. This game is enjoyable as it is and most games I’ve played there’s nothing besides PvP after you beat the content aswell.
My only concern is how easy it was to get 80. I wouldn’t mind if it took a bit more time and if it was a bit harder to pass content. I played solo and I can’t imagine how the game is with party all the time.
The whole Game is endgame, events, meta-events, dungeons with story mode(=easy mode) & explore mode(=rock hard mode) and exploration to the max in an insanely huge world.
You’ll be busy with getting Karma for those epic lv 80 items(costing about 64.000 Karma/piece, as far as I have seen, maybe even more).
Another important thing are twinks, it will take time getting them all to 80 if you don’t rush, get them equiped.
Last but not least, the full map completion. Getting 100% map completion will take some time.
There is literally tons and tons of hours you can spend in the game and endgame is just the game itself, it shoulnd be different. The whole game is endgame & it is great as it is.
Level 80 endgame is finding out if you can actually pick up a mug in game. Because, I’ve yet to find it, and they said it would be there!
After the last few expansions of the big MMO, I’m actually not interested in a gear treadmill labeled as end game progression. It is my hope future expansions focus more on explorative content and not the latest gear with larger stats that gets acquired by running the same dungeon over and over, know what I mean?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
My level 80 endgame so far is wvwin’g… still. I love wvw and that’s why I play And trying to get my exotic gear. legendary gear might be too hard for me to contemplate. Anyway, I have all my level 80 karma gear and my exotic weapon but have a ways to go on my exotic gear. And from there the 6 piece set bonus.
edit: And you still ‘level’ after 80 and get skill points. It is my understanding that it takes hundreds of skillpoints for legendary gear. (Among doing other harder things)
(edited by Setch.2398)
My level 80 endgame thus far consists of
1) getting my face pwned in Ascalonian Catacombs Explorable (level 35+)
2) getting my face pwned in Cadaceus Manor Explorable (level 45+)
3) getting my face burnt to cinders by the Fire Elemental in Metrinca Provice (level 17)
Where is these 64k karma gear vendors?
Only ones I have seen sell garbage trash that you can get better off the TP for just above vendor price.
None of the vendors I have found in Orr and Cursed Coast zones offer anything good to wear for a DPS type ele. It’s all healing junk.
So far ive just been getting armor and stuff, and a little world vs world… I really want a dueling system and a smaller scale pvp system like maybe death matches. Feel like its not worth it to coordinate my abilities with others as much because most fights consist of 5 or more players, and its usually extremely chaotic.
Thanks for the responses, guys.
Basically what I take from all this is that there is no end-game content; that you are all doing the same things you did whilst leveling.
I was worried about this pre-launch because during one of the dev videos, the two guys were very vague about the end-game. I knew there wouldn’t be any heavy-duty raids, but come on. The reason end-game content exists is to give people a reason to hit the level cap, a carrot on a stick to keep them going.
I can PvP and WvW from level 1, and to be honest neither of those things is all that great; the PvP is inferior to the first game’s and I have yet to see any cooperation in this game whatsoever. A bunch of people loading up a screen with overblown skill effects does not make for teamwork.
Anyway guys thanks for the answers. I wish I would have known all of this before now because I would have cancelled my pre-order.
The last few games I have seen that released with little or no end-game content (TOR and TERA) are both already dead in the water. Just something to think about.
Honestly, why have you put yourself in this corner?
ArenaNet manifesto was about reinventing and making a game fun. Why does ‘End Game’ have to be where it starts?
There are many great ideas that people have posted about what you can do in game that can fulfill you for a long time. It’s only you idea that there HAS to be an ‘End Game’.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Thanks for the responses, guys.
Basically what I take from all this is that there is no end-game content; that you are all doing the same things you did whilst leveling.
I was worried about this pre-launch because during one of the dev videos, the two guys were very vague about the end-game. I knew there wouldn’t be any heavy-duty raids, but come on. The reason end-game content exists is to give people a reason to hit the level cap, a carrot on a stick to keep them going.
I can PvP and WvW from level 1, and to be honest neither of those things is all that great; the PvP is inferior to the first game’s and I have yet to see any cooperation in this game whatsoever. A bunch of people loading up a screen with overblown skill effects does not make for teamwork.
Anyway guys thanks for the answers. I wish I would have known all of this before now because I would have cancelled my pre-order.
The last few games I have seen that released with little or no end-game content (TOR and TERA) are both already dead in the water. Just something to think about.
This is not what you received as a reply.
Moreover I would really like to hear how grinding the very same raid dungeon every week for months in other games makes “Endgame Content” while having an entire continent of dynamic replayable content, including multiple path dungeons with random events, is not “Endgame Content”. I would really like someone explaining it to me…
Piken Square – EU Unofficial RP server
Tarnished Coast – US Unofficial RP server
End game hasn’t been finished yet.
Level 80 endgame is finding out if you can actually pick up a mug in game. Because, I’ve yet to find it, and they said it would be there!
omg lol I remember that. That reminds me, we haven’t seen how to interact with objects in that way even though it was advertised a while ago.
you trully bring these questions when has been like 1000 post in guru already…i would ban you, yuou arent event 80 to start with
I usually avoid forums because I am somewhat of a book writer and not many people want to read a lot lol… but I wanted to say something about this. :P
The entire game feels like end game to my friends and I. What ruins the game for a lot of people, in my opinion, is rushing to 80 and then having nothing to do. We started playing around Sep 2nd, and we have been in the norn area since starting. We decided to do all of our home cities, one by one, in order to learn, and see what there is to know about the fascinating worlds we come from.
I can honestly admit I have not had this much fun in a video game since I was a kid, and truly feel this is the game I have been waiting for. I feel the need to take it insanely slow, and I imagine I will still be in the starting areas when I hit 40 lol. I want to see all the events, meet the npcs, and drink ale with friends every night while laughing and talking about the events of the day.
I guess what I am trying to explain is that… if you order this high quality, amazing meal from a great chef, and then you walk into the kitchen 10 minutes later and you want to see the finished product, you aren’t going to be happy with it yet. Enjoy the anticipation of what is to come, savor it, let your imagination go wild with all the flavors and how wonderful of an experience it will be. Don’t let the fact that you can’t have the cake and eat it too stop you from the experience of enjoying it. It’s meant to be savored and taken slow.
I actually think end game could be something else besides grinding like everything else. I would enjoy making up an endgame where I wander the world and help people I see that are in trouble, and I am happy when I get a “thank you” and that is a nice quest reward for me. ^^ It makes things unpredictable, and you never know when you will be in the chilly icelands and see a fellow flower being beat up by a bunch of trolls. Rush in to save them and almost die yourself!! \>o</ Nyaah!!! If they say thanks then it makes me smile.
(To the flower I saved, whoever you were, thank you for the quest. My reward was an unidentified dye and your thanks. <3)
Slow down and look around at the world. It’s beautiful! I started a photo album, and have been having so much fun. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for this game, and I will patiently wait to see it, while I slowly crawl through this content with my friends.
Anyway that’s my opinion. Just have fun getting to 80. There is no carrot on a stick. There are carrots everywhere. O_O Muahahaha!
Have fun, my fellow GuildWarriors. -/
Just saying here… but imho, engame STARTS the moment you get out of the tutorial. Everything else is just a number attached to your name that means nothing when you go back to a starting zone, since you can still get xp, skill points, karma, etc.
We have to get out of this mindset that “end game” is what a game is worth buying. What other game allows you to max level your character, then go back to the starting zone and have challenging story content, and events?
It’s all in how you CHOOSE to look at it, if you ask me. I started endgame the moment I killed Issormir.
“Doing The Dailies " Weeknights at 8PM EST.
There is no fundamental difference in what you do in GW2 compared to other MMOs at max level. Instanced PvE, open-world PvE, PvP (just with different kinds of flavor and seasoning).
What is different is that there is no gear progression associated with doing that content; or rather, that the gear progression is capped at the exotic gear level.
Now gear progression has good and bad sides. It gives you an objective to work towards; on the other hand, it means that you will have to deal with fairly constant gear resets and the problem that if you took a break from gaming, you will afterwards have to re-gear your character completely. An additional problem is that gear progression makes content obsolete fairly quickly.
Some players, for the aforementioned reasons, prefer games with a gear progression. Some prefer not having to deal with the downsides. Both are fine, but they are also mutually exclusive, and you cannot please both types of players at the same time. ArenaNet can really only do one of them well, and they apparently chose to carve out their own niche rather than competing with the majority of MMOs on their own turf.
I like that level scaling makes it so I don’t feel punished for clearing an area or doing something else. I can go do WvWvW and not come back to an area that will be total faceroll upon leveling up a few times.
I’m going slowly – I’ve been playing since 3-day headstart and my highest is only lv 20-ish.
I helped take down the Fire Elemental in Metrica Province – it was a spontaneous “raid” with 20+ people.
What I’ve been saying is that this game shouldn’t necessarily be compared to “other MMOs” – it’s more like a “real” RPG like Skyrim, but with other PCs in the world.
They made it very clear that Guild Wars 2 is about 1-80 and not end game. A lot of people came here thinking that this is just gonna be a better WoW, but it’s an entirely different game. I enjoy not having to grind or farm anymore, and once I hit level 80, which will be awhile, I can’t wait to roll a new character and start all over!
Personally I adore this games way of dealing with ‘end game’.
There are other games out there when levelling and end game are two completely different concepts, and for the life of me I can’t understand why. I spend ages playing a game that is really fun, interesting, and huge just so I can go and stand in a cramped area for hours on end doing the same thing over and over… I just can’t see the carrot on the stick there!
I enjoy exploring the world, I enjoy the events, the mini puzzles and all that goes with it. The fact that this game keeps the ‘end game’ in this vein just makes so much more sense. There are zones where things are more epic more ‘end game’ but the way you play them is the same as the rest of the game. You do not get gear upgrades stats wise no, but that to me just means there is more I can do straight off. I do not have to wade through one instance time and time again just so I can wade through the next repeatedly for weeks. I can do anything and gear isn’t a barrier only what I actually fancy doing!
Some will not like the change, some will. I am one of those that definitely does.
I usually avoid forums because I am somewhat of a book writer and not many people want to read a lot lol… but I wanted to say something about this. :P
The entire game feels like end game to my friends and I. What ruins the game for a lot of people, in my opinion, is rushing to 80 and then having nothing to do. We started playing around Sep 2nd, and we have been in the norn area since starting. We decided to do all of our home cities, one by one, in order to learn, and see what there is to know about the fascinating worlds we come from.
I can honestly admit I have not had this much fun in a video game since I was a kid, and truly feel this is the game I have been waiting for.
I feel the need to take it insanely slow, and I imagine I will still be in the starting areas when I hit 40 lol. I want to see all the events, meet the npcs, and drink ale with friends every night while laughing and talking about the events of the day.
I guess what I am trying to explain is that… if you order this high quality, amazing meal from a great chef, and then you walk into the kitchen 10 minutes later and you want to see the finished product, you aren’t going to be happy with it yet. Enjoy the anticipation of what is to come, savor it, let your imagination go wild with all the flavors and how wonderful of an experience it will be. Don’t let the fact that you can’t have the cake and eat it too stop you from the experience of enjoying it. It’s meant to be savored and taken slow.
I actually think end game could be something else besides grinding like everything else. I would enjoy making up an endgame where I wander the world and help people I see that are in trouble, and I am happy when I get a “thank you” and that is a nice quest reward for me. ^^ It makes things unpredictable, and you never know when you will be in the chilly icelands and see a fellow flower being beat up by a bunch of trolls. Rush in to save them and almost die yourself!! \>o</ Nyaah!!! If they say thanks then it makes me smile.
(To the flower I saved, whoever you were, thank you for the quest.My reward was an unidentified dye and your thanks. <3)
Slow down and look around at the world.
It’s beautiful! I started a photo album, and have been having so much fun. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for this game, and I will patiently wait to see it, while I slowly crawl through this content with my friends.
Anyway that’s my opinion. Just have fun getting to 80. There is no carrot on a stick. There are carrots everywhere. O_O Muahahaha!
Have fun, my fellow GuildWarriors. -/
You should have started your own thread with this! Not posted it on someone elses! Title it ‘The entire game feels like end game’ ^^
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
I hit 80 a few days ago and since then I’ve been fairly bored. Sure, I could go get 100% map completion.. but I might aswell do the zones I haven’t done on another new character so I don’t get bored of doing the zones over and over again when I level up right?
There’s only 1 true 80 only zone, I got 100% in like 3 hours.
I could run dungeons, but the gear they give is the same as the gear sold on the Trading Post made by people with 400 in their choice of discipline..
People on here are mentioning that ‘farming dungeons for better gear’ etc is a bad thing. Really? You’re gonna end up doing the same thing.. farming events, farming dungeons for tokens.. just to buy the same item, with a different look to it.. If it had better stats AND a better look.. surely that would make much more sense?
Crafting isn’t very hard to max, just costs a bit if you don’t have the time to farm yourself.
You have to run a dungeon on explorable mode atleast 15/20 times before you can even buy 1 piece of armour to change a skin anyway..
End game is very grindy, very very grindy.
In Short : PvE needs progression. PvP is fine.
(edited by Kelnoctis.9638)
You should have started your own thread with this! Not posted it on someone elses! Title it ‘The entire game feels like end game’ ^^
I might be able to do that. Was there a rule on the forums about re-posting things you say? I don’t want to break any rules. - I would post it though if it would help some people enjoy the game a bit more.
update: —-I sent a pm to a person of importance to ask if it was ok. I will repost it when I get a reply and make sure.
(edited by Noctura.3908)
Where is these 64k karma gear vendors?
Only ones I have seen sell garbage trash that you can get better off the TP for just above vendor price.
None of the vendors I have found in Orr and Cursed Coast zones offer anything good to wear for a DPS type ele. It’s all healing junk.
you know how hard it is to get that “healing junk” on lower lvls? you can go to the cultural vendor, i as support ele that stacks quite some healing cannot get the right gear there. Also most non 80 karma vendor’s are selling dps like gear so i don’t think you have that much right to complain about that tbh. And beside of that it’s just as easy to just lvl a crafting and get your gear that way……
ps i’m lvl 73 atm so i cannot say that much about endgame yet ^^ need a few more lvls for that.
Thanks for the responses, guys.
Basically what I take from all this is that there is no end-game content; that you are all doing the same things you did whilst leveling.
I was worried about this pre-launch because during one of the dev videos, the two guys were very vague about the end-game. I knew there wouldn’t be any heavy-duty raids, but come on. The reason end-game content exists is to give people a reason to hit the level cap, a carrot on a stick to keep them going.
I can PvP and WvW from level 1, and to be honest neither of those things is all that great; the PvP is inferior to the first game’s and I have yet to see any cooperation in this game whatsoever. A bunch of people loading up a screen with overblown skill effects does not make for teamwork.
Anyway guys thanks for the answers. I wish I would have known all of this before now because I would have cancelled my pre-order.
The last few games I have seen that released with little or no end-game content (TOR and TERA) are both already dead in the water. Just something to think about.
I think you either missed the whole point of this game or you are trolling for the Pandas. Grinding your way to level cap is not how this game is supposed to be played, but hey it’s your money and time, do with it what you want.
(edited by wyrmwulf.1824)
I pity those who rushed through to level 80. GW2 is about level 1-80, not just 80.
I pity those who rushed through to level 80. GW2 is about level 1-80, not just 80.
you know the pain is sometimes i’m playing for a hour to come at the conclusion i did gained 2 lvls and i’m like, really 2 lvls in one hour that is way to fast……
I hit 80 yesterday and I got 4 exotic items my great sword shield and scepter lastly spear all 80 and my vigil set with transmutated lvl 74 gear because it looks kitten and me and my friends still need to do all the dungeons or wvwvw and farm gold for cultural armor and such. You still have many things to do at 80 it’s not the end of the world.
I usually avoid forums because I am somewhat of a book writer and not many people want to read a lot lol… but I wanted to say something about this. :P
The entire game feels like end game to my friends and I. What ruins the game for a lot of people, in my opinion, is rushing to 80 and then having nothing to do. We started playing around Sep 2nd, and we have been in the norn area since starting. We decided to do all of our home cities, one by one, in order to learn, and see what there is to know about the fascinating worlds we come from.
I can honestly admit I have not had this much fun in a video game since I was a kid, and truly feel this is the game I have been waiting for.
I feel the need to take it insanely slow, and I imagine I will still be in the starting areas when I hit 40 lol. I want to see all the events, meet the npcs, and drink ale with friends every night while laughing and talking about the events of the day.
I guess what I am trying to explain is that… if you order this high quality, amazing meal from a great chef, and then you walk into the kitchen 10 minutes later and you want to see the finished product, you aren’t going to be happy with it yet. Enjoy the anticipation of what is to come, savor it, let your imagination go wild with all the flavors and how wonderful of an experience it will be. Don’t let the fact that you can’t have the cake and eat it too stop you from the experience of enjoying it. It’s meant to be savored and taken slow.
I actually think end game could be something else besides grinding like everything else. I would enjoy making up an endgame where I wander the world and help people I see that are in trouble, and I am happy when I get a “thank you” and that is a nice quest reward for me. ^^ It makes things unpredictable, and you never know when you will be in the chilly icelands and see a fellow flower being beat up by a bunch of trolls. Rush in to save them and almost die yourself!! \>o</ Nyaah!!! If they say thanks then it makes me smile.
(To the flower I saved, whoever you were, thank you for the quest.My reward was an unidentified dye and your thanks. <3)
Slow down and look around at the world.
It’s beautiful! I started a photo album, and have been having so much fun. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for this game, and I will patiently wait to see it, while I slowly crawl through this content with my friends.
Anyway that’s my opinion. Just have fun getting to 80. There is no carrot on a stick. There are carrots everywhere. O_O Muahahaha!
Have fun, my fellow GuildWarriors. -/
beautifully put.
i know i’m turning into a fat bunny in this game.
some of the little moments in this game are pure class. i started a charr the other day and ended up doing a “ghostbuster” quest. i’m sure one of my answers to the quest-giver was actually “i ain’t afraid of no ghost.” brilliant. the little things in this game are what makes it awesome.
i think if you slow down and enjoy the map, you can see why anet said the whole game was endgame. because you’ve got your dailies for your grind, you’ve got your spvp with your pvp gear already set, you’ve got your dungeons to crawl for loot rather than levelling. you’ve got so much to do! there’s not enough hours in the day for this game. and what gets me even more is that with the trading post down, we haven’t even got to the economics of it yet!
that’s a new endgame right there!
how everyone got to 80 so quick worries me. i haven’t managed to get a toon out of its 20s. i keep wanting to reroll because i saw someone doing something that looks cool. or i just want to see more of the other races. i can’t decide! it’s like being in a candy shop.
i never move on from a map until i’ve finished it all. and even then, i think i’ve done some of those dynamic events a few more times just because they’re fun.
I’m pretty certain that most people, or everyone haven’t even scratched the surface of orr… lvl 40 here, having a lot of fun so far…
You should have started your own thread with this! Not posted it on someone elses! Title it ‘The entire game feels like end game’ ^^
I might be able to do that. Was there a rule on the forums about re-posting things you say? I don’t want to break any rules. - I would post it though if it would help some people enjoy the game a bit more.
update: —-I sent a pm to a person of importance to ask if it was ok.
I will repost it when I get a reply and make sure.
If you repost it, just do an edit to you had already posted elsewhere and the community asked you to make a new thread for it^^
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
You should have started your own thread with this! Not posted it on someone elses! Title it ‘The entire game feels like end game’ ^^
I might be able to do that. Was there a rule on the forums about re-posting things you say? I don’t want to break any rules. - I would post it though if it would help some people enjoy the game a bit more.
update: —-I sent a pm to a person of importance to ask if it was ok.
I will repost it when I get a reply and make sure.
You really should write that. Excellently written!
Rockbaby – Asura Guardian, Desolation EU :)
Rockavenger – Dwarf Paladin, Bronzebeard EU :D
If you repost it, just do an edit to you had already posted elsewhere and the community asked you to make a new thread for it^^
I spoke with a very nice person about making it a new thread.
There isn’t a place to put the post on it’s own yet.
It was suggested that, as soon as the rest of the forum topics are opened, I start one in the proper subsection because right now the forums are just for technical/bug discussion.
So I will save the post for when it has a proper place. Thank you to the people that replied <3 and I am happy you enjoyed the post.
Keep enjoying the game.
The end-game at 80 is Orr right now and going back to do the tons of stuff you missed while lvling, am at 70% map completation and missed at least 6 end-map events with the big boss between other stuff plus explorable modes
If you’ve been paying attention to the development, you will have seen that the entire game is ‘endgame’ as has been said.. and the point isn’t to ‘hit 80’, but to keep exploring. The levels simply set waypoints and mean you can’t simply go to all content at once.. they force you to follow the story and that’s it. Unless you have completely explored all maps, finished your personal story and conquered every dungeon, got all of your professions up and got all of the legendary gear items… you aren’t done. As the game has hardly been out long enough to allow you the time to do that..
you’re not done with endgame.
I don’t even want to think about endgame right now. That would mean that I had already explored the whole world with at least one toon. I want the newness to last. So I’m leveling 5 toons concurrently…more to come.
(Charter Member / Altaholics Anonymous)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
There is a lovely yellow and black picture on imgur about the carrot on a stick philosophy. I would love to link it, but it has naughty words. However, it describes my feelings beautifully, and if you really want to know how I and what seems like many people around me feel like when we play this game, go google that image and read it. You will understand the mindset of those who do not find gear progression grinds entertaining and despise the rush to 80 to hurry up and get to the end game mentality.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
on my first character, i did what i did for every other mmo and did a mad rush to get to level 80 just for the sake of having an end game character
that was in my opinion one of the biggest mistakes i ever made in gw2, now that i’m working on my second character and actually playing the game rather than grinding i’ve realized that the game was made to be PLAYED as opposed to subjecting yourself to repeating the same events and grinding to 80 as fast as possible
that’s why the game rewards exp for just about everything you do and interacting with the world, you aren’t supposed to repeat the same events over and over again for supreme exp gain
your supposed to play the game, talk with people, help others with quests, craft items, explore the world, do jumping puzzles, immerser yourself in the story, fight others in pvp, fight for your world in wvw, run around and be free all the while letting your exp bar fill up from doing ALL those things and many more that i haven’t listed
the “end game” isn’t where the game starts in gw2, the game was designed to start right in the beginning when you first step into the world and start running around and talking to people
but of course, i’m sure there’ll be people who refuse to play the game and just want to be level 80 so they could join the elite group of people who probably sit in a city waiting for more things to do while completely bypassing the stuff that was actually presented to them
TL:DR if your expecting something like wow where all the good things and epic storylines come at end game, you’ll be in for a pretty big surprise, grinding to level 80 basicly means you’re just bypassing all the content but that’s fine, you can still go back and do them as if you were that level
Ryfaul – 80 Warrior
Fluene – 80 Mesmer
(edited by Gwaiyn.4395)
End-game is such a silly term created by the raiding guilds to justify the need for more content once they hit level cap.
No there is no end-game in Guild Wars 2, because simply put the game doesn’t END. What to do when you finished the story set out before you? You create your own, you go on your own adventures. Guild Wars 2 Dynamic events system allows you to travel from event to event as you choose to help the people of Tyria when they need it.
Thwart a Centaur attack on a Seraph Outpost, rescue a Asuran researcher from Ettins, stop invading undead from overrunning sacred holy grounds.
So get out of the World of Warcraft era mentality of how MMOs should be like once you hit a given level cap. (Oh and by the way level 80 doesn’t mean the end, infinite meta-levels thereafter)
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
There is a lovely yellow and black picture on imgur about the carrot on a stick philosophy. I would love to link it, but it has naughty words. However, it describes my feelings beautifully, and if you really want to know how I and what seems like many people around me feel like when we play this game, go google that image and read it. You will understand the mindset of those who do not find gear progression grinds entertaining and despise the rush to 80 to hurry up and get to the end game mentality.
to bad i failed a googling the picturen but i think i have about a idea what you mean at the other side i already try to state already a few time some ppl just lvl naturly fast, i’m one of those ppl, like i’m playing for a hour and next thing i see is i’m 2 lvls up and and my reaction is like, i want to level slower. That is because i’m basecly always in maps for under my level and that is not a bad thing by defenition, but if you take i mind i never did 2 maps of the same level range you mabby get what i mean. Mine character is lvl 73 by now and i have to say i perfectly enjoy the game and that is just see allot of the maps i did since if i start a map i just clear it 100% however i’m also quite sure there are still dymemic event in those maps i did not see yet, but is that a bad thing, i think it’s not. That will keep them intresting if you come there agian with the same character or on a alt.
But the main point i did want to state is, not everyone who is lvl 80 is a rusher by defenition. Some people just level fast because they clearly just enjoy leveling such a way that in the end takes out to be a way that makes you level very fast. However in my oppion the main problem why that is probaly happening is proffecion since i think the exp they give is way out of proportion.
I levelled up fairly slowly because rather than go from zone 1-17, 15-25, 25-35, and so on, I went and completed zones which were way below my level, just because I liked the zone. For example at level 50 I went to the Norn starter areas and done a couple zones there, before going to the Asura area. I can see how if you progressed through the zones that were slightly higher than your current level, you would level up fairly quickly.
i hit 80 last night and i feel like ive barely touched any content at all the possibilities and amount of content you can do is still overwhelming even at 80. i plan to 100% all maps and try my hand at all the crafting. also ive only ran 3 dungeons so far and they where all great experiences.
End game is a bullkitten term used by raiders to justify wanting more content. It’s too true. Gw2 is not a pve raiding game and if you purchased it for that reason just quit now. The way I see it Anet built this game around the sort of design League of legends and dota style games use. Their endgame is the same game you played when you first started, leveling just unlocks abilities, skills, and the like to improve your chsracter’s capability to perform in the already existing environment. I’m so pleased with Anet for going this route and not turning the game into a instance grind. The grind in gw2 is playing the game itself, more games should be built around this.
Getting more levels for skillpoints for the forge, going back and collecting all the dungeon armor sets from explore mode, unlocking/finishing every zone for 100% map completion, WvW, structured, getting crafting done…there is no endgame, just ‘game’.
I should preface this post with this: I understand the game has been out for only 10 days. I’ve really disliked the endgame so far. The pvp part of this game, is excellent. Sure there are some balancing issues but aside from that its been spectacular. End game PvE is nonexistent. Arah was really poorly done in my opinion. It was not difficult, or entertaining. The Zhaitan fight was very dull. I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.
(edited by Baarak.2486)
After the last few expansions of the big MMO, I’m actually not interested in a gear treadmill labeled as end game progression. It is my hope future expansions focus more on explorative content and not the latest gear with larger stats that gets acquired by running the same dungeon over and over, know what I mean?
Gear chasing is for the birds. Crazy dragons popping up randomly is much better.
I hate all those boys in my yard.
I should preface this post with this: I understand the game has been out for only 10 days. I’ve really disliked the endgame so far. The pvp part of this game, is excellent. Sure there are some balancing issues but aside from that its been spectacular. End game PvE is nonexistent. Arah was really poorly done in my opinion. It was not difficult, or entertaining. The Zhaitan fight was very dull. I don’t understand why so many people playing this game are so quick to go after those of us who want to participate in end game PvE dungeons. Its an almost integral part of the MMO experience. As someone who wants to do both PVP and PVE this game is severely lacking in the latter area.
So you have 100% map completion then and have the explore sets from all the other dungeons? Thanks to scaling, your ‘endgame dungeons’ actually start at level 30, not 80. Sounds like plenty of content to me.